Not only i managed to secure a job that help pays the bills, i managed to add M-Dot to my name.
But of course, the biggest single event for 2008 was the birth of Nadia.
The second biggest event was when i was given an oppurtunity to "prove" myself at work. Needless to say, i managed it pretty well and i'm very happy with the outcome.
Play Hard. Work Hard. Everything will fall into place.
I'm not gonna write some grandma stories here now, as i was told one of my "less off" to do is talking too much (meaning i am supposed to talk less - go straight to the point).
So, 2008, thank you and good bye.
2009, please bring along with you lotsa good stuff for everyone and i hope all of you reading this entry will be blessed with great health, good luck and most importantly, more money to ride the economic uncertainties.
From all of us at home,

Happy New Year!
It is nice to know about it this is useful information