Ran a 7km yesterday during the
Cyberjaya Runfest. It was a brainchild of a group of people and was launched in October 2011 - almost 5 months ago. It was to be a fun run of 7km where the participants will be taking test (online) to see which tribe they belongs to. Think of it as Rumah Sukan (sports house) back in school. Myself and wifey signed up right after the launch and it was no surprise that we end up as a team - the WhateverFool.
The race kit collection span over three days with two in Midvalley 2XU shop and the last day was in Cyberjaya itself. Things were smooth and without any glitches and the sizes of T-shirts sponsored by Brooks was fantastic. However, the size was big for Asian sizing. I had to take an S size as M or L would be too big for me nowadays.
This is also the first time i believe, that an organizer took the trouble to make four different type of design and uses four different color to give the runners some identity. I have to give a big hand to them for this!
Hi-5!!! |
The drive on race morning to Cyberjaya was smooth with little traffic around. An usual 1hour drive took only 15minutes and finding the starting point was easy. Already by then, the atmospshere was filled with music and participants walking and running about.
Everyone was busy in their tents putting on face color and warrior symbol on their face except PoweeFool. Many of them were see running and warming up ahead of the 7km run that we will have.
Except for one PowerFool that was way too power for the rest of the team. |
At 730am, the participants were ushered to the starting line, and with about 200 runners, this seems to be a small grouped run. However, the preparation and support was much better than some larger runs i have attended.
There was two water station - one with watr and the otehr with isotonic drinks available for the participants. With enough traffic police and race official around, the running route around Cyberjaya loop was enjoyable and stress-free.
With about 200 runners around and with the organizer having this for the very first time it was a super effort by them - more so when they were boardcasting and creating the hype since October 2011. The lack of participation could be because of the location (Cyberjaya ain't near) and with the race being overshadowed by a much later promoted race that happened the same day - the MultiPurpose Insurance Run (MPIR), which was also organized by a bunch of Runners in Klang Valley. This race has the potential to grow big - as the theme is to have fun and to socialize again. I for one enjoyed myself well with the company around me.
Babes alert! |
Whateveerrrr! |
The PowerFool negotiatiing to be a Whatever... |
He is apparently Ishsal's neighbour... |
You are like everywhere! |
Got to be one of the coolest building around Cyberjaya. IMPACT or International Multilateral Partnership Against Cyber Threat. |
Hadi taking it easy |
With Suren - the race director/organiser. Well done bro! |
A name to the face. Hello OP Advance Tan! |
Fantastic Father-Son combo. Well done OP! |
Kudos to Suren and his team for pulling off the first run in Cyberjaya. The place hold pretty good potential for something longer with the undulating road. Plus traffic at Cyberjaya on weekend is minimal. The organizer really went out of their way to ensure a good running experience. Nevertheless, the smaller crowd was easier to handle and the intention of a more "tight knitted" run, has been achieved.
The race yesterday was especially good for beginner runners as it allow them a stress free running experience with a manageable running distance over mixed terrain.
Point for improvement...Whatever!
There wasn't much to complain about. Actually, there was nothing to complain about. I sat here in the room, putting my son to sleep and thought about what could be improved, and to be really honest about it, nothing. The traffic control was good, the water station more than sufficient for a short 7km run, the medal was awesome (EPIC FINISH? Whatever!), the after party (i heard) was great. Perhaps the only peeve was not to serve Nasi lemak for breakfast? Simple food such as banana and a bun would be great. Maybe it is just me and my overly critical thinking on food. :P
Kudos to you runners too, for being conscious about not throwing the paper cup everywhere and place them in a stack nearby so the workers can sweep them up easily. This is a great trait i see in most Malaysian races - sadly, our neighbours down south do not have the same mentality!
Congrats too, to the two kids running the race today. Both were sub 10 years old with one as young as 5 or 6, Megan (SC Khoo's daughter) deserves a special mention! When i was their age, running 3km is an achievement!
Khoo with his princess. Obviously it's too early for her! Well done Megan! |
Yes it was fab event.... Cyberjaya was the perfect location.