Alleycats - Loga is the taller one, with Afro, naturally...
Before you read on, i request that you press on the song below, as i would love you all to listen to him sing.
Nota Terakhir
One of the founding member of Alleycats, Loganathan Arumugam, passed away this morning at 10.50am in Penang.
It was almost unreal as i was flipping through the paper circa that time, to read about him being hospitalised because of Lung Cancer.
Then as i was browsing through PPS, i read the sad news. I immediately smsed Doc, which happens to be operating in OT 13 of Universiti Hospital and broke the new to him.
He told me he was actually listening to AlleyCats, while operating.
"No.1 Fan nyanyi in OT13, Uni Hospital", he sms-ed me.
It is indeed a sad sad day for fans of Alleycats and Malaysian Music scene.
Who won't remember Loga?
I've been listening to them singing while i was running. And i will continue listening to him sing.
Loga, rest in peace, Anda telah pergi sebelum ku dan pemergian mu bukan
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