More goodies from wifey...

The Java...

The Java, again...
As we all know, Bakerzin makes expensive dessert. The above is no exception.
Wifey bought me the cake above for Valentines yesterday. I didn't get her anything.
Only a card.
I make bad husband.

But this is good stuff!

So good i had to lick it clean
To make me feel worse, she has a pressie for me.

She knows i love them too...

Corny hot love songs

More corny hot love songs

Even corny hot love songs' videos...
Due to me trying to save to get myself a road bike...i did not get wifey anything.
I still feel bad. Maybe worse.

And how would anyone feel better if the CDs comes with lyrics too?
So, to my dearest wifey, thank you very much for sticking by my habits, my temper, my everything. Thanks for giving me Ryan.
Thanks for the bread you jsut bought for me as i'm missing lunch today.
Thanks for the collection of James Bond Movies you just bought for us to see during Chinese New Year as well.
And above all, thanks, for being in my life, and making it different from day one.
I love you very much.
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