Yesterday, there were 12 nothing to do triathelete and tri wannabe that congregated at RodaLink in Bangsar, which is managed by Wong Ah Thiam( yes, one of our very few triathelete that has competed in a more than a few Ironman races internationally and locally, Ah Thiam will compete in Kona this year as he qualified for it. Well done!) to do a Tour of Kuala Lumpur.
With us was Kimbeley Yap, our very own gold medalist for Triathlon from the recent Sea Game and of course, the multi talented much feared Stephanie Chok.

Steph, Ros, Kim and Ah Thiam... Team Discovery visits Malaysia on Merdeka Day
And of course, there was me, Bandit, Chipang, OP ARZ, Misbah and Masita, Ros, Shahrul Powerbar (Think Powerbar, think Shahrul!) and Masita's friend.

There was only 12 of us, not 13 as reported...
We pedalled our way from Bangsar, then to Muzium, then to Dataran, Tugu Negara, KL Tower, KLCC and finally to Tupai Tupai for lunch before heading back to Bangsar via KL Sentral.
Total distance as about 30km and it was a leisure ride at best. Ah Thiam left us after Dataran as he need to head back to work.

compulsory whoring
It was at Dataran that we were busy taking pictures that 3 reporters came over and took our pics. 2 of them were our friendly neighbour, Singaporeans. One was our own The Sun reporter.
Later at Tugu Negara, one NST reporter came to us and took our pictures as well. So, if anyone sees our pics in NST, kindly let me know. :)

had to convince the lady that i took these not to wrap vegetables at home...
And again, Thank you The Sun , for making our journey yesterday more memorable.

and here is how it looked like in print...
Here are some pics...more coming when the more high tech camera owner send over the pics to me. :)

By the way, All the flags are treated with much respect and non of them see ground that we stepped on. However, i did notice a few flags living lifelessly on the road, can't pick them up as the traffic was moving too fast, this include 2 outside Istana Negara!!!
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