Today, it was gone, like it never happened.
And i couldn't be happier.
But still, just to be safe, i think i better consider changing the shoe la. Maybe the Brooks Targa2 worn off already. I know i bought this one in 2005 somewhere in March and used it to run Subang 10k which i set my PB for 10km.

Me wearing the Targa2 in 2007
I still got the Nike Triax that is still inside the box. Sayang want to pakai la...

to be unleashed...
Infact, i even considered selling it when i got it, as i need the cash, i guess i'm just glad i did not do it.
Knowing me, i would not let my Targa retire as yet, no matter how much i know it is bad for me. I recall the New Balance that i wore until the day the sole finally came off. By then, the shoe is so worn off, i swore i saw the shoe shaped like my feet. Goodbye was painful, so i kept the shoe lace of that New Balance as memory.
It's a good thing that i decided to take a break from training yesterday. No weights, no run, no cycle. Yes, i did feel fat, so i eat less. This morning, i weigh in at 78kg. Not too bad considering i did not burn any energy the day before.
Yes, i'm getting obsessed with the training and the weight watching. I want to be at my ideal weight. Even at the current weight, my BMI is 27. That is obese by the chart's standard. But of course, we all know that BMI as an indicator is not accurate as it does not take in one's body/bone composition.
Anyway, that's not my point. The point is, today, my knee is pain free, and i'm glad it is. One must never be too careful. Stop and listen to your body. Like Ishsal says, there is no point torturing the body for just one IronMan race and suffer for the rest of the years nursing an injury.
This weekend will be more rest as i will have to attend my Alumni's function, by virtue of me being an Exco member in the association. There will be an AGM in the morning and an annual dinner tomorrow night at Shang. Then on Sunday, it's the usual go back to college thingy where the Old Boys will relive their memories when they were there. I might just give the afternoon session a miss and go for a longer run.
As of today,it is 252 days to IronMan 2008. I've not booked the ticket nor booked any rooms as yet. Hoping to do so next week. Failing which, i will just drive up to Langkawi and camp by the seaside. There are already news that Wifey and Ryan might not make it due to wifey's work commitment next year February. I would love to have them there, to see history being written as i cross the finish line (fingers crossed) to be the first Lim in the family to complete event of that magnitude.
I'm sure all my late grandparents will be really proud of me.
Have a good weekend y'all. Ride Safe if you are riding, Run safe if you are clocking mileage and above all, see all of you next week!
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