Saturday was kinder as i get to spent the morning cycling from Shazly's place to Putrajaya/KLIA toll and back. Total of 87km no less.
Average speed : 26km/h
Total time spend : 3:15
Distance: 87km.
We started at 5.30am and zoomed our way on the empty road towards Putrajaya.

The usual suspect was there. Shazly, Mervyn, Kam, Upiq, Julie, AJ, Ishsal, 2 OTAI from Gedebe group, Bandit and new comer Jabir.
While the others need no mention, special standing ovation goes to Jabir. He completed his longest ever bike ride with this bunch of mindless crazies. Not that we are going that fast, but this is only his official 1st month doing all these things (as in Swim Bike Run).
The journey there was great. I average a cool 31km/h the first 40km to the end of the highway.

Ishsal getting into trouble

the IronMan sticker on my helmet is now part of the whole structure
AJ was super fast. Infact he was a good 30 minutes ahead of the group. With minimal stop and only having water that we bring, it was great to see how everyone helped each other to fuel and pull through.

Catch me, i know you both can!
The return journey was more or less more nonchalant. This highway are famous for strong headwind and crosswind. Somehow, on the return, i only managed a slow 25km/h mostly.
And right on the dot of 2:30 of cycling, i BONG-ed.
"wei...ok ah?", Shazly asked, as i slowed down considerably.
"Bong", I answered.
I slept at 2am that morning. Woke up at 4.30am. Skipped breakfast. Did not drink water.
Lesson learnt. Wait, i've been through this. This is not LESSON LEARNT. This is just simply being defiant. It borders on being stupid. I risked putting myself to get a less quality workout by doing so.
But i pushed on. Keeping in my mind why i was there for.
It wasn't for the food stop (if any).
It wasn't just to socialise with friends.
It was to freaking train for IronMan 2009.
I pushed and it got considerably better after we reached Kampung Pandan as i manage to keep up the pace from then on.
Final climb up the hill to Shazly's house are always a killer.
But i love hills.
The last i climbed that hill, i had cramps all over and i was just stradling the bike.
I pedalled all the way up, stopping only once to make sure Shazly is ok. It was at the very same spot my body cried for mercy last year.
All in all. It was a good ride. I can safely says that i've finally conquered the DEVIL (ie Ordu...if you guys and girls remember me calling that bike as such). Not only i managed to average 31km/h on those undulating roller coaster highway to Putrajaya Toll, i managed to climb the hill at Shazly's (and also Genting Peres - with ease) without struggling any more than i should.

Devil tamed?
Next on the training list is to EAT and HYDRATE as i should during training AND races!

Bring it on!
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