Sunday, November 13, 2022

KLSCM2022 Race Report : Personal Record Marathon and Course Review With Some Personal Thoughts

Birthday Marathon. Running without shirt and shorts - get it? ;-)

The 2022 KLSCM took place on Nov 13, 2022 which falls on my 46th birthday (today as I write this in jetlag+fatigue). I had trained for this, as part of the Ironman Langkawi 2022 which fell on Nov 5, 2022. I did not race the Ironman as had to travel for work on the same day. Biggest challenge coming back from US was to actually arrive and run this Marathon. Went through a 33hours door-to-door flight and transit and arrived home, showered and was at the race location for fear of early road closure.

Weapon of choice - Pacific and Co performance socks and the Brooks Hyperion Elite 2
If you paid attention to the photo of me and (below) you would had realized I took my wife’s HM bib. I went to the start line and was denied entry by the marshal. With less than 5mins to start, and the human crowd that has swelled at the small pen opening, it was a sprint to the car about 1km away to exchange my bib, and ran back to start from the back. Made my way past the start gantry and ran to catch up on lost time - I was down by 1km and made up the time by KM3. Found my rhythm and went on to clock a good 21km at 1:49. Was very confident of a sub-4 finish if i can just hold this pace ...

That was me with wrong HM bib. Karsten has the right one. 

Right on KM22, the body shutdown. My power, pace and HR dropped to Zone1 and no matter how hard I tried, it refused to move. I knew at that moment the planned 3:25 is now gone. @jeffooi1 caught up and imparted his Ultra race wisdom. @iron_monsta Italy race came to mind. It is now all about managing the body to finish. It was a slow painful 20km - perhaps a penance to remind me of how difficult I was to my mum growing up on my birthdays. Many more called out and say hi, really grateful.
Running pretty solidly at KM11. Thanks Victor for the capture. Will purchase it soon.

Crossed the line in my device time of 4:46:46 at KM42.46 (such coincident) and received the official chip time of 4:44:36. Officially a Personal Record on my 21st Marathon on my Birthday- I have never raced a 42 before, as all my 42s were to pace others or part of my Ironman distance. My previous PR was 5:09 in KLSCM 2019. While it is PR, I was really hoping for the 3:25; and now it remain as a dream. Nothing to blame as every race is different and I have learnt to accept the outcome for as long as I finish safely, and continue to celebrate life as we all should.
See the eyes squinting... haha thank you Seven Days! Will buy!

Sleeping on Run

Officially PR (Gun time)

Wife ran the HM and she had a lot of fun. Finishing in a good timing without pushing and even took her time to pose for many photographers along the way. She like me has little rest, and had to wait for me longer to finish my run. Spending time on birthday together has different meaning as we grow older.

I wore my fav cycling baselayer for my runs. Lightweight super breathable (as you can see borderline haram). Was geared with the @pacificandco Don’t Quit, Do It socks that can be purchased from @cyclopathcyclingsyndicate Impressive performance socks, and you know I don’t wear socks much. I had zero blisters, not even the socks usually (ugly) garter marks on the ankle and still look good pre-during and post run. Of course the @garminmalaysia #fenix7xsapphiresolar and #hrmpro worked reliably with my @strydmalaysia power pod. My only regret is that I was unable to maximise my own potential based on the predicted power zone and PacePro calculation (which coincidently gave me the same 42k timing!).
The @brooksrunningmy #hyperionelite2 ? 42km no issues. Saved me a lot of watts, made the run super plush and propelled me convincingly without the squishy feel or the tapping/snapping sound typical of any carbon plated shoes. Very blessed with these sponsors and collaborators. I hope I have represented the brands in a positive way in my amateur age group journey!

Thank you to everyone that has called out in the route. I apologise for the lesser than usual chatty response as I was on a mission and on autopilot mode. Keep showing up, till then.

Thank you @vepicture_official, SevenDay photog, @aqilruzain @afendi.othman @chemen_ammjb for the photo and videos. Will buy the non-watermarked photos later.

#Garminmalaysia #beatyesterdaymy #Strydmalaysia #runningwithpowermy #zootsportsmy #brooksrunningmy #sportsparagon #primesportsmy #cyclopathcyclingsyndicate #pacificandco #marathon #swimbikerun #motivation #Fyp #fypシ #klscm #keepshowingup #allweatherrunner 

My Mum with the medal. She was really happy.

customary mee suah for birthday signaling longevity and abundance of health and wealth

Now for the review of this 42km course
The 2022 route is a fast route due to two factors, First there is less climb with Bukit Tunku/Double Hill taken away, and secondly, It is less turning in the run when running in the city. Breaking it down:

KM0 to KM6 - a small elevation from Dataran to DBKL office (that is why Datran can be flooded). Then it is flat along Jalan Raja Laut to Chow Kit and turning into Jalan Raja Abdullah before turning into Jalan Sultan Ismail and turning left towards Pertama Complex and turning left again to Dang Wangi before heading to the cross-junction of Bukit Nenas Monorail station. Fast and downhill-like.
KM6 to KM10 - Jalan Sultan Ismail towards Shangri-La hotel and then to Jalan Bukit Bintang is your first climb. Gradual 1.5km before turning around Pavilion and running downhill towards Jalan Raja Chulan. It continue to roll down back to Jalan Sultan Ismail before turning right and heading back to the Sultan Ismail-Ampang passing MATIC.
KM10 to KM13 - this is along Jalan Ampang all the way to Jalan Jelatek turn off. Super flat and super fast. No drama. Just keep going. You got this. There are two petrol stations here, if you need ice cream, just make sure you have money. One of them open 24hours.

KM13 to KM17 - a short 300m and you are up to AKLEH. Climbs and rolling on the highway until you pass the toll plaza. You see Pintasan Saloma right over this area. Early morning and there is nothing to see. If you are lucky, you may smell food being cooked at the bottom which is Kampung Baru area.

KM17 to KM23 - this is likely your most boring part of the run as AKLEH back towards Keramat has nothing to see. Half of the road is covered by sound barrier. Caution as the climb back to Keramat is more than the climb to Saloma. It's a highway, you will gain elevation as fast as you lose it. Those that train on speed and hill has major advantage here.

KM23 to KM25 - Welcome to MRR2. Road are partially closed. So my suggestion is to run as close to the side as possible as to avoid/lessen the chances of stray cars/driver coming too close to you. While the organiser has blocks off a lane - we all know those cones will not stop a speeding out of control car, or truck. KM25 marks you entering DUKE highway. 

KM25 to KM35 - Love it or hate it, it's DUKE highway. Fast on the down and challenging on the up. However there are more down (thankfully) so you lose more elevation than gaining them. If you are still holding strongly here, you will have a cruising pace especially on those long downhill - remember when you drive on DUKE towards the Jalan Kuching toll? It's a long downhill, almost 2km from KM33 to KM35. You will next enter Jalan Kuching.

KM35 to KM37 - flat route towards Bulatan Segambut. Some small bumps but it gets over as fast as you notice it. Go straight under the roundabout towards Jalan Kuching/PWTC

KM37 to KM40 - flat route along Gombak River. You soon see the HM folks merging with you towards Bulatan Kinabalu... Expect big crowd if your FM typical timing is between 4hours to 6hours as this is where the HM with timing of 1:45 to 4hours will meet you. Crowd can be overwhelming, stay/keep to the right and continue to run

KM40-Finish Now that you survived the merger, your last mission is to run up the road above Bulatan Parlimen/Merdeka and make a U-turn about 500m to finish line. It will be your longest 500m or 2-5minutes depending on your average pace. No one say it's easy, but at least you don't need to be teased like it was looping around Jalan Raja Laut and Jalan Tar before the finishing line ;-)

The new KLSCM course is a fast course. Elevation is not significant for the total 42km distance. Based on a 3rd party software, it is estimated to be about 500m at most. 30% climb and 70% flat. There is  really only 3 significant climb, one at Jalan Sultan Ismail from Concorde to Bukit Bintang, second is up Akleh, and a a gradual climb to DUKE before peaking near the KM26 where you will see Glaxo Smithkline and Sungai Kelang on your left (that is the highest point on DUKE entering from Ulu Kelang). After that, it's pretty much rolling and flat. How did this compared to the 2019 course? Will you believe me if I tell you it is just 4% more climbs overall and 50m more elevation overall?
KLSCM2019 is 34% climb and 50m more elevation. More climbs at the end at KM36 onwards at Bukit Tunku.

Personal thoughts:
I will end today's write up with my personal thoughts. So now that you have it from my perspective in the run. I remember them all too vividly. My body may be a zombie post KM22, but my mind is sharp and I know what is going on. Some friends has asked me what I was thinking in those pre-auto and autopilot mode, this was what I went through my mind. I did not make this up, but this was my thoughts paraphrased from my memory
  • KM0 - really messed up the racing bib. How can I be so silly taking my wife's bib without checking. Now What to do, What to do... ok, run back to car, change the bib. Start from back, it is ok. no issues. Not gonna podium, just want to try to get 3:25 +- 5. 
  • KM1 - oh gosh, this is hard trying to side step and run around people without tripping them or myself. Oh Hi there, hi again, sorry, have to move, chasing time. Man on Mission. 
  • KM2.3 - The oldest Shell Station in this vicinity. Legendary. Ok, run. Stop looking. Station is closed.
  • KM4 - Hey that's Tnie and Jubaque. OK. They will be doing 3:30ish, follow, no follow, follow... ok no follow, run to the front, you will get tired, they will catch up and you can latch on. Ok. On. 
  • KM5 - 23mins. Wow. These Hyperion Elite2 is really living up it's name. HR check 150 Zone2. Power check 250W, Zone 2. Pace Check moving 4:20 average 4:24. Keep it up and 3:25 in the bag yo. Negative split yo.
  • KM6.5 - Jalan Sultan Ismail is a climb. Ignore. Ignore. Keep going. Overtake. Overtake.
  • KM7.5 - see, downhill at Pavi. Not too bad. Pick up speed. You can do it.
  • KM10 - 48mins. Gosh it's happening. Sub 4 confirm. Take gel. Take gel.
  • KM13-15 - OK. Jelatek, next is Akleh. Keep moving. Slow jog at Zone 3 power. Power up. Yes! Done. Shit. Akleh damn rolling. Oh hi! Toll Plaza KM15. Hey, Pintasan Saloma. Shit, another small bump to climb. Keep going.
  • KM17 - this is where HM goes back to finish. Marathon keep going. Damn, that is a sharp U-turn against traffic for them.
  • KM20 - 1:45, you are a rockstar stupe. 3:30 in pocket. Maybe push last 5km aim for 3:25. 
  • KM21- 1:49. CUN! Bye Akleh.
  • KM22 - when is this AKLEH ending. Why Am I slowing down. Oh, a small climb back up to the Toll plaza. Oh wait, legs, why you felt heavy? why HR dropping to Zone1. Oi, apa ini? Tnie and Jubaque overtook me... Keep up. Can't. Damn it.
  • KM23 - f@rk. This will be painful. Keep moving can still sub-4. Average dropping to 5:15. Moving pace slowing down. Push. Come on. Stupe, turning back now is 20km. Going forward also 20km. Point of no return. Keep going. Walk is an option. 4hours is not bad. Keep going. Oh hi Jeff (Ooi). Nice pink robe.
  • KM29- oh hello maam Bee Looi! Yes I am fine. (No, i am not. I want to go home)
  • KM30 - this is painful. Average now 6mins. There goes Yew Khuay pacer 4:00. No I can't keep up. Lets aim for 4:30. 
  • KM35 - collect rubber band. Don't drop. Drop no medal. No tshirt. Put on wrist. Now.
  • KM38 - damn it. count 20 steps walk, count 100 steps run. Repeat. Can still 4:35. U can run 3km in 15mins. Got time. 
  • KM40 - ok. Bye 4:30. Walk. Bye 4:35.
  • KM41 - stupid slope. run it damn it.
  • KM42 - 500m to finish. Suck it up. Run. Oh Hi RK. Hi Arif, Hi Kumbre, Hi so many people I can't remember who you are. What am I doing here. Someone? Anyone. Oh shit, Wife been waiting for me over 40mins... this is bad. 
  • KM42.46 - Stop Watch. Done. Over. 4:46 gun time. OK. PB vs 2019 5:09. Sad the 3:25 slipped. Damn it. 

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