So, i went back, changed, and told my mum i'm going to the gym.
Only thing she did not know is that i'm running to the Gym from my house.

7.95km only la...
The run took me about 51minutes door to door.
I just put on the Ipod Shuffle, carry one waterbottle (the same one i've been using for years since i started racing...if only PowerBar would give me a new one), put my phone into a plastic bag
I must admit this decision to run was because i'm inspired by Yip. He run for fun. And i'm not talking about short distances.

With the waterbottle under my armpit and camera on one hand...i got to snap...

and snap...and snap...
Wifey saw me running and she felt better that now she sees it with her own eyes, it's pretty safe to run in the tunnel.
I reached the Gym, and saaw the RPM instructor. His class is on next.
So, i decided to just jump in and join the fun.
My second RPM class and i kinda enjoyed it better this time around.
I must had pushed myself a bit too much this time as i had cramps on both calfs during the hill attack portion. I just ease off the resistance and spin virgorously to clear the lactic acid build up. The cramps went away and i was that close to embarassing myself in class. LOL.
Felt good actually after the Run-Bike workout. Wanted to run back to make it a complete mini duathlon, but since it was dark and i did not bring my blinkers, it's better to be safe, than sorry.
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