
Monday, September 27, 2010

Braun Series 3 Electric Shaver

Ever since i had enough hormone to grow some facial hair, i've always wanted a cool electrical shaver. I could not afford it ever because good ones cost a lot and it could meant i might spend a whole month's allowance/pay just to get one.

For as long as i can remember, I have been using disposable razors. Those you can get for RM1 each. While i like the idea of a complete exfoliation that the razors could give, and how close a razor could give.

But at the expense of in-grown facial hair that sometimes turn ugly and cause a whole load of infection.

Whenever i googled for "best electrical shaver", it always points to Braun being the brand of choice. No doubt the best ever Braun any money can buy also meant you will spend top-notch cash to obtain. So, i looked at those that comes close second and they are Phillips.

Last Saturday, i went to an electrical supply shop and looked at these electrical shavers. having RM300 as my max budget (yay! i can finally afford to buy one!) i started looking at those from Phillips. They all fall nicely within the budget if i go for the more average ones. RM275 gets me a decent one with two circular head. I was eye-ing the top notch one which unfortunately will cost me RM799 to get.

Then, the sales person asked if i am looking for a shaver. She was quick to tell me that Braun has sales and is offering up to 50% off from selected model.

I was still not convinced as i know even with "sales", it will still be out of my budget.

"But sir, it starts from RM265", She said.

I tried hard not to appear like some cheapskate and went over to see the Braun.

Was : RM530.
Now : RM265.

I then asked the differences and i must give it to the sales person that has no facial hair telling me the differences on how to use each shaver.

I was sold on the Braun (and not helping that it was actually wet and dry application as well)

And for the second day today, i have nick free, ingrown hair free and cut free shaving. Braun Series 3-340 is as good, if not better than the mid-range Phillips!
It comes with a casing and cable to charge the NiMH battery. Each charging of 60minutes provide a 40minutes of cordless operation. It also comes with a clipper that trims/shape those goatees or mustouch or sideburns. The sales person went as far as saying "trim armpit hair". But enough said, the last application does not apply as i am clean shaven there too (so i could shave off 2 second on that swim???)

This is not a sponsored review and i proudly paid for an electrical shaver which i have always planned to buy since i was 17!

1 comment:

  1. Tuan,
    China man like us need to shave ke?
    I like you hairy..
