Terence of KL Penguin is down with brain tumour.
Bro, My prayers is for you and with you.

I know you will pull out of this as how you would everytime in every race you entered.
more news here: Azwar
I'm both angry and sad now.
Terence will be doing Langkawi Ironman in February 2006 and KLIM in March 2006.
I'm making a pledge here that i'll run with him in KLIM for the 42km.
This is for you Terence.
An OP Doctor, Dr. Poon came out with this reply upon seeing the comment posted by tri2:
Tri2 Explain:
chatted with Terence,its NO brain cancer.its a syndrome called subarchnoid hemorrhage aneurysm.His blood vesells in his skull swells up and the pressure was high,docs have to release the pressure by operating the neck which is closest to brain and release the fluids else he its fatal!but its no harm if the pressure is released,just some drug medication and bedrest can slowly but surely max his chances of survival.Just pray!
Doctor's reply:
I think it's great news!! Aneurysms are abnormal dilation of the diameter of blood vessels. They only cause problems when they burst. If the problem is dealt with before it burst, then the outcome is very favourable. If it burst, it can result in stroke-like symptoms, or at times fatal.
Anyway, thank God it's not a brain tumour.
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