Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Magazines Subscriptions

Wifey has with her, tonnes of National Geographic magazines dated back in 1970's till early 90's. With a few issues missing here and there, this rack of magazines got to be amongst my favourite at home.Now, problem with living in Malaysia is that some...

Monday, January 29, 2007

Diapers & Diarrhea

As usual, Diethelm (or DKSH) warehouse sales are usually packed.Saturday and Sunday was no exception.I drove myself to DKSH at Section 17 at about 8.30am and thought i must be amongst the first few there.Imagine...

Congrats Shen!

Congrats to Shen for the safe delivery of his Baby Gavin!Came out to this world on 27th January, afternoon!Rest well and get hubby to give you plentiful of TL...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Of Self Defense

Now that i've felt threaten over my life, family and even my properties, i really do wish that the government would allow usage of self defense tools, such as Taser??? In US of A, where having a license to carry a firearm is as easy as us going to the...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Stupe, The Law Enforcer

Now, how would you like to be called the above?Unfortunately, i was accused, blamed and labelled as such!It all started when i help the guards at my condo to clamp a Waja which was parked at the common car wash area about a week ago.I was told by the...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hyundai Matrix - Grounded

I've just got my Matrix grounded.No, she didn't do anything wrong and i won't send her to her room.Ok, corny jokes aside. what i did was, well, to be more precise, i've added more grounding points for...

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Platters - (You've Got) The Magic Touch

He got the magic touch. Definately.He refused to sleep after his 10am feed on Saturday and insist that he wants to play and talk to me.I switched on the MP3 on my K750i and let it blast all the oldies...

Best Car of the World Adverts

Like 5 years old telling their 5 years old friend whose daddy is stronger, bigger and better looking, i can't help but smile at how these few reknowned car manufacturer poke fun at each other with their...

Ryan - Baptised

like chicken to the slaughter...complete with number somemoreI have no issues with Ryan being baptised as a Catholic. Being borned a Taoist but having my religion stated as Buddhist in the Identification...

Friday, January 19, 2007

The All New Waja Campro!!!

Well, instead of coming out with new model, all proton been doing for the past years was facelift their existing model.This time around, Savvy and Waja got brand new face.I was browsing through their...


Eversince i was banned by adsense for supposedly manipulating the clicks at my site, i am trying to get a few pay per blog kinda thingy on advise from Lin Peh and Shen.One of them is Blogvertise.Text-Link-Ad doesn't work and Bidvertiser sounds more rosy...

Of Heartburn, Acid Reflux & Indigestion

How many of us has had this problem before?Heartburn is the generic term for GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease, GERD.A lot of studies has been done on this GERD and before you actually say that you merely...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Of Boys II Men and Prefects

This post is semi inspired by Wegra's posting and also because this song brought back memories for me.Also, as we all know, Boys II Men will be dropping by soon for a concert. As Mix FM aptly put it "songs...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ryan and Vaccinations

Today is Ryan's 61st day on Earth.Looking back, he was a good 3.3kg baby and 50cm tall with a head circumference of 30cm.Today, he had his measurement taken again.He is now a good 5.56kg baby at 60cm...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Ryan @ 60 Days

Today marks Ryan's 60th day.He has grown, no?Yeap, we've succumbed to the soother/pacifier. We got him the one from NUK. (Orthodontic Classic Latex Pacifier, Sizes 1)To convince ourselves why we settled...

Monday, January 15, 2007

Ride Like The Wind...Not.

Yesterday. I found myself waking up at 5am not because i need to heat up the milk for Ryan, but because i was so excited about being able to go cycling after a long long hiatus...The excitement from the...

Congrats to Tuck Yiew & Ser Lyn!

Congrats to you both for the safe delivery of your first baby on the 12th January 2007!Welcome to the club bro! Don't worry, our paternal instinct will take over from now on and sleep deprivation could now be told in the same breath when you describe...

Friday, January 12, 2007

PRIDE Foundation Fund Raising for Breast Cancer Survivors

Tomorrow marks a big for PRIDE, to be more specific, 2 of my friends, which will accompany 4 other individual, of which, one of them a breast cancer survivor (Rene'e Aziz Ahmad) to Argentina.The reason...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Migrated to New Blogger!

Done. Finally done the complete migrating and updating of the template to look exactly like the one i used to have.Without losing any content from the old blogspot.Pay Per Post rejected my application as they say i have duplicate posting on anohter blog....

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Ryan and Water

No doubt baby felt safest when they are in water. The original condition in their mother's womb, filled with fluid, which cushions and floats them makes them happy.Ryan is of no different.He looks forward...

Friday, January 05, 2007

The Day I Was Taken Off Banned from Adsense

My shortlived fantasy of striking it big as a millionaire by hosting adsense on my blog came to an abrupt end yesterday.I was accused of *multiplying* my earnings by clicking on the ads just once too many times.I admit that i did click on the ads, but...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Lil Devil...

Ryan is now 6 weeks old. His colic condition seemed to come and go. But that is the least of our concern as of now. With Dentinox in hand, no colic would be too hard to handle.Here i am, mimicking the...