
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What God Made, Human Must Not Divide

Here is a good photo of me and wifey dashing to the finishing line in her first 21km run. Thanks to Tey, this was immortalised forever in digital form.

Pretty cool for us to run to the finish hand in hand and very nicely photographed by Tey too.

The official photographer, too, managed to snap photo of us running to the finish line, but because theirs are PROFIT driven, myself and wifey was cut into two photographs. In short, they separated us...

Each photo will cost us S$34.90 and it is so badly cropped it's unbelievable.

Badly cropped i said? Why?

For one, it is very obvious that my photo was taken from a bigger photo where they also cut off some people on my right and wifey on the left. Also, all the rules on sports photography wasn't followed and not only i got my head chopped off, i got my lower limbs cut off too.

Then the photo where wifey is...i am not sure if the main focus is the handsome man in front, or wifey behind...That too, was again, cropped off from a bigger photo and i presume someone on her left get his own photo (for S$34.90!!!)

What makes a good sports photograph you asked? To start with look again at Tey's photo, which i got for free (and i will so buy Tey dinner, in fact, i owe him so many meals i think he can rely on me for months!)..or you can look at what has.

or even how me, as a semi-amateur photog could capture:

So, really, am i to buy the photos from the official photogs? Nah...for such shoddy half past six work...i will stick to my own camera, Tey or!


  1. Well said my friend. Also very nice pic of you and your wifey

    Mine will be Siemens run :P will be doing 10KM with my fiancee

  2. Andrew - well done!

    See you in Siemens!

  3. SGD???????????? What the??????? what a freaking rip off!

  4. Tey for TEH WIN!

  5. Iszo - yeap...WTFSTFUKNNCCCB.

  6. Hi Stupe, are you an OP from RMC? I am OP Chia, E-COY'97. I am currently located in JB. Very glad to come across your blog and discover your passion for Run Swim and Bike. :)

  7. Hi OP Chia. Yes, i am an OP just like you. 93 Bravo. There is a lot of OP in JB if you do not know it yet. you SBR-ing too?

  8. I really intend to SBR and hopefully to complete a TRI one day. I do run marathons, but i consider myself a novice as i started running only in 2008, hehehe... But my real interest is TRI.
    Where are you based?

  9. Chia - good to know. PD Tri is in two weeks. Signed up?

  10. No, not yet. I don't even have a proper bike man.. :)
    Can i email you in private? I have so many things to ask you, if you dont mind of course...

  11. opstupe at gmail dot com sir!
