My plan was to run from home towards TTDI, cut into Pencala Link, turn to Mutiara Damansara, follow the road to the former Sony HQ, Run along main road back home.
Distance should be circa 12km i supposed.
The run went well. Infact i was averaging a 5:19 pace for 2.5km when i stepped on uneven drain culvert cover and took a fall, rolling along the road next to 1 Utama besides the flyover.
Cars stopping at the traffic light and people getting down from buses to get to 1Utama to work witnessed the fall.
I picked myself up faster than the fall itself (it is true, when we fall, everything was in slow motion - i actually had time to turn my palm in and braced the fall with my knuckle, as i was holding the ipod on my right hand) and continued running across the road towards TTDI.
it wasn't until 2km later near the hidden trees at the T junction of TTDI to Pencala Link that i stopped and accessed the damages on my shin.
Not too bad la. Just bruised on the knee and shin. Minor bruises on left palm and right knuckles.

Later that night...doesn't look that bad anymore
Blood wasn't trickling down but sort of dried up on the surface. Salt from the sweat gave endless eye opening and teeth clenching run for the next 8km.
The adrenalin wore off after i turned into TTDI and every step i took was painful, but as they say, the show must go on.
Needless to say, i managed to finish the 11.5km in 1:14...pretty ok time, considering my ego was bruised.
Or was it because i was just too embarassed and running faster was the only solution?
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