"I've made 2 helmet to be used for the fancy dress, we are using one, you can have the other one", Ming SMS me early Sunday morning.
"Bro, produce a doctor's overall", Bandit called.
"We are going in as Robots, the girls will be professors that invented us", Bandit added.
In a panic mode, i called Steph and told her to come in jeans and t shirt. I will sort out the rest. I took the LCD screen and Car TV Antenna that was given to me by Amir to be used as props. I brought along my cycling helmet just in case and even the rubber glove. Do or die, must go and produce a doctor's overall.
I then called Iqbal and got hold of him, then i called Bandit and asked him to go get it from Iqbal.
Problem solved. Robot will be produced. Bandit and me decided to wear the same top we wore during Explorace...got to try to look as uniform as possible.

Ming made the helmet!
At about 12.30pm, i was in Berjaya Time Square again, Ming came next, followed by Steph and Bandit. Just like the day before, Ryan, wifey and MIL was with me. Chiah came to give Steph as much support and he was the designated camera man for us. Ming brought along her son, Brandon and her sister.
Quick Release came later and set up the booth.
Then, Steph asked Melody to see the Day 1 score.
Lo and Behold. MTBiker Nuts 2 were top of the list with 230 points!!! MTBiker Nuts 1 were 3rd with 227 points! This was really unexpected, i guess taking extra care in answering the questions helped!
Armed with a new found hope to bag some prizes, we noticed no one came in any fancy dress. Only Us.
So, the first task for the day was to sell 2 tickets for the MIA2007 to the public. Early bird tixs cost Rm40 and we were to sell them for that price. The Exhibition will take palce from 5th June to 7th August at the Sultan Abdul Aziz airport, other wise known as Subang Airport.
The highlight would be the real Buran Space Shuttle.

The Real thing...

Almost the real thing...
The task was easily accomplised by selling the tickets to people which already has every intention to go. So, not an issue with that.
Next, all teams were asked to gather around the stage. There will be 2 stages of competition. Stage 1 consist of 4 test and stage 2, one task. The whole thing will determine furhter what points you will get at the end of the day, say if you have 230 points, if it takes you say, 30 minutes to complete both stage 1 and 2, then you will have 30 points deducted. That would be painful...
So, the name of the game is to complete today's tasks as fast as humanly possible.
As Team 2 (ie me and Steph) and Team 1(ie Bandit and Ming) were amongst the top 4, we had to go first.
The first task was to cycle for 1km within 5 minutes on the Mountain bike strap to a trainer.
Do-able la. And this will be the first time i go on a bike trainer! Exciting!

Steph did the first 500meters and she did a top speed of 70km/h. I jumped up and started pedalling, the torque of my legs must be too strong as the chain fell outside the big crank! TWICE! Not willing to give up, i tried to catch up and crank the bike and touches 85km/h and finished the 1.0km in 1Min 11 Second...
Then came task 2. We were to assemble 4 words from some scrabble like tiles. All words were space related. We managed to get Mercury and Neptune without any problem, got stuck with Astronaut. The other sub task is to choose from an array of malay names, the name of ONE Malaysian Astronaut. That was done easily and back to the scrabble thingy...we did not manage to complete the last word...and were given a 10 minutes penalty. We know, from there on, we lost our lead.

Just like the pic...our hope was shattered by ASTEROID!
We missed out on asteroid. I have no idea what it was at all. Yada, ilek, kosing, blank. Pressured for time and knowing that we could lose the lead doesn't help.
:( Sorry Steph.
Not willing to give up, we went on to the next task, there is 2 task at the next table. One was to complete 5 maths questions and one is to solve a physical puzzle.
I handled the maths questions but had 2 mistakes. Should had known better NOT to attempt any maths as my SPM maths was C3, Add Maths were C6, SPM Pure Maths were E and Advanced Maths were a Subsid Pass. I sucks at maths. Ask me what is 1+1 i will tell you 11.
Steph had some problem taking the two metal out and by stroke of luck, when it was passed to me, i managed to un-pry it! Maybe i used some brute force? Nah...just lucky to have the twisted metal at the right angle....

Something like this la...
We clocked about 3 minutes for this one. Not too bad.
Then, the last task for Stage 1. Jigsaw Puzzle of the Exhibition poster. This was almost a no brainer and we had it done in about 2 minutes. Bandit and Ming got it done in sub 2 minutes! Well done!

The poster, but add VMY2007 logo and the MIA logo on top and the website and contact number below
Having done Stage 1 in about 14 minutes (incl the penalty time), we know we might not stand a good chance to win even the 3rd prize this time. The deal with Ming and Bandit was that we share all the prize money, so, if we did win the first prize and second prize, the amount will be shared equally. Afterall, we wanted to go in as a team, and decision so far are all based on team effort.
So, when Bandit told me that they did the scrabble task in 1 minute, i knew that we stood a good chance. Again, Bandit's mental power saved the day...he rock in Bangkok during Explorace. He Figured it all out while riding some ride in AXN Mall and this time, it wasn't any different! Well done!
Stage 2 started as soon as all teams went through stage 1. The later team had some advantages as they seen what the front team did. My hope was that they fail in the scrabble as well...hehe..evil me.
Stage 2 was divided into 3 task. Again, teams has to draw lots to see which task they will do. I drewed C and Bandit drew A. A was a weaving task, using paper provided, they were to weave the word BURAN. Task B was a Saree tying task...hard...and Task C was chinese calligraphy.
Don't worry, me and Steph has no advantage over this as both of us are Bananas. We can't write chinese except our own name to begin with, and we don't even know what the words meant.
But we figure out it might be some space related stuff la.

We had to tie the knot on top, stick the calligraphy paper on the sugar paper and write/imitate the chinese characters as per sample given. If we tear it, we will get penalty. So, very carefully, me and Steph took our time to write it and managed to present a pretty presentable chinese calligraphy la! Well done!
So, with Stage 2 done. There is nothing left to do but wait for the results.
But Brandon were on the roll that day...he went to play games and won more goodies than the 4 adults that was with him got. he got 2 keychains, 1 mug, one jacket (for his mum, Ming), a cap, a portable radio...the list goes on..he just keep winning..and winning...

This is Brandon 2000 - mess with me and i will mess with you
Adele decided to ask us that came in fancy dress to go on the stage to battle it out. Nothing much to battle as both MTBiker Nuts 1 & 2 were identical. Bandit's attempt to get Adele to say Joy Stick in bahasa failed miserably as Adele was quicker than Bandit when she was translating what Bandit said in English to Malay....hehehehe...cheeky.
Finally, at about 5pm, the results were out.
On 3rd place was team 13, which was placed 2nd from the Day 1 results. 2nd place went to one of the PCC (James and partner) and 1st place was...
Woo HOO!!!
And the MTBikers won the best dressed contest as well!
QR were graceful enough to give out a few other prizes to make sure all that came goes home with something.
Thank you QR, for organising a FREE race and ensuring everyone goes with with a goodies bag with loads of stuff inside!
Thank you Ming and Bandit for sharing the prizes, we each has a t shirt and cap as well!
Thank you Wifey and MIL and Ryan for staying put and supporting us despite the hot hot weather at BTS.

hot nevermind, can take bath when go home!
Thank you Chiah for taking our photos and giving us all the support as well.
Thank you Brandon and Ming's sis for being there and entertaining us and supporting us!
Thank you Stephanie for racing with me and being such good sports!
And lastly, thank you all participant, for making this outing fun for all of us!!!!
See you all in the next future race.
Meanwhile, more pics will come in and i will post it up as i get them!
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