I usually reacts a certain way if i see certain names that send emails to my office inbox (which usually meant i'm in trouble, or i am in bigger trouble).
This is the first email

Details blurred out to ensure confidentiality
Here is the close up

My first reaction was :
I have to spend my birthday this year away from my family??? Where can?
At that point, i was contemplating not to go, no matter what.
But i thought it might be a good chance for me to be exposed to the larger more global colleagues that i can only dream of meeting.
And it might be my chance to shine. Afterall, there is 13 offices in this Middle East Asia region and i'm the only one chosen. Stroke of luck, perhaps.
I told wifey first thing and of course i would had expected her to come along as well, pending approval from my management (and the price of air ticket for her...)
Then, the second surprise came when i got an email from the MD for the region.

Again, blurred portion to maintain confidentiality
Here, don't squint your eyes:

Best thing is that the email was also Cc-ed to the upper upper management.
What i did correctly was that this particularly hard to please client (unsolicitedly) given some kind words, which completely took me by surprise and was noticed by my office upper management.
Well, i might just be nominated for the recognition award (i came close to it last quarter, but because i am not supposed to be working on that project due to my current commitment to the current client, it is almost taboo for my name to appear in work involving that other client - in short, conflict of interest la - and to think i almost had to cancel the Ipoh Century Ride that very same morning when the phone rang at 2am...) and i might not win the award, but it's good enough as i am finally noticed in this company that has almost 25K people working in, globally.
The hard work is starting to pay off, but it's a long way to go before anything more solid (in terms of remunerations and promotions) to take place.
But for now, life goes on. Work goes on. And i'm still in office taking care of certain issues - at the expense of training and family time just to be recognised as per above.
Worth it?
Maybe. Just Maybe.
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