I never did had enough training this year on the run up to Ironman 2010 and i am not going to give excuse to myself for not being able to complete this RM500 entrance fee race.
I believe my iron level in my blood is almost back to normal but i am still far from my pre-iron crisis. Am supposed to be about 15mg/l or optimum 17mg/l. It dropped to 7mg/l about four months back and i sure hope it is coming back up again.

Jason was unsure about Broga. I told him "if not now, then when?".
For myself am also not sure. No one attempt Broga without proper training. My best timing for the ride was 5:00 with AJ and Julie. That felt like eons ago.
For this ride, i expected to take about 6hours - and i am ready for the pain and humilation.
Jason and myself started off from Batu 18 Hulu Langat while the rest of the guys and girls started from the more macho Batu 14. By taking Batu 14, they will ride up Bukit Hantu - a treacherous climb that will even have a manual 1.5liter car to downshift to second gear to climb at some stretch.
Batu 18 to Tekala was uneventful - infact myself and Jason felt like sleeping.
That ended as soon as the peleton headed by Elaine "Energizer" Wong, Adly "General Ice" and one more individual zipping past at break neck speed. That is suffice to say, the only 3 seconds myself and Jason saw them for the rest of the day.
Then, the rest of the gang - most i have not met before, or met but was never introduced came by.
We instantly woke up. Either we crank it up or be left behind.

Hot and Heavy coming from behind
From Tekala, it was a good 1hour ride to Broga.
It was that fast as the chaps hammered through about 35km/h. I tried sticking to the peleton, but obviously i wasn't able to.

The chaps stopped for an hour of breakfast. Loading anything they could possibly order from the kopitiam around the corner. It was also in anticipation of the climb at Lenggeng, then Bukit Tangga and finally back to Peras from Klawang.

From there on..Lenggeng. The words for the day to Jason as he approach the Lenggeng from me:
"There will be a slope down before the climb, power up and let the momentum brings you half way over".
Guess what.
There wasn't any slope down.
"C1Bai, what slope what momentum???!!!" Jason shouted.
From there, it was a long climb up and over Lenggeng...with saliva dripping out from my mouth, literally before i reach the top.
Adeline was waiting with a smile, and i dismounted and lied down to recover.
We roll on towards Bukit Tangga and at KM65, i had a blow out on the rear tire. I somehow knew it will happen. Mac and Jason was with me and it took me less than 8 minutes to fix it. No pumps required and since i have found the wonder of C02 (Or carbon dioxide) gas canister...i never turned back.

Mine is the same as above but in black. There are cheap canister that cost RM8/16gram
Up Bukit Tangga and Jason stopped for a nice cooling off.

Even on a hot hot day...you can see Jason shivering as he poured ice cold mountain water over his head

While Mac steadily ride his way up, no problems!
I was extremely pleased with Bukit Tangga climb. The last i did it, i was calling wifey and was bitching to her how much i hated this sports and how much i wanted to give up.
I guess PAIN is PLEASURE for me.
Top of Bukit Tangga, Adeline and Lionel was patiently waiting for us all.

Under the shade, no less
While Jason's message was clear - JUST DO IT.

KNNCCB, Stay at home see Astro and sleep in aircond better la!

Onwards to Klawang from there for the compulsory rest and refill at the Petronas station before heading back to starting point.
From Klawang, it is about 42km back to the T-Junction. It promises to be a slow painful ride for me.
Sun was burning right above at 1.30pm and strong headwind, while inviting, had you pedal the extra effort to move ahead.
To be very frank, the reverse Peras isn't that hard. What really made it hard is because people riding this route were either tired or had pushed too hard at the begining of the ride, which at the end make them bong-ed out. I was extra careful and took my time to pace. Something i have learnt from experience.

The face said it all
And the shower took the blues away...

The ride came to an end when we reached the top of Peras. The faster chaps were all waiting. THANK YOU GUYS (and Adeline and Debbie)

The ride down the 9km from the top of Peras was God-send. The final 10km ride from the T-junction back to KM18 was a warm down oh-i-am-so-glad-this-is-ending ride.
140km was done in 6:30.
Could had been better (like the 5:00) but no complains here.
I re-conquered Broga.
Thank you all that came for the ride, it certainly made me feel good. See you all next ride - and sorry i did not catch all your name in the midst of my huffing, puffing and struggling!
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