
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What I've Been Up To

SCKLM is about 4 days away and most of you has been training hard to ensure personal best timing. Rewind about 8 weeks ago, i first helped to create a 8 weeks program to run your first 10km. I do not know how many actually subscribed to my training routine that I've shaped.
Work has been pretty busy lately for me and add that with a lot of family activities happening, training was a challenge for me and wifey, time wise. We've changed the runs to early morning as evening would not be good considering my mum is helping out with my two rascals at home. Waking up in the morning after a long day at work too, is a challenge. But i believe, so far, things has been pretty rewarding in terms of me and wifey seeking our own physical limits to work out together.
Just yesterday, we decided to take a run from TTDI to Royal Selangor Club (RSC) Kiara and back. The route has minimal traffic and the road buffer is great.
The total distance was only about 6km but it certainly felt further than that. It got to be the terrain.
I also took the opportunity to take the new Nano Gen5 that wifey bought for me for father's day. This thingy comes with LCD larger than my old digital camera or my Sony Ericsson handphone. It takes videos too and has radio function, which is really cool.
Yeap. This the one i have. Metallic blue. it comes with many other features i doubt i will even use. But i was surprised to find a pedometer build in.
It even have a build in speaker and that meant, you can annoy the hell out of the person running next to you by blasting some lame songs while you are running.

Yesterday's run too, was important for me to test and ensure that wifey is ready, or almost ready for this Sunday's task. I would say she is quite ready. The last 2km of the run, well, enough said as she bolted in front of me and i never did see her until about 5minutes later...or a good 600m at our running pace.

I also made some adjustment to her shoe lacing system - wifey has her left feet broader than her right, and this has caused her to feel numb and pain. A little research some time ago and here is the lacing system in place.
How this work is that instead of the usual rabbit ears at the top of the shoe, the system will tie the shoelaces diagonally. Look at the photo carefully and you will know what i meant. it helped her eliminate the pain, but not the numbness. She said numbness is more bearable compared to the pain.

On the work front, i am sure some of you recall me saying that i might be moving forward, career wise. Today , i received yet another news that i might be seconded to another business line within the company. The decision will apparently, when it is offered, mine to accept or deny. But the mere fact that they know who i am, and what i am capable of, goes a long way for me in the near future.

Just like racing and training, i will not say NO when the opportunity present itself. When will it happen? I do not know, but i have to prepare myself.

On another front, my Project365 is going really well. I only hope i can keep the momentum going and the only way for that is for you, my dearest readers, to chip in comments and inspire me more to continue to inspire you in return!

Yeah, i know. I talk a lot of craps. But that is how you like me anyway ;-)


  1. I am looking forward for the picture of the day everyday when I get on the the net. So, keep it up. :)

    I got the same iPod like yours. Load up with podrunner to accompany me this sunday HM.

  2. SCKhoo - thank you bro. See you Sunday if we bump into each other.
