For most of us (including yours truly, until about 3 years ago), we usually think Thamesa furnitures are more suited for the Mak Datin type; elaborate and well, just too chunky and showy.
But i was wrong (3 years ago). Thamesa actually makes nice stuff! And when they have sale, it could go as high as 80% off!
So, yesterday, me, wifey, LL1 and LL2 went to Thamesa during lunch hour.
Me and Wifey were there to scout for a new set of Sofa (L shaped, preferably) to place in the new home which we will purchase (ok, sign S&P) next week.
Previously, me and wifey has bought a 2.5 seater sofa, a huge coffee table(which we later sold, reluctantly), a 6x4feet dining table and a short couch/seater. After 2 years, the furniture still looked like new.
Now, to think that we paid a premium for it is not entirely true. We bought the stuff during the previous Thamesa sale 3 years ago.
We did find what we wanted yesterday at Thamesa and LL1 and LL2 bought things for their home as well! LL1 bought 2 of the short couch/seater and LL2 bought 1. Both bought some other stuff like nice vase as well.
Then, after paying for it (which by the way, the short couch was retailing at 400++ and now going for RM159, while stock last), it strucked us how we are going to take it back.
The short couch is 4 feet(Length) x 2feet(Width) x 0.5feet(Thick). There is 3 of those. There is 4 of us. There is only one car (ie the Matrix).
I forgot to take the baby pram out from the boot, and that could only mean one thing. It will be almost impossible to ship everything (stuffs and passengers) back in one trip.

more like STUPE, use your head!
So, after 2 tries, i decided to put the larger back seat (which split 60-40, so i put the 60 down la), placed the baby pram flat and shove all 3 couch into the space available.

the 3 short couch/seater
This also meant that there is only the smaller 40 seat available to put 2 Leng Lui (LL's)...luckily the 2 LL small size, so, they managed to squeeze/sit/cramp/fight on the small one seater. Wifey and me, obviously was the most comfy.

LL1 tell LL2 : Stop pushing or i'll open the door and push you out...
Now, as you can see, the sales at Thamesa is to die for (how else would you explain us cramping inside the Matrix like that?)
On anohter note, i'm very impressed with the Matrix's space. Lets see how the so claimed Honda City with it's 500liter of space (after the seats all folded up) challenge the Matrix with this feat!
So, if you head on to Thamesa this weekend, look for Ms. Connie in the Jalan Universiti branch if you need any help with regards to the furnitures, she will be more than happy to help you out!
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