Don't worry, i'll be sweeping the race on Sunday
Went to collect my number at OCM just now, which i comically went yesterday in the first place. This time, double checking if today is really the 15th March!
Adidas has a booth set up. So did Phiten. As usual, the people in Ambank were busy trying to promote their credit cards and Powerbar has a counter selling their Power stuffs.
So, after taking my stuff from the counter and paying RM20 as deposit for the timing chip, i went over to the Phiten booth. Phiten Malaysia is operated by Alps Kiseki Ventures. As most of you know, i've been using their product for some time. Infact, friends that went to buy these products says they found my review in the net. I don't believe them and went and googled for "phiten malaysia review" and my blog came up top. :) Free advertisement for them Phiten people!
And no, i did not pimp for any freebies, i believe it should be given without asking if they appreciate what i did!
I showed them the bracelet i had, which i pathetically stuck medical tape over the two attaching lobes and holes to minimise the risk of it coming out and losing them in the end.

Improvised Phiten with Medical tape. Can use during emergency
I asked them if there is any...err...waranty claim.
Unfortunately No.
So, i walked away dejected like a kid being refused of his ice cream.

"Boy, Boy, are you ok, boy?"
And i ended up at the Adidas Booth. They are giving free leg scan.
Well, not those that they see how many hairs you have on your legs la. But more of them scanning if you are a under pronator or over pronator. I know i do pronate, but to what extend. And walking into the Adidas Shop in Midvalley where they have the scan and ask for one without buying anything seems like a freeloading activity.
OKOK, maybe this is also freeloading, but with so many others doing it, i don't look half as bad.
Here is my results.

My foot...
As you can see, My left foot was in excessive pronation, while my right foot are just under normal pronation. I have high arches, which explain the little/missing part in the middle; incase some of you think i'm some alien.
Now, here is where it contradicts.

Any higher McD could use your arch to replace theirs.
Runners World says that Pronator usually has a flat feet and an under-pronator (ie Supinator) has a high arch.
I have High Arches and I'm definately a pronator. Excessively on one leg!

My Left foot
As you can see, the person in charge explained to me that i need to have a shoe with good cushioning for both my heel and ball of the feet. I also need to have a shoe with good stabiliser bar that will hold my rear and front of the feet well. I can't help it but to imagine car stabiliser bars on my legs. Mind working overtime!

Titanium Stabiliser bar for car
My other foot, however, were in a more forgiving condition. Only a pronation. Not excessive, not under.

My right foot
Looking at their comment on the footscan, i can't help but to think something is wrong with my foot. I know it's only normal to have each feet different, but to the extend that it's...err...twice the level on one feet? it is like if i have cancer (touch wood), one feet would be in it's early stage and the other would be better off sawn off.

Really got problem ah???
I had flashback of all the sports shoe i had. Yeap, they are all well padded.

Padded, well padded.
Now, i will use this as a guide to buy my runners. Well cushioned shoes is the way to go for me it seems.
Oh ya, this year, The organiser throw in a nice Adidas running vest for the full marathoners.

Ang Ang Buey Hai Lang...

But got AmBank name...
Half marathoners and below gets a yellow t-shirt with prints similiar to last year's blue t-shirt, which was given throughout all the category. Nice touch!
Only thing is that Powerbar did not give out any Powerbar as part of the goodies in the bag this year. But according to the people at the booth, they will be giving PowerGel at the 30km mark.
Hey! Last year, there were given at both the 15km and 30kim mark! How come this year so Kiam Siap?
Oh ya, thanks to Shazly (again), i have to present myself at Nike's office today to get some goodies from them. Only caveat is that i must wear it for the race this Sunday.
Not sure what are the other rules and regulations though. My only worries is that they will get these people to be the pacer. I managed to finish last year's run in 5Hours 55Mins, but to ask me to be a pacer and finish the race in even Sub 5 hours without any training?
Err.... Lets just hope the pronated/excessively pronated foot could be used as an excuse for not doing so!
And let the preparation for IronMan 2008 begin!
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