like chicken to the slaughter...complete with number somemore
I have no issues with Ryan being baptised as a Catholic.
Being borned a Taoist but having my religion stated as Buddhist in the Identification Card, then marrying a Catholic which never did ask me to convert and mixing with Muslims and Hindus all my life, this is something not really hard to say yes to anyway.
On Friday, mum in law and wifey went to Kamdar in SS2 to buy some material, white material to be exact, to signify purity. So, within 36 hours, mum in law with her sewing skills came out with a baptism overall for Ryan (and our future kids, of course).

I couldn't look any prettier
It was a beautiful day. Sun shining brightly and both Ryan's parents are wearing their Oakley sunnies, while waiting for the 8.30am Mass to be over at Assumption Church.
Wifey was borned in the hospital next door, baptised, confirmed and married in the same church. (she is also hardcore Assunta girl, from Kindergarden till secondary school) So, getting Ryan to be baptised here is only natural.
The husband of this particular couple which was helping the church for this ceremony was actually wifey's classmate back from school. It was like friendship rekindled kinda scenario, she with 2 kids, eldest aged 3 and youngest is 1. Now that i'm a parent myself, it is only natural to see why kids do light up every parent's life (well, until they turn into their teribble teen)
Ryan's godparents is non other than our wedding witness themselves. Wifey's eldest sister and a family friend which share part of Ryan's name as well (It's mere coincidence).

You light up my life...
The ceremony was a short 45minutes and yesterday was the largest turnout in a single baptism with 13 babies (and one absentee).
Father Phillip Muthu was the celebrant.
As the rites goes on, one by one the baby was brought up near the altar to the fountain where they would be bathed, symbolically to signify the purification from sins.
I managed to catch a few words with Father Phillip as he pours warm water over Ryan's head.
"Don't worry, now we have warm water, if cold, all the baby will be screaming", Father says.
"Ryan is child number?", he added before we went down.
"One", i answered.
"Good, go and produce more", he said, tapping my shoulder.
I swore i saw wifey's face turn a bit white from that statement.

Father Phillip putting olive oil on Ryan's head, lets hope his hair starts growing
It's a simple yet beautiful and also meaningful ceremony for us all. More so for wifey, which sees that it's her responsibility and mine to raise Ryan and his siblings the Catholic way. I know, some of you might say how is that possible since i'm not one.
Well, you certainly don't need to profess your religion as long as God is close to your heart, no?

the ceremony over liao, can take the overall away ah papa?
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