Broke his collarbones. He was attended by our dearest Doc Hisyam at Serdang Hospital. one ENT specialist that deals with bones as well? Just goes to show how versatile Doc "Alleycat" Hisyam is.
Azmar shoe slipped from the pedal. Only reason i could think of is that the cleat dislodged from the shoe.
I feel bad for him. He will miss Desaru because of this and will recover in time to pick up the training for IM09 again.
Get well soonest Azmar. Gonna miss you on the races and rides!
I've been fighting to tame the Ordu. I know, i've only ridden him/her like 2 times - PD Tri and Putrajaya 67km. That goes to show how lack of a training i've been subjecting myself to.
On Saturday morning, while half the world is in Penang for Malakoff's 26km run and the other half were on their way to PD, i decided to take Ordu for a quick spin.
Time is a luxury nowadays. With Ryan moving towards the "teribble two" period of his life, and with Nadia constantly wanting attention, every hour i could muster up to train, i have to do it, whether i did get enough sleep or otherwise.
So, at 7.30am Saturday, while the world (at home) is still serene and not yet topsy turvy yet, i went for a spin.
Went from home to Sri Damansara and then U turn back and turn off at Penchala towards Hartamas and U turn back, turn back to Sri Damansara and then back home.

That is a good 42km.
And i did it in 70 minutes flat. Average was 33km/h and top speed on flat was 53km/h. It took me 77minutes to cover that pathetic 40km in PD. Still not acceptable!
I made minor adjustment to the aerobar. Made the extension shorter by shoving it into the holder by a good 3/4 inches and making sure that it is anatomically better. I am trying to get used to the bullhorns as it is starting to make my wrist twist in an uncomfy position that it aches.

HED Delta

Between Pain & Pleasure
Now, the thing is, i know i looked fast...and i know i feel fast, question is, am i fast?
I certainly not in PD. But Arif highlighted that it was a long run from the beach to T1, which most probably took all of the 7~10 minutes i had, which i claimed had lost to bad cycling. But is that just an excuse for the injured ego?

All the blings and no glory
Looking back, at least my PD timing is sub 3 hours. Something i should be proud off. Furthermore, i was running with 2 blister wound the size of a 5 sen on my achilles. Can anyone claim to still be able to achieve that timing with those cycling shoes and running shoes rubbing against those wounds for 40KM + 10km???

Perhaps the Ordu could?
Anyway, 5 days to Desaru and i am hoping that the biking legs will be a-ok and the blisters will be 90% heal...because come what may, if i have to bleed and cause the leg to go gangrene later, i want to d a better timing that i did last year!
I am now 78kg fat. A few friends are sniggering that my man-boobs are back.
Time to work on those diet now. Azmar, get well really soon.
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