I attended my last EXCO meeting in my capacity as the OPA committee member. I've served and i am letting others to continue with the responsibility? Will i miss it? Yes. Definately.
Later the same evening, i had to go for a company function. My GM was promoted to VP and he feels that it's everyone's hardwork, so, a celebration get together followed. I brought wifey along, knowing very well that it might be her last day being able to go out before Nadia's birth.
As the venue for the function is near Nike's HQ, i was told to go and collect some stuffs for seeding. Without hesistating, i went.
Courtesy of Nike Malaysia, i have with me one unit of SportsBand... it's Nike+ without the iPod. It's a watch that fashion after those wristband and unlike just any watch, it could tell me my PACE, DISTANCE, KCAL BURNED and TIME ELAPSED. How cool is that?

And what is cooler?
It is ONLY RM229! WAY BELOW owning an individual Nano and purchasing the SportsKit.

The unit consist of 3 things : The Wristband, the Main Unit and the Transmitter.
THe wristband is made of rubber with one piece of metal stud (with the brand name, no less) that will hold the unit on your wrist. It is one size fits all. Unless your last name is Banner and you have the tendency to turn GREEN, then it will fits you like a glove.

All one need to do is to download a software (to sync the unit with the nike+ website) and they are ready to go. It is also highly reccomended that one calibrate the unit for higher accuracy.
I will post a separate entry for this once i get the chance to run.
Oh ya, a potential con? This unit does not have a backlight...making it impossible to use it in low light condition (like running with me at ungodly hours).
I've also recieved a NikeFit spinning shorts (read : cycling shorts - Spinning is actually a trademarked term for those RPM classes, which is also tm-ed). I will get to try it Sunday when i ride with the guys and girls.
Saturday 14th June
We had to go to Dr. Raman in the morning. Wifey due for the check up to ensure that everything is fine and hopefully, there is nothing of any concerns.
We checked into Dr. Raman and saw Damien and wifey. Congrats to you bro!
Our turn came much later and Dr. Raman checked and scanned wifey.
Then there were silence.
"Aileen, you are delivering on Monday. Water level is low", Dr Raman said.
That triggered some panic. We weren't expecting her to come out that soon.
Pardon me for saying, but i had WORK all in my mind! I was already thinking about what emails to send out. Who to send out. What to delegate.
I worries too much.
I immediately sms-ed my colleagues and bosses. A solo sms followed to the client.
The rest of the Saturday, however, wasn't spent drafting out the work delegation, but it was for the apartment we used to stay in for rental!
Went over and cleaned up the place we once called home. I gave it a through mopping and ensure that all items needed are there.
Then i went over to Edwin's shop and picked up helmets. Giro Advantage 2 TT helmet - in Tune Money colour!


Speed Weapondry
Then, later in the late evening, sister in law brought over her magical vacumm cleaner - that vacumm that could suck the life out of those bed bugs and mites. Got to prep the cot for Nadia!
And before retiring, i went into the storeroom, looked at my Dream and can't believe it is still inside the Box i made for IronMan. I then pumped the tires of other bike and called it a night.
Sunday 15th June
6.00am and had my bike loaded on the roof rack.
Drove 40km to Hulu Langat Batu 18 to meet up with the rest of the usual gang for a ride up Peres.

5 minutes into ride and blazing at 36km/h
I love Peres.
Peres is my steroid.
The group this time around was big. Tengku Zafrul, the CEO of Tune Money was riding with us that morning. Bernard Chandran (Dato')(or as how Chief Kutu would call him DBC), designer extraordinaire, was in his sleek Super Light Soloist.
The ride up Peres was predictable. Hard. You can do Peres every week and it still give you the pump in the thigh. The moment you think going up Peres is easy, try going up on large chainring. The moment the big chainring becomes easy, try pushing up with the 52-17 gearing. If you managed that, you are well on the way up at 25km/h.
My hats off to Tengku Zafrul and DBC for making it up Peres as if it was their regular Sunday ride.

What's more. The ride was to commemorate Father's Day! We had great fun, especially on the final 10km where we did some speed work. Everyone was in the peloton and was going at 35-45km/h.
The same day too, i tested the NikeFit spinning shorts...and i tell you, despite my initial worry that i will get chaffing with the overly padded shorts (the inside has like 2 layers of sponges, place/arranged in some funky shape as per pic below)

double layered at some part
I've not cycled since A Formosa (Which i did only in my trunks) and i was expecting the worse when i wore this shorts. I forgot to lube it up with petroleum jelly as i was rushing out.
But somehow, either my ass' skin has grown so thick that it has it's own build in chamois, or that this shorts proved to be more function that look (you know how some items are more look that anything else, eh?) I did not have any chaffing despite the high cadence of that 40km distance.


The thighs also has anti-slip rubber on the leg loop. Great to prevent the thighs from riding up during those hard cranking on super speed cadence.
If you can find this short, buy it. It's worth it. For general size reference, i wore an L and i have a 34 inch waist. Unless you are Josiah Ng with a 34 inch thighs...an L will suit anyone around my size just fine.
I got home at about 11am and then did some final rounds of errands with Wifey and MIL.
Went to Tesco to get Ryan's milk (i wished Bandit is still with Nestle, then milk won't look that expensive) and a pack of 10kg rice (RM44!!???) and headed to Amcorp mall to change some Tupperware.
Wifey then bought me 2 cupcakes.

And aptly wished me Happy Father's Day.
We then went to have a late lunch(buy one free one type la) and then i went back to office to work - and did not go back until 9pm.
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