
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Project 365 : Day 76 of 365

This photo technically does not qualify to be today's photo as it was taken close to 6 months ago. I had wanted to post this before as my "through my eyes" edition, but never got around doing it. Today, i want to talk about support. At work, in particular. Today was a sad day. One of my friend at work was removed from a project he was doing. Really, many times it is not anyone's fault. I just believe circumstances and design on what happened, plus the build up sort of caused the whole thing to go sour. I have no direct linking to what he does and all i could do is to lend some support and make light of the moment. It's time for me to go home now, as my biggest supporter is waiting at home, with a bad tummy.
Tools:D90+501.8. ISO200. F3.2. 1/200


  1. Miss you heaps! Good to see the wifey is running with you too. Did you do BIM? I haven't been reading. POOP! But I started blogging again! haha >_<

  2. I am Gilbert Chee from Rotaract club of Taylor’s University College.

    Currently, we are organizing a charity event, and we hope that you could help us post our event flyer as well as a short description on your blog.

    I’m sorry to post this on your chatterbox as i couldn’t find your email address.

    Please do drop me a email if you are interested in knowing more of the details.

    Thank you

    Gilbert Chee

  3. Ed - heya! Welcome back! What's BIM? :)? and your blog...yeap...welcome back, again!

    Gilbert - please email me at opstupe at gmail dot com. I will see what i can do for you and your cause.
