The new job has been a spin. Here is a quick round up of where i've been missing.
Week 1 : Monday was in the office, then Tuesday to Thursday was sent to a refinery in PD for Groundwater Monitoring Exercise (GME). Friday back to office only to be told that i will be taking the first flight to Penang on Monday.

at PD Refinery with Basic PPE or Personal Protective Equipments
Week 2 : Monday Penang, Tuesday was sent to Melaka for a NIOSH safety induction course with colleagues. Wednesday to Thursday was in office for sessions of Permit To Work (PTW) courses to work in one of the Oil and Gas Refinery in Terengganu.The course comes complete with assesments and test. I passed. Friday was Merdeka holiday, which i was more than thankful for. That was of course, before the Boss told me i will be heading to Lahat and Kampung Gajah next week.
Week 3: I was tasked to go with my colleague, Albert to Lahat in Ipoh for a Enviromental Site Assessment (ESA) exercise. Albert is from Phillipines and taught me a few things or two when it comes to work. I'm green hat what.I was in Ipoh on Monday till wednesday, then from Wednesday till Saturday in Kampung Gajah. If you have to ask me where Kampung Gajah is, then, don't worry, i do not know either. I had to buy a map of Perak to find out.
Week 4: Monday and Tuesday in office was spent organising and reading up on the next week's work. Brunei for ESA and GME. After that, i paired up with Albert again on Wednesday till Friday, this time, to Sitiawan to conduct a ESA and back to Lahat and Kg.Gajah for GME. So, it was Sitiawan on Wednesday and Thursday, then right after that, we drove up to Ipoh for the Lahat work and the next day, drove down to kg Gajah to finish off the GME and back in office by 5pm...and managed to get some work done before heading to Brunei next week.

At the 72 years old station in Sitiawan

Ground water...ground water!!!
Week 5: Hardly 2 days of rest, i found myself taking the last flight out of LCCT to Miri. Lets face it, i'm from Ulu Kelang and i stood up to it's name when i saw immigration counter at Miri Airport. The ULU me took out my passport....hahahahahahaha! and the rest as they say, is history.

Ulu Stupe
I will be here in Miri, travelling daily to Seria in Brunei for ESA and GME with another colleague, not sure when i can get back and it's only the second day and i'm missing my kid and wife already. I think i wasn't away from them since Explorace. Loads of adjusting.
I'm staying in the old Holiday Inn, which is now called Everly Hotel. The room is not bad, sea facing and huge and it has a king size bed, JUST like home...minus wifey and Ryan of course. :(

The room

The View

The Sunset
And here is some pics from work. The site i'm in in Brunei is basically a secondary jungle. So, expect snake, bees, creepy crawlies and loads of mozzies. Thank goodness i'm an ex RMC boy.

This time in bright yellow coveralls, only BND22, it will cost RM250 in KL!
Don't laugh at the green hat, i had to wear it as it's the policy of the OGT here, that new comer to the site need to hat.

These mean men is from Flores, Nice chaps and damn hardworking
From the pics above, you get the rough idea how my work condition is like. I have to collect soil sample and this hole was dug up to 5meters deep. Thanks to these guys in green hat. They aren't new, they just wear the green hat because they have no budget to buy new ones.

This is my senior, he has been here for the past 2 months, and he is fasting, salute!"
Oh ya, i got my second cheque from Advertlets and i'm one of the winner for the RM50 Sticker contest. :) Thank You Advertlets, for being my Cash Cow, really! :) Now more funds are going in to the Stupe's IronMan dream challenge. :)
So, there you go, updates of what's happening in my life for the past 1 month. rest assured, i still managed to squeeze in some time for swim and run. Biking on hold for now, it's too troublesome to lug around the bike, but running gears are simple and light! My only time to trian for run and all is only during the weekend, lets see if i could manage to run from the Hotel to middle of nowhere in Miri this weekend!
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