Some people are borned to be marked man. Like Anwar for example. People are taking aim at his rear end like it's the the most priceless comodity in Malaysia. He fits nicely into the Yong Sui category.
Some people are made to be marked man because of their wealth. Those people most probably live in fear that their dogs will be dognapped or made into stew by some foreign workers as well.
But some people, like me, are just plain average joes which are marked for all the wrong reason.
And today, i found out that i am marked by an ex-colleague, which told another colleague to tell me to "watch out, i will mess with him before i leave" kinda thing.
You know what?
That chap don't know who he is dealing with.
I am a totally wrong person to mess with, in every sense.
Right or not?
But if this posting sounded arrogant, that just goes to show why i am Yong Sui. :P

Haiya! Why la mess with my Husband?
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