With Elvis' Hound Dog blasting in my ears as i was running the Kiara hill loop, my mind kept doing calculation if and how could i break the 30km barrier in one run. If 20km is deemed to be a medium long distance and anything above 30km is consider long distance, i thought it would be nice to take revenge of Saturday's very leisure ride to PD.
The, it dawned to me, that wifey will frown if i come back too late. Not because of anything but safety. I started the run at 4.30pm, after the afternoon fortnightly meeting and going by the convention that my run rarely exceed the 10km/h average speed, the 30km will take me more or less 3 hours and 30 minutes.
Yes, So much so that Shazly says i run fast. if only he knows it takes me almost 2hours 21minutes to cover 21km.
Infact, i can't run fast and with Desaru and IronMan around the corner, i got my best excuse not to train for fast run but for endurance run; which consistency (speed) will play a pivotal role.
By the time i complete my first 10km, i've decided that i will just do a 24km run. it was already about 5.30pm and if i were to continue and go ahead with the 29km++ plan, i would had reached home past 7.30pm, which, by that time, it gets dark and monsters would come out and catch naughty kids.
And just as that decision was made...the song "i can see clearly now" came playing. I almost burst out in laughter but i know doing so would most probably gives the uncle infront of me a heart attack.

24km route
So, the planned route would be Home-pencala-ttdi-kiara-ttdi-pencala-gym-pencala-home, a good 17km+7km run away.
I covered the first 10km circa 1:10. I've also found out that if i were to run Kiara Hill in a counter clockwise direction, it would require me to run up longer stretch of hills as compared to be running clockwise which has less hills to climb and saving grace was the last final huge climb up to the cross road. No wodner it took me only 10minutes to run a loop if i were to go clockwise and 12minutes to do it counter clockwise!
I did something different yesterday, i ran with a pouch and brought along a 500ml bottle of 100plus. I told myself to make it a point to stay hydrated no matter what, and if that means i have to drink the water coming down from the hill, so be it. But as luck would had it, i managed to rationed the water and only refilled at the Gym.
"coming, or going?", the front desk asked me, as i usually run to the gym to continue my work out.
"refilling", i said.
She must had been confused as i left as soon as i came in after filling up the bottle at the water cooler.
By then, i've clocked a slow 1:58 for 17km (which incidently equals my first 17km attempt on the same route). I know i've done much better before, but pushing for a sub 1:48 would meant i will suffer on the last 7km back home.
Telling myself that i was properly fed the night before at Shirleen's wedding reception at Le Meridien and telling myself that i need to burn off the excess calorie i consumed, i actually skipped lunch yesterday and have every intention to make yesterday's run as slow and as painfully boring as possible.
Thank goodness for the shuffle playing my usual Grease, Elvis, Engelbert songs.
I sort of picked up the pace after 18km of running. Pushing myself slightly as it was already close to 7pm by then. So, indeed, it was a good choice to stick to the 24km run and not a 29km run as per planned. I downed the 100plus at the water cooler and filled it up with 500ml of water. Got to be safe, i do not want to urinate blood again!
I passed the 21km mark in 2:21, which is pretty acceptable since i had no intention of creating a PB for any distance yesterday.
By then, i took out the extra water i have and started drinking it. Tiredness must had set in. But i maintained the pace and i managed to reach home in 2:41:36, which was actually a 2 mins improvement from the first 24km attempt!
Here is the run stats

Distance: 24km
Time: 2:41:36
Ave HR: 144bpm
Max HR: 167bpm
Kcal: 3105
1st min : 166-148
2nd min: 148-125
3rd min: 125-121
4th min: 121-110
5th min: 110-110
And no, i did not urinate blood this time around. Nor did i have any pain, but i was dead hungry!!! I've managed to burned off the wedding dinner! WooHoo!
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