And boy, did he grow.
He now officially weigh in at 6.95kg and stood at a good 64.5cm tall. His head circumference is 36cm now.
These are the basic stats that Dr. Yong took every month or every visit we made to see him.
In a short 100 days, he has grown from a 3.3kg baby standing (or lying at 50cm) tall to a baby double his weight and taller by 7 inches.

hold me, thrill me, love me
He is now taking 6ounces of milk (Nan 1) and feeding at a 6 hours interval. This also meant that me and wifey gets more rest and we could afford to feed him at 1am and only wakes him up at 7am for his next feed.
His cries has also changed and he reacts to a lot of things around him now. His neck is strong and his grips, assuring. Lets not go to his kick as yet.
There is this chart that Dr. Yong uses to monitor his growth process, there were below average, average and above average lines.
His height is above the above average, his weight is almost above average and his head circumference is also above average.
He will be a big boy when he grow up. But his height will be limited genetically, meaning, at most, he would be my height. LOL. Sorry boy, looks like you won't be 5'11" afterall!
Our feeling for him right now? listen to Barry White below and you will understand!
Barry White - Can't get enough of your love baby
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