
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Dog Year...Bad year...

Was reading the paper yesterday (The Star, the paper that wants to be a tabloid) and there was an article in Section 2 about luck for all the 12 chinese zodiac in the year of the Fire Dog.

Doesn't sound too good la (mine's in BIG RED Bold lettering)

Taken from The Star 23rd January 2006
How your zodiac fares


Luck at a glance (Yap)
Good: Rat, Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Pig
Fair: Goat
Bad: Ox, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster, Dog

Luck at a glance (Ang)
Good: Rat, Tiger, Snake, Rooster, Pig
Fair: Rabbit, Horse, Goat
Bad: Ox, Dragon, Monkey, Dog Feng shui grandmaster Yap Cheng Hai of Kuala Lumpur and fortune teller/feng shui master Brian Ang of Taipan, Subang Jaya give a rundown on the months ahead for the 12 lunar zodiac signs:

Rat(1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996)

Yap: Generally, this is a very social year for the Rat. The Rat must be sincere and honest in his dealings. Try and avoid getting involved in accidents and help people to reap good karma.
Don't attend funerals and do not partake in foods offered to the dead. If you've any sickness, go for an early medical check-up. It's a good year to take up meditation or learn something new for knowledge. Turn a deaf ear to gossips.

Ang: This will be a prosperous year. However, let it be warned that the Rat must not engage in any speculation. The Rat will have samaritans as their guardian angels and the lucky star is shining bright this year.

Ox (1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)

Yap: This is not a good year especially for business dealings. Be careful of your partners or friends who may fail you. However, the Ox can have a happy and peaceful life. Money luck is not bad. You can still enjoy good food and attend big parties.

Ang: "The Ox is family-oriented. He is also obedient and intelligent."
Beauty or hair salon ventures can be profitable. Ox parents need to be watchful of their little children to prevent accidents and even kidnapping.
Avoid quarrels and dismiss rumours. Men need to beware of friendship with the opposite sex. The Ox needs to take precautions to prevent stroke or lung ailment.

Ang: This is not a good year. Keep temper and emotions in check.
Bad luck will change to good for those getting married.

Tiger (1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)

Yap: The Tiger is very energetic and can make decisions swiftly. Those in business will have a more prosperous year. Those in the police force or army can get a rise in rank or salary.

Ang: A good year with a possibility of meeting a life partner. A mentor can help to promote Tiger careers.
Stay away from mountain-climbing activities and avoid watery places such as rivers.

Rabbit (1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999)

Yap: Spiritual luck is very good and helps avoid mishaps. There is a very good chance of making a fortune especially with the help of a female VIP. The 15th lunar day is a very auspicious day as well as the eighth lunar month.

The male Rabbit will encounter romances, however, behave yourself! This year, there are chances of working abroad and if you help others, you will also reap the rewards. Beware of quarrel or accidents in the workplace.
Take care of your health to avoid headaches and eye problems.
Refrain from visiting the sick and do not attend funerals.

Ang: Luck is fair and take care when driving. If you have an overseas trip or have travel plans, it's a good thing. You will also have a lot of worries but learn to relax.

Dragon (1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

Yap Cheng Hai: 'The male Dragon will have a better year than the female.'
Yap: Refrain from trips abroad or overspending. There is a tendency for the Dragon to overspend. Avoid quarrelling with people. You may face legal suits or imprisonment if you're not too careful. Think before you act. Be careful during the third, seventh and ninth lunar months as they may be bloodshed or accidents. Take care of your health especially your kidneys.

Ang: Persons born under the Dragon and the Dog zodiac will clash with Tai Sui and need to pray to this deity as well as the Tiger deity. The Dragon must also be more charitable this year and be wary of troublemakers. They should avoid being guarantors.

Snake (1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)

Yap: You will have samaritans and friends in high places. You can get fame, happiness or even get married this year.
Money luck is good but you will have to work very hard. Be careful of legal suits. Be careful of brain haemorrhage, stroke or heart failure. Health-wise, it is a risky year because if you fall sick, it can be serious.

Ang: This should not be a bad year. The Snake person is also reminded not to lose his cool.

Horse (1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)
Yap: Samaritans will help you achieve fame and recognition. Business dealings are smooth. The Horse will have good relations with government officials and get a pay rise or promotion. Be careful of accidents. Health risks include flu, throat ailment or breathing difficulties.

Ang: The Horse person must avoid funerals or visiting the sick. If he wants to go into business, start small. Avoid extra-marital affairs.

Goat (1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

Yap: The Goat may be involved in accidents. Be patient. Money luck is good. Singles may meet their life partners and even tie the nuptial knot. Avoid rows or interfering in the affairs of others.

Ang: Expect a fair year. Do not wait for opportunities to knock but make opportunities. Avoid all forms of gambling. Save up and be thrifty. You also need to watch your health.

Monkey (1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

Yap: This year will see a lot of changes. If you leave your company, take it as a stepping stone. Be more charitable this year and be careful in the share market.

Pregnant women should be careful. This year, health and wealth will not be so good.
Couples should be patient and avoid confrontations.
Watch out for health problems on blood circulation, headaches and eye problems.

Ang: It will be a difficult year. Avoid any business partnerships. Do not dabble in shares.
There will be squabbles due to money matters. Maintain your cool with your spouse.

Rooster (1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Yap: You will have misunder-standings with your parents or people of higher authority. Business will not be so good but can improve next year. Give face and refrain from bullying others and don't cheat others or trouble will seek you out.

Ang: The God of Wealth, good samaritans as well as your supporters will give you a hand.
It's a year where you can make your fortune but then again, it's up to luck.
This year is better than last year but do not gamble your fortunes away. Be careful of your business dealings and avoid any third-party relationship.

Dog (1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Yap: The Dog may be involved in accidents. Inauspicious months are third, fourth, seventh and ninth lunar months.
The female Dog who is pregnant must be careful and do good deeds. Money luck is not good. Don't travel far. The first half of the ninth and 10th months will be better than the second half. Be extra cautious during the 11th lunar month especially when signing documents.

Ang: By nature, the Dog is family-oriented and will look after his family. He is also obedient and intelligent.
The female has a strong temperament but is studious and educated. She should not be pampered or else she may likely be rebellious.
This year, those born in the Year of the Dog will be in conflict with (farn Tai Sui in Cantonese) the Grand Duke of Jupiter.
Hence, they should be careful and abstain from interfering in other's affairs. They should also not go into business partnership to avoid losses.

Pig (1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

Yap: Your lucky star shines and a VIP is very supportive. You have a chance to go on a long journey and money will come to you. However, the male Pig will have a better year than the female. Do not be hot-tempered or fall into the trap of the opposite sex. It's a very good year for students.
Be on guard against robbery attempts. Become a volunteer and do good deeds. If you travel abroad to work, you can get a supportive VIP samaritan.

Ang: This is quite a good year. Be humble and ditch that attitude.
Remember that your success is due to your supporters. Without them, you wouldn't have come far. Minimise nightlife, as it can take a toll on health.
Try and socialise more to build up your circle of friends and contacts. Keep out of affairs that are not your business. While there are money-spinning opportunities, there are also many chances for relationships.
Take care - act and choose wisely. Do not give in to any charming woman lest you court trouble for yourself. The female Pig will stay loyal to her partner and family.

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