Was sorta bored on friday night and this was what happened.
It's me, IndoMie and IndoMee.
call me a loser. But i was darn hungry after 2 hours in the gym!!!

indon cover - looks good

Malaysian cover - notice the differences in language style?

Mee having sex - Malaysian lighter by 5 grams

Indon's version comes with more goodies, inclusive of FRIED SMALL ONION...yummy!

Even the oil has fried onion inside in the Indon's version

Malaysian version - short of fried onion - Malaysia Tak Boleh???

Side by side...ready to be cooked

Malaysian's version of cooking IndoMie

Indon Version comes with direction to do it in Mircowave! They are more geared towards cooking them instantly! Another breakthrough in the life of instant noodle!

Indon ready for the hot water

Malaysian can't lose out, join Indon friend in mug. Malaysian are darker compared to Indons.

In goes the boiling water. No turning back!

almost midnight...hungry..this is my dinner actually

Getting hot, the mee decided to melt into each other, but Indon's fairness still looked more appetising

Get a big bowl. There need to be room for two

First in, Indon's flavour

Next in, Malaysian style, Malaysian still darker!

Malaysian Sweet Soy Sauce

INdon's sweet soy sauce - same darkness, but the indon's a bit bitter in taste

Indon's chilli are real chilli paste

Malaysian gave powder form...aiya....

In goes the indon oil with fried onion

and the boring looking malaysian oil

Hurry hurry...3 minutes UP!

at the right hardness and softness which would tingle my senses...can't wait...

Drain water and scoop me into bowl using chopstick

Don't waste even one single milimeter strand of the mee....

mix mix mix and in my rush to eat, i forgotten totally about the fried onion...i threw the thingy out...damn it!

Decided to substitute the frustration with some chicken floss....

Ta-Da!!! now go and eat Stupe!

Sorry if there was saliva dripping...i was hungry... :Þ~~~

over in less than 3 minutes....damn it
The noodle were great ok. Nevermind the whole purpose to compare how different the two of them are. I gobble both of them down and regretted i threw the fried onion out. That was the highlight of the whole meal...darn...
after eating it all down and washing it with a cup of ice cold water and burping 3 times...here is the nutrition info of both the noodle...

Malaysian Per 80gram serving has has 15.59gram of fat...with 369.73kcal energy value - could burn it off with 5km of run at 6:00 pace

At 85 gram, it has more fat at 18gram with higher energy value of 460kcal - need to run 7km at 6:00 pace for this!!!!
But both mixed togehter...they are one hell of a good shit!
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