A week has almost past since the ride to Lukut from Putrajaya. I initially wanted to join the Tadonamo Swim Simulation but i failed to register for it and do not want to add administrative burden to the good people that arranged for the swim in the Lake (at Maritime centre). Permission is imperative for us to swim in Putrajaya lake for matter of safety and also good accountability. What drew me to the ride was the chance to get out and pedal outdoor. I've been working my ass (literally) on the bike trainer and only "real feel" on the road will serve as a good indication of how much fitter I've gotten over the past 22 weeks of Ironman training.
The Riders
Before the ride |
Up till a day before, I only know that Rupert 6-pack Chen, Doc Pui San and Pretty Phui Tin will be riding to Lukut. Then I found out that Daddie Muscleman EM, Lini Superwoman Kazim and Bryan Toracay Lee will be joining in the fun. I know the ride will be a fast and furious one especially when one are known to he a King of Mountain rider and that person with 6-packs will "only" be using his old metal bike. We pushed off at about 10am and headed towards Dengkil.
Note to self : Adjust the helmet |
It was a good chance for me to test the new gears out. The Spyder Helium helmet that is superlight and airy, the Agent sunglasses that wraps the eyes area cutting out glare. If I am going to be using these for my races, best to get used to them and use it as an opportunity to review them for this local Philippine brand.
6-Pack man ahead |
Weather was good and the intention was to be exposed to the heat. However, that Sunday was starting to get hazy and visibility was not as good. The sun was partially blocked off but that was the best we could get on that day. The outing also allowed me to test the new setup drinking system where I put a bottle cage between my aero-bars instead of the aero-bottle which may spill some precious liquid (fuel) when I hit bumps on the road.
Metal cage for more secured fit |
I sent my race wheels for servicing due the day before and the ride too, present a chance for me to check the freshly serviced Durace hub and replacement ball bearings.
Speedweapon. 2007 Zipp 404. |
The group picked up speed along Lebuhraya Selatan and after about 5km, we noticed that 4 in the group has dropped off. After a check, a puncture has caused them to stop for the short repair. The tube replacement was made tricky due to a torn sidewall on the tire and two tubes were damaged by the creases that was created when the original repair were done by wrapping a RM1 (plastic) note around the tube. It was also a good lesson for most of us to learn to use the CO2 cartridge that inflate from zero to 120psi in matter of seconds. With the puncture fixed, the group blast their way towards Lukut and stopping at most major junctions to make sure everyone regroup for safety purposes.
"Don't go so fast can?" |
It has been a long while since I rode this route. Used to start at MTDC Bangi and headed to Lukut/PD via the same way. However, the route from Putrajaya was different as the route has a few steep and sharp climb upon exiting Putrajaya highway.
Trainer Legs Put On Road
Many of you know that my training are mostly on the trainer and I get little exposure on the road due to safety reasons. More so, with weekends mostly dedicated for the family, the challenge is to get out, do the ride and get home to be able to spend time with the family. Having trained on consistent cadence incorporating tempo and interval work, I was anxious to see where these monotonous training on trainer will bring me on the road.
Waiting near Bandar Enstek |
Having train in aero position has prepared me to stay in the position as long as possible. The first 40km was good as the pace was set at above 35km/h with a few sections where breakaway and attacks were done at speed exceeding 55km/h. That was when I felt the training on the trainer has paid off. However, I could not sustain the speed (>45km/h) beyond 2km and this has made me realised that to be really good, training on the trainer at 200W estimate will not be sufficient. I need to up my training.
P3. Speedmachine. Sexy. |
A quick refill at the Shell station near Pekan Sepang and we were on the way towards Lukut. It was only 18km from Sepang and it has a rolling route where some climbs will add on to the fast downhills. Always remember to use momentum and also higher cadence when you attack those hills at speed.
One for the album |
The mid-point was at Lukut and the ride took us about 3hours including stoppages. Recorded an average speed of about 31km/h and thought it was decent enough. The quick break for lunch and refill saw me having a cup of black coffee as the only other nutrition that morning (apart from a Hammer Bar as breakfast an hour before the ride).
The total value should be able to buy a brand new Ford Ranger T6 |
The thing about training on empty is that it pushes the body to scavenge any fuel it could find to power through. Having draining the body in the first 60km ride, I know the worse will be coming as the fuel starts running low. It was also an opportunity for me to see just how much and how far I could push myself only on plain water - I would then be able to recognise subtle signal to fuel when needed on race day.
The shaven head helps with aerodynamics |
With the mid-afternoon heat coming out in full force, the return ride became more challenging. As for myself, the switchover point was at KM100 where the effort to stay in aero become more difficult. I realised the setting of the cockpit could be a tad too low for longer ride comfort. It could also be myself not able to hold the position past 6hours of actual riding though I did not have much trouble doing it on the trainer. Road shock and vibration, plus the need to look out for traffic do wear you out fast.
Legs holding on well |
Hey, the girl in the van checking me out! |
The last 5km was an easy spin session for me to recover and flush the lactic acid out. As this ride is part of the whole "training" session, I need to prepare myself for the training the next (Monday) day. The slower than usual spin at 90rpm did help a lot and to wrap it up, Rupert suggested a short run. Myself, Lini, Rupert and Phui Tin ran a short 1.7km just to shake the lactic acid off. I forgot to bring my shoe (or rather on purpose so I don't run long) and ran with my Crocs.
:D |
Lini |
Ride Stats
Distance:113.82 km
Avg Speed:28.8 km/h
Max Speed:61.3 km/h
Elevation Gain:665 m
Calories:3,483 C
Week 21 Ironman Training
I am approaching the end of my 22nd week training and I realised that the mileage over the past few weeks has been erratic. This training ride rolls into Week 22 as my training (weekly) ends on Saturday and starts again on Sunday.
7:31:28 Hours committed covering 225km |
Time to up the game. Don't you think so?
Revisiting this post Stupe. Plan to ride to Lukut this Thursday