
Friday, January 27, 2012

Malaysia Social Media Award 2012 Nominees

With the Malaysia Social Media Week 2012 coming up between Feb 13 and Feb 17, 2012, and as part of the criteria after reading the rules and regulation of being one of the nominees, I am to promote the event like any other blogger does.
I posted last week about being nominated for the Upcoming Blogger of The Year award in conjunction with the Malaysia Social Media Week 2012, I have a handful of friends i know that was nominated as well in various different category. It is only fair for me to help them with the votes. After all, they are deserving in the category that they are nominated into!
Best Business Blog
In the BEST BUSINESS blog category, I have the unmistakable Ms. Anna Rina Rahim. She was a corporate marketing personal which turned her passion and hobby in Photography into a full time business. I remember her starting out about 6 years ago where she was just starting out. 6 years later, she is one of the most sought after photographer in the business (for wedding and portraits) and she still find time for some hardcore Crossfit stuff. Certainly gives a whole new meaning to girls with big (lenses and biceps, and delts) passion. Vote for her in the BEST BUSINESS blog category.
Best F&B Blog
Next on the line is the Best F&B blog. A blogger liaison person turned full time blogger about a year plus ago, with credential as the brand ambassador for the like of Samsung, Acer and even Ikea is none other than Ms. Rebecca Saw. She was the one that has given me the opportunity to earn some spare cash via sponsored blogging and i reciprocated with good quality write ups to help her with her job. Her passion for gadgets and for food especially has seen her trying and eating, apart from giving really good unbiased review of restaurants and such that many netizens used as a F&B guidance. Blogging while eating? That's WackyBecky!
Sharing the same category as Rebecca is another dear friend of mine. Everyone knows who Tuan Senang Besar was. Kharis is no stranger to the F&B scene with his passion and knowledge of where to get the best possible slice of toast with Kaya and Butter to the art of eating your steak and savouring it. TSB, a he is still fondly known has leave marks in many people that crossed his path. His untimely passing last year has made me miss him during this festive season - as i know how much he loves the cockle curry (Sambal kerang) i cater every year and save a portion for him. Truth to be told, i ate it with a lot of smile on my face, remembering how he would tell me the sambal was "Kelas"!
Vote for both these wonderful friends in the Best F&B blog category!
Best Health and Well Being blog 
Having two friends in this Best Health and Well Being blog category shows how much they are both an influence to better, healthier living and towards a more fulfilling quality life. Make no mistake that both of these former corporate executives leaving their well paying job to pursue their dream to help others change their life. Ms. Ninie Ahmad need no introduction to the yoga practitioner having conducted classes and workshop globally. She is one truly cili padi (bird eyes chili) that can contort in the most impossible way and still looking graceful while doing that.
The other blogger and lifestyle change agent is a good friend in fitness. I got to know Dailymuscle for almost 5 years now. He was an IT expert which has made the move and change from corporate life to doing what he was passionate - health and fitness. Known to be a no-nonsense Physical Trainer that walks the talk, he is highly approachable and has inspired me to reach out to inspire others (something like "train the trainer"?) DailyMuscle, or his real name Noel Maniraj, came out in the open about two years ago and put a face to He runs the Body Transformation Program that has helped changed many lives towards a healthier and sustainable living.
Vote for both of them at the Best Health and Well Being blog category. Perhaps, let try to make them both a JOINT WINNER with equal votes. It is hard to vote for just one and show favoritism, so vote BOTH!
Upcoming Blogger Of The Year
This is the category that i was nominated into. Many of you know who I am online and in-person and I would like to thank all of you for the support. I know how difficult it is to register to vote and i appreciate all the votes given! Looking at the other blogs in the category, I feel small as the others nominated could had garnered at least twice, if not four fold my daily traffic ( gets about 500 hits a day, average). I take pride with my blog update and i dedicate an hour or so every night while putting my son to sleep to write and post my thoughts and my opinions/ While not many will agree with me, I am not seeking an audience, but just a space in the world wide web to share what I know and what P do, passionately. I know I won't come close to winning, but being nominated is already a big motivation to keep writing. I thank you all in advance!

Voting closes on February 6, 2012 and online votes carries up to 80% weight to the final outcome.


  1. Hi

    I'm Benjy, I already VOTE this blog at Blogger & Sosial Media
    Awards 2012. Hope you also can support my blog benjystanis
    at 'Worst Blog' category. Thank you and have a nice day.

