Couldn't resist it as she say the cake is easy peasy to make and i wanted to celebrate my job offer with something not usually done.
The Ingredient:
250g cold unsalted butter, chopped
150g dark chocolate, chopped
440g (2 cups) caster sugar
250ml (1 cup) hot water
80ml (1/3 cup) whisky
1 tablespoon instant coffee powder
225g (1½ cups) plain flour
35g (¼ cup) self-raising flour
25g (¼ cup) cocoa powder
2 eggs, lightly beaten
The Method:
Grease 23cm square slab pan, line base with baking paper. Combine butter, chocolate, sugar, water, whisky and coffee powder in medium pan; stir over low heat until chocolate is melted. Transfer mixture to large bowl; cool. Stir in sifted flours and cocoa, then eggs; pour mixture into prepared pan.
Bake at 160°C for 1¼ hours. Stand cake 30 minutes; turn onto wire rack to cool. Serve dusted with sifted icing sugar.
I have a convection microwave at home given to us by my sister in law. I have most of the items above, with exception of dark chocolate, caster sugar, self raising flour and cocoa powder.
So, i quickly rushed to Taman Tun Market after my afternoon swim (what better excuse to indulge, more so after exercise) and got the stuff.
No dark chocolate, so i substitute with cooking chocolate(RM4.00 for 500 grams). Bought the cocoa powder (RM4.20 for 500grams), unsalted butter(Anchor - RM3.48) and self raising flour (RM2.20/KG).
Along the way, i bought 2 packs of bread flour and 1kg of black raisins. Supply at home running out, to date, we've made more than 35 loaves (last was just this Monday).
Went home, decided to save cost and just use normal sugar as a subsitute for caster sugar.
Boiled the water, put in the stuff, let it cool, put in flour and cocoa butter and eggs, stir until the flour sort of blends into the liquid.
Set the Microwave to 160 degree C and to 1hour 15minutes.

At this point, i was praying it will turn out as it should.
Wifey came back and was surprised that i'm baking a cake for her.
we took Ryan and Cousin to the pool for a swim while the cake was baking. Secretly hoping that it will turn out as it should (keeping finger crossed).
Then, we got back from the pool an hour later and this is how it looked like after i turn it over and let it cool on the rack. Poured some chocolate syrup on top to cover some cracks on the cake...

I let the cake sit for an hour before wifey cut it...and here is how it looked like...

The taste? Well, just lets say that my mum and wife is impressed!
But i bet Babe Jie's Mud Cake looked and taste more delicious!

Babe Jie
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