Macho Macho Man...
I love war movies. Maybe because of my background. No, i'm not a sadist. And a few of my all time favourite is Lords Of Discipline and Full Metal Jacket, amongst other.

Your underwear got hole!

Me Luv You Long Time!
OK, only thing is, i'm not gonna talk about these movies today, instead, the Dirty Dozen i'm refering to was the bread that me and wifey made since we bought the breadmaker on about 2 weeks ago.
Yes, to date, we had made 12 breads.

First Dirty Fella
6 white with all the things dumped in.
2 garlic cheese
3 wholemeal and
the last one this morning;
which is a mix of white and wholemeal (lazy to open one more pack of white flour la)...

The 12th Dirty fella...yeah, really dirty looking...

Yummy inside!!!
We will make one more tonight, as the half of the 12th will be given to my mum. She likes her bread sweet and with raisins but minus the herbs, so, this 12th was filled with raisins and without the herbs, the way she likes it.
We've also scout around PJ area for shops which sell flour for bread making and we've sorta know where to get the stuff from and where is cheaper.
So, looks like the breadmaker is here to stay, contarary to what other tell us that "you will only make it twice, then the breadmaker will not see the sunlight again"
Current cost per bread : RM35! LOL!
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