Here i am, mimicking the air traffic controller...
He is now close to 5kg and has grown almost anohter inch from the last time he has his height checked.
He shows very good muscle strength, especially on his legs as he kick when he is feeling devilish.
As he is sleeping between me and wifey at times (when he is a devil at night), he has sort of punched and slapped my face almost everytime he is sleeping there. I thought it was wifey taking Ryan's mitten covered hand to brush against my face, but being woke up with those small strong lashes and seeing wifey sound asleep, i only can conclude that the lil devil did that.

Watch out for those bruce lee's hands and legs...
I admit, me and wifey has been spoiling this devil. We pick him up whenever he cries. But we had to stop ourselves from feeding him whenever he cries! This devil is a big eater. Only 6 weeks old and he is guzzling down 5 oz of milk, which me and wifey sometimes need to cheat him by giving some water at the end of the feed. He eats every 5 hours now and would wakes up an hour before and causes havoc.
"korang dera anak korang ke?, my neighbour asked.
We abuse our kid? Hardly! He is abusing us instead!
On the plus side, we now could get at least 4 hours of sleep straight everynight. That is really good. Sleep, which i takes for granted, and now, i find myself treasuring it even more.

Pa and mummy get 4 hours of sleep because i let both of you too... not because of anything else...
Trials and error in everything that we do. This include feeding pattern, sleeping pattern and even diapers. We found out that Mamypoko is just overrated (and expensive), you have to take extra care in putting them on the baby, they are prone to leakage. Can't hold as much as i thought it would. At best, it's just slightly better than Fitti, the brand so cheap we don't mind changing the diapers on Ryan like once every 2 hours (The branded one can't last 4 hours anyway).
So, it's still experiment with diapers. I guess we are not going to use the washable cloth diapers. Too much drama involved, especially when we are not talking about just urine. You get my drift la!
We also found out that Ryan gives us the most problem during the evening until his last feed at 12am or 1am. Perhaps he knows that during those hours, his parents are back home and he sorta want more T.L.C. Can't complain much though, me and wifey are more than glad to give him those attention!

Happily sleeping on his papa's arm on the second day of the new year
He is slowly outgrowing all his clothes. Me and wifey is like on a quest to quickly let him wear all the nice clothes friends and relative bought for him. So, technically, we didn't spoil him as yet as all the clothes we bought for him was from reject shop and also from the factory outlet...which explain the oversized of the clothes...
He has Aunt June getting him clothes from Bebehaus like the one below

I got bunnies on my feet...
He also has Aunt Vivien, my neighbour, getting him clothes from Next like this one below

I appear to be sleeping most of the time, but i'm actually NOT.
And he has Aunt Narissa and Uncle Nara to get him a Zara Kid cap...

Lets not even go to the toys he has...
I received a very good news yesterday from a close friend. I shalt reveal the news only a month later from today.
Also, me and wifey are waiting for the arrival of (in order), Tuck Yiew's Son, Shen's son, Iqbal's Son within this 3 months.
Here is a collage of Ryan. :) Simply adorable, no?

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