Firstly, i must apologise as this post would not have as many photos as i wanted my race report to be, bearing in mind that THIS is the FIRST Race report that ever came in after IronMan in February (SCKLM not counted as that is not a race report, it was a complain entry).
So, here goes.
For the past 3 years, i have stopped staying overnight at the race venue if the race is nearby or within a 3 hours driving. The motivation is to save cost and to be able to spend a little more time at home with the family.
As much as i would want to bring Wifey, Ryan and Nadia along, it was no longer practical as the kids are growing up and are nothing but a handful. I would need to consider wifey having to run after two very active kids should she come along.
So that is my first reason for most of you not seeing them on the race day, like they usually do.
Secondly, it was cost consideration. PD to be frank has nothing that interest me except maybe the yearly triathlon. They have taken off Melaka as a race venue, so that again, nothing loss there as A Formosa is as interesting as the backlane of One Utama.
So, i drove up on race day. This year, i left a bit early and reached PDGCC where Bandit and family were staying. I reached PD at 6am, fresh.
I was at race site by 6.30am for body marking and as luck would have it, it started to rain. I kept my gears close to me as i hate to have my shoes wet before the race start. I know for a fact the sun will come out and it will not rain - well, not this year at least.
Familiar faces beacons the transition area. There were estimated 600 racers, both OD and Sprint distance that signed up (and paid) for this race. So, the numbers of OD racers looked more like 400, at most.
A good number i reckon.
With Friends and Racers
With Le TuangAbove pics, thanks to IronManIsh+BabeZabSwim 1.5KM - Something differentPD swim has always been pleasant. No drama kind and one would be able to post their PB on swim in PD with a Marina that cover the swimmer from current and waves. In short, it is almost swimming pool calm.
This year, it was rough. The first 500m and last 500m you would be exposed to the undercurrent and waves.
I struggled on the swim. My PB in PD for swim was about 26 mins. Average would be 32mins. Yesterday, it took me 44 minutes.
44 freaking minutes i would has swam Desaru 2km!
I came out of the water dazed. When i saw familiar faces coming out from the water, i knew it wasn't me, but the sea condition. Looks like there will be a lot of issues for some people recording their PB timing.
Dazed.Confused.Want to throw up. Thank you Xterra-ian Kash for the pic
Happy to be alive. TQ Zab!I ran to transition and took a bit of time to clear my head as the effect of the waves was still throwing me while i was on firm land!
Target time : 40 minutes (first time i swam after Kapas-Marang). Actual : 44 minutes. (whoa....might as well just float)
Bike 40KMOrdu back in action. I wanted to sell her after IronMan as i couldn't bear to see her not being used and hung in the store. A machine like that deserves to be ridden hard and fast and the current owner (moi) are nothing but an overweight has-been.
Nevertheless, i've told myself that i will push hard.
As i went into aero position, Emma TBB, which started the race 5 minutes later than me, overtook me with ease while i was hammering at 35km/h. I tried to play catch up. But the only thing i caught was the sweat flying off her butt. I dropped off after a short drafting.
The biking course was predictable and i've done this course every year for the past 5 years at least. Nothing changed, except that the military shooting range has an official entry point and the rubbish dump was cleared and no more foul smell or dirty rubbish laden road.
I was averaging 29.5km/h the first 20km and intended to maintain the average. I pushed myself to go hard and fast on the decline and spin on the incline. Almost paid off handsomely until i realise i had blisters forming.
The timing chip that was given by Uncle Chan ate into my ankle. I was distracted and keep trying to shift the hard velcro. A mistake i shouldn't had even attempted to do.
The last 15km was spent ignoring the burning sensation on my left ankle. It is a wonder what the mind could do.
However, damage was done and i lost precious time.
Target Time : 1: 15. Actual : 1:25.
Maybe i am just slow.
Darn timing chip velcro strapPic above courtesy of Marathoner KashHaving just post a so-so 40km timing, i moved slowly to the rack. Most bikes are already back at transition and i know i must be darn slow if i see 75% back from cycling.
Run 10KMI have a pair of Nike LunarGlide+ with me. Fresh and new and only used for a short 2.7km run. As usual, i have this thing for using new shoe for races; of some i paid for dearly - Pearl Izumi Kenyir Tri - 2 months nursing blisters.
Taking off the straps was such a happy thing. I could almost feel a relief. If i leave it any longer, i think the velcro would had eaten into my flesh and i would have a permanent RFID device on my ankle.
I slide on the socks and strap the chip back. Set the Ipod and ran. As with every BRICK, the first 1km will be less than pleasant. Slowly, i picked up my pace from a slow 6:30 and managed a decent 6:00 throughout the rest of the run. It was no drama and straight to the point. Go out to PD town until Avilion, U turn and come back.
The most pleasant suprise was when i saw Puzi and Karo manning an ILLEGAL WATER STATION. They did put a disclaimer that they are serving TAP water. But the wonderful thing is that the table has Rambutans, Langsat, Sirap Ros and a hose to shower you down.
WooHOO!The above got me smiling the rest of the run. Seriously.
Maybe it is just smoke and noise as i was really tired alreadyPics thanks to IronMan KamDuring the running course, i saw Jabir, Bandit and TSB on their maiden full OD tri. My hats off to them for attempting it. Infact, i know they will finish it no matter what it takes.
With the new expanded friends from Facebook and even another running group, i can't help but to say hi to a lot of people along the way.
Target time:62mins. Actual : 62mins.
I am really racing based on experience and knowledge of what my body could deliver. I pushed myself yesterday but i guess that is the best i could give.
FinishingThose carpets all bundled up along the finishing line is a hazard, i almost trip and fall head over heel as i entered the finishing. It would not be a pretty sight to see that i am sure.
I was so slow as when i entered the finishing line, everyone just seems to be waiting for me.
"get over it you slow bugger!", i think they are secretly saying that.
I crossed the line in a slow 3hours 15 minutes. 15 mins off my targeted time.
Was i happy?
Yes i am. With no training, it would be foolish to expect a PB at any race. Infact, targeting 3hours was almost achieve-able IF the swim wasn't as choppy.
But as with every race i entered, i learn new things.
Yesterday, i've learnt humility. One must be able to live up to their own expectation. I've done my best. That much i know. And i did not regret it a bit.
Ipod acting up as it started playing Mariah Touch My Body as i run to finishThank You Ironman Kam