It was a ride back to memory lane for me last Saturday with Bandit and Hakim. I grew up in Ulu Kelang, as many of you know and Kemensah used to be my playground. I have explored almost every trail in Kemensah and has forgotten how to get into some due to the repaid development and changes in landscape around the area. What used to be a pristine orang asli village with wooden Bailey bridges has changed into a modern modern looking landscape with pseudo-resorts coming up on the pretext of you able to picnic by the riverside. Most of us growing up in this area has played truant once, perhaps twice by taking a walk to "Jeram" or rapid in english. Back in those days, crossing the road meant only having to look left and right twice before doing so. Now, try it on the MRR2 you might end up as one of the many road kills on the road.
The ride plan was to meet up with Bandit and anyone that wants to ride into Sofea Jane waterfall. Made famous by the actress in the movie Perempuan, Isteri dan Jalang (Woman, Wife and Slut/Bitch) where there was a scene in the movie where Sofea Jane took a dip at the waterfall. Since then, the waterfall has been named after her. I have been in there once, perhaps when i was very young, which i can't recall. So, now, with almost no recollection how the trail/route would look like, it will be a mini adventure by itself.
I reached the RV point, which was where the Len Seng bus 170 used to stop - the bridge near Kampung Kemensah. That is the only widest point where the 40 seater bus used to be able to make a 3-point turn. It was a wet morning and it started to drizzle when Bandit arrived to meet up with me.
Bandit has called someone the night before to ask for direction. We were told that we should cycle into Kampung Kemensah, pass the fish pond and towards the ATV park. From the ATV park, we are to cycle about 200m and will reach the trail head on the right hand side of the road. We found the trail head pretty easy and it is actually bordering on the Ukay Perdana development. A big piece of land has been demarcated and earmarked for development by the former states government. I remember this area used to be accessible only by means of scramblers bike. Those were the 20 odd years ago before the whole Ukay Perdana and the development by that infamous developer started.From the trail head, it is a clear trail towards the waterfall. The official name for the fall is actually Air Terjun Kubang Gajah. After what seems to be like 10km (actually only 3km) of riding and pushing through a Category 3 trail climb (average of 4.4degree gradient), you will reach a fork with a marking on a tree. One should turn right down towards the waterfall and reach the site within the next 2km.
The trail is mostly rideable - i managed to ride through a major portion of it, short of ruts created by the ATVs that has made it impossible to ride through in the wet ground. My heart rate could have been running on the average 80% while i steadily climb at 8km/h average. Some part of the trail is large enough to accommodate rivers side by side while most of it are double-tracks.
Look out for the signboard - it is on the ground and take right. If you take the left trail, it will be more climbs and you will eventually linked back to the other side of Kemensah. That would be explored next when i bring a bigger machete than the 6 incher i brought along that day, in case of any unforeseen circumstances that need chopping of felled branches or small trees, which we encountered when we took the left trail for reasons only known to us. 
You be surprised to see a large waterfall with about 100feet drop when you reach the destination! I was. I almost forgotten how huge this place could be!
It was a good ride spanning close to 16km if i were to ride from Bandit's house. For me, it was a 10km quick in and out with great company. We talked about family and also about our new work. With Hakim around testing his newly acquired front shock, it completed the conversation and outing.
If you are planning to ride into Sofea Jane, it will be best to do so from the RV point i started. If you decided to hike, you can park near the ATV park and make your way in. You will not need that 3km of tarmac if you are hiking in. Good luck!
yup, been here with the ATV once. nice picnic spot.
ReplyDeletethere is a 3 way fork in the road about 500m to the waterfall. which way should i take? tqvm
ReplyDeleteHi, we are used to climbing Bukit Kembara, a community favorite hiking trail near to Ampang, where we live, but now a "developer" has grabbed the land and closed it to hiking! Arrgghhh! We are looking desperately for nice hikes and hill-climbs not far from Ampang. Any info will be much appreciated! Please write to me at Thank you!!!