We've been shifting things over since last Thursday and finally moved in on Sunday. With minimal stuff left in the old place.

Entering new house ritual...crossing over fire to cleanse oneself
The new place is as cosy as the old one, only bigger, in my opinion.
The new place is also technically nearer to work...i can walk to work and save on petrol!
I will upload some pictures once i got the time to do so.
Meanwhile on the Nadia's front, she was a good 1.3kg at 28 weeks, and just today, at 30th weeks, she grown to 2.1kg! That explained the uncomfy feeling that wifey has! Comparatively, When Ryan was 28th weeks, he was only 1kg and at 30 weeks, he was 1.6kg! How Nadia grow so fast and so much did worries us, but Doc says it's ok and the only thing he needs to check is wifey's sugar level.
I promise to upload some house pics by May Day, meanwhile, i'm going out to get a copy of Personal Money magazine as someone says my face is in there!
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