Bad enough that i missed out on PD Tri Dry run with Steve, Azmar and the rest as something last minute came out Sunday morning. The urge to run was even greater.
Luckily i cycled on Saturday or i think i will feel shitty.
I started running at 2.30pm in the afternoon. Trying to get some run done in hot afternoon sun so that it would be easier when i do the IronMan next year as i would think i will be cycling and running under the blistering sun on the actual day.
Geared myself up with the shuffle, which are running low on battery and my sunglasses.
Felt good, perhaps because the food i ate yesterday would be burned.

The run to Taman Tun was uneventful, except i saw Kannan and he honked at me. I decided to go to Kiara to add some variety to the run that i usually does. Moreover, it's time to get and find new route to run.
I reached the TTDI park in 30 minutes, not too bad. That is almost 6km covered in 30 odd minutes.
I then proceed to run pass WIM (Woman Institute of Management) and turned left towards Kiara hill.
The run was extremely slow the moment i was at the foot of the hill. The elevation at this point was about 60meters. At the top of the cross road at Kiara Hill, it's 184meters.

The Elevation
From the crossroad, i go down straight down the hill. At the bottom junction, the heart wanted to do the full Kiara Loop but the sky says otherwise.
By then, i've spend the past 20 minutes from the TTDI park to this point and only covered 2km at most! Slow!

Taken on the big climb up...
Not much choice and do not want to make wifey worry that i'm running in the rain or why i took longer than usual to complete the run, eventhough it's a new route.
I u-turned and ran up the hill, from 100meters elevation to 184meters. By the time i'm half way down the hill, it started to drizzle.
The return journey was much easier as it's mostly downhill, i was at TTDI park in 10 minutes compared to 20 minutes for me to get there. By now, the rain started to pour.
Decided to run straight, passing along the park. I saw Melody of Quick Release driving past and she waved. She must had wondered why i even bothered to run in the rain.
I reached the highway and ran back home in the rain, it was pouring cats and dogs by then and true enough, today's paper says that KL was flooded. It did make me wonder if the SMART tunnel, which are supposed to prevent the flooding in KL, does work.
I was soaking wet by the time i finished the run, my Ipod Shuffle ran out of juice just 200meters from my home, initial worry was that water went in and the unit is busted. From some of my friend's experience, the shuffle were build pretty robust, with one of them forgeting to take it out and it ended up in the washing machine...I was using the Sony sweat/water resistant earphone as well, so, that was my least worries.
Here is some stats from the run:
Distance: 15.37km
Time: 1:41:28
Average HR: 149bpm
Max HR: 164bpm
Kcal burned: 2107kcal.
Average speed: 9.09km/h
Current weight : 80.5kg
I forsee a better timing the next time i do this route!
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