We used the recipe from Betty Yew's Cornflakes Crunchies but we modified it to our liking.

We added chocolate chips, walnut bits and even raisins, to add to the variety. We made almost 40 pieces of the cookies.

Did it smell like Famous Amos?
Yes, Almost. If we were making chocolate cookies, it will be the same (the smell of chocolate permeating the air...)

Even Nadia (and her imaginary teeth) approve of it!

The same can't be said about her brother though...

We had the cookies for lunch, but of course, that is hardly enough for me or wifey. Wifey went off to work in the shop and came back with a pack of really nice rojak. Now, it's hard to find good rojak, but the one she gotten that day was good.
The sauce was thick and not too spicy and it has all it needs to be called a proper rojak. I've went through so many rojaks in the past and non of them qualified to be called a proper one. There are always the missing piece of tofu, or the lack of cucur udang and most of it doesn't even have that coconut cake! Where can?

Wifey then told me she wants to eat mee goreng...but since indomee is hard to find (and expensive) and mee sedap leaves a funny after taste in the mouth (maybe too much MSG?), i improvised by preparing a plate of mee goreng using a pack of Mamee Chicken Soup Noodle.
I used the flavouring as the...well, flavouring and used the sweet soya sauce to blacken it. I subsitute the oil with olive oil and wifey's special order called for 2 fried eggs with runny yolk...

with a dash of REAL bawang goreng on top, no less
I'm getting hungry just writing this now.
On Sunday, my date with Jabir (RMC Old Boy and Rugby player extraordinaire) starts at 6am and the modus operani of the day was to get him to run more than he ever did (after RMC, that is).
The menu was 10km run, double hill. If he completes it, it will be him running 300% more that his usual running distance.
We started the route at Bukit Aman and ran towards KL Mosque, u turned there and proceed to double hill.

Looking Good at 8km @ Bukit Tunku
As we turned up the double hill, i know for a fact that we will clock more than 10km, maybe 12.
But this chap, being one of the fittest chap in our Rugby team, showed why he was the captain for the team for years.
His initial aim was to complete his first 10km in 80 minutes. I know for a fact he will and can achieve that.
Yeap! He outdid himself and finished 12.6km in 80 minutes! That is a cool 26% more distance for the time he set himself to do for 10km!
Well done Jabir!
As for me, this is a great push start again for my training to IronMan 2009. With minimal training and insufficient mileage, i would be really glad to finish the race within 15hours, like how i did this year.
Don't wait up for me and don't look behind, i will be coming after you during IM09!
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