Well, he is no ordinary doctor actually as he is also a friend of anohter doctor friend. (well, can't name them for obvious reasons, but those that has been reading this blog, knows who they are la!).
OK, lets call them Dr. A and Dr. P.
Wifey has been having this problem with her left wrist. Medically, it's known as wrist
And so, with her right hand down with CTS, or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and her left with
A quick appointment was done like 3 weeks ago and only yesterday we could manage to secure it.
Let me tell you. UH is huge.
And confusing.
There is East Wing, West Wing, North Wing, South Wing and even Flying Without Wings (that's the Main wing).
Asking for direction in UH is no better than asking for direction from passerby sitting infront of the mamak at States. It's useless.
Most of the staffs there only knows how to get to one place, at most 2. Even the doctors!
Registration is a chore too, as each depeartment has their own counter for appointment, payment and registration.
But because i know Dr. A, Dr. P and also Dr. H, the pain was lessen la.
To put it simply, Dr. A accompanied me and wifey all the way from the start until the end and brought us around the Hospital! OK, Maybe a treasure hunt could be done here as well, because the signboard and the place is so huge, even the doctors would have problem looking for the different department and wards. I'm serious!
Back to the treatment.
If not because of the formality of registering and paying RM30 as an outpatient (as i'm not a government servant, so, no free medical, should had brought my blood donor's book!), we knock on Dr. P's door. We went in and a quick diagnosis was done, confirming that she has what she had. Then, the talk drifted into...err..bicycle...hahahahaha...
Dr. P prescribed rest,splint and physio. We have to make a splint to immobilise the hand. As we were running late, Dr. P made a quick call to OT (That's Occupational Therapy, not Operation Teater!) to see if it's possible to make one yesterday.
He called a Mr. S, which gladly say YES.
So, off we went to try to find OT. We walked from one end to the other, trying to locate where it was. We found it and we introduced ourselves to Mr. S
So, Mr S say that he will make a thermoplastic splint.
The first and last i heard about thermoplastic is in Sunglasses. yes, my Oakley(in most of their non metal products)...

discontinued, meaning mine is now limited edition???
Other brand with thermoplastic in their sunnies are Rudy Project (under the trademark Grilamid) and also North Face(they have both Grilamid and Gripsoft)
This is how thermoplastic looked like where application in medical industry are concerned.

The holes are for ventilation la!
Next up is the hand where the thermoplastic would be moulded onto....

The hand that will rock many cradles...
Mr. S took some measurements and then proceed to cut out a portion of the 4mm thick thermoplastic sheet and dump them into the thermo machine...essentially, it's like a giant flat kettle la...hot water if you must ask!

157 degree F, if you must ask...
He left it inside for a few minutes until the whole thingy turned transparent. Before that, he asked wifey to take off whatever bracelet (excuse me sir, that's PHITEN) on her wrist and then he proceed to place the material over her wrist and thumb.
As the material cools off, it will retain it's shape, so, as it was starting to harden, he reshape it again for that custom fit.

Mr. S skillful hands...notice the other thermoplastic sheets inside the machine?
I'd asked Mr.S if i could take pic of him doing the splint. He say can, as long as his face is not inside. He do not want to see as he is doing a free favour for someone. For your info, i paid RM60 for this splint. That's cheap, as the generic Futuro cost me RM60. But got some discount at Tong Woh at State PJ...where else you could get at least 15% discount on anything anywhere anytime?

Worked to an extend...
And so, Mr. S moulded the splint, cut and shape it, trimmed the edges and fit it over wifey's hand.
And as the final touch, he stuck some velcro on the splint and strap in onto her hand.

just like bionic arm, she could carry a flask without any problem now!
Total cost? RM90.
That's the price i would be paying if i get her a Phiten sports bracelet.
By the way, i finally got my necklace back from wifey after not wearing them for almost 2 weeks. My recovery was slow, seriously, it got nothing to do with physicological effect anymore. It took me a good 3 days to recover from the Genting Ride because i wasn't wearing it during and after...as comparison, it took me less than a day when i did my Desaru Long Distance Tri.
And Phiten Malaysia is so stingy with even giving me some discount/cash voucher for my next purchase... So, you guys and girls that read this, i'm not an endorser nor i get anything out from this thingy. Try it at your own risk, it worked for me, so if it didn't work for you, don't blame me! :)
So, to Dr. P, Dr. A and Mr. S, Thank you all very much! And i hope wifey's pain will be lessen further and i shalt make sure she wears them at least 23hours and 30 minutes! I'm very impressed with how splint are made nowadays, truly technologically advanced!
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