The weekend started as early as Friday for some and for the most of us, the first thin on the itinery was the Annual General Meeting.
This year, the AGM was conducted at Shangri-La after a 2 years hiatus from this usual haunt of ours.
A new OPA President was elected and he is Tan Sri Razali Abdul Rahman, the Chairman of Peremba Group.
Also elected was 5 new EXCO members to replace those that will end their services with OPA, for the time being, in their capacity as EXCO (I'm saying this because we are taught to SERVE TO LEAD, but not being EXCO doesn't meant they are not going to SERVE or LEAD)
To the new 5 EXCO members, a big warm welcome!
I have one more year in my tenure as an EXCO member, looking back, i've been in the OPA EXCO for the past 3 years, as a term is dictated to be 2 years, an EXCO can serves a maximum of 3 terms. I think it's time for me to relinquish my post next year to concentrate on other things in life. So, to the OPs that is waiting to Lead and Serve, there will be one position open next year!
The night dinner started at about 6pm at Shangri-La. There were 110 tables all snapped up. Entertainment for the night was done by OPs themselves, with help from family members and also the present boys. Also involved, as per every year are the Okestra Tentera Darat. I tell you, they are all a talented bunch.

The boys and bag pipers walking the VIPs in

Asfani serenading the crowds

The Boys
Also at the dinner were two lovely TKC girl. Wegra and her mum!

Thank you ladies!
The OP of the year for 2006 was OP Zainol, ex-IRB head! Congrats sir!
OP of the year for 2007 is OP Abdul Aziz , the PAT (Panglime Angkatan Tentera). Congrats sir!
Soon after that, it was OP Ismail Ashaari with his usual funny self!
Woo Hing and Sisma Auto (the sole distributor for Jaguar and Daimler) was also kind enough to pass discount vouchers for Charriol (50%) and Jaguar XJ (RM35,000)! I have 2 sets of these vouchers with me, let me know if anyone wants it!

My batchmates which came for the dinner, Liaw, Faris and Chen

So is wifey!

Upak and Shikin

Charlie and Noreen

Me with OP Habib, the outgoing President

Faris, Chen, me, TJ and Harry
The next day, it was the usual OP-PP day. Where OPs goes back to college for games and some fun.
I was at the college since 9am, the boys were already in their colourful company colours.
The Boys which were supposed to ride and race with us OPs for some biking/running fun.
Doc and Kam suggested that we do a mini duathlon.

RMC Pavilion now
We suggested a 3 laps of run, then a 5 laps of bike and 3 laps of run. That is a total distance of 16.5km covered.
I covered that distance in 53 minutes. The boys were ultra fast, covering the 1.5km in less than 4 minutes...
Literally we ate their dust! Then again, they are 17 years old, half our age. And they are FAST! DAMN!

Doc and his Jambus
We went for a short swim thereafter.

Doc's excuse to see the boy topless
I went up Boys Wing later and Iqbal, Faris and their respective families were there. It has been 14 years since we left RMC and most of us are married by now with kids.

Faris and Family

Iqbal and Family
I went back soon before lunch starts as i promised wifey that i will be back to help her with the house work. I've no idea who won the OP-PP, so much so for being an EXCO member, apologies on this matters.
It was a good weekend, and it was Fathers' Day too. So, yes, i celebrated my first Father's day with the family. And i tell you, nothing beats having your son sleeping in your arms in the afternoon!

Wifey asked me to censor my bare torso
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