
Wednesday, January 04, 2006

2005 In reflection : Sports

Happy new year all.

I just almost recovered from whatever illness i had over the past weeks. Must be the body's way of telling me to slow down as i'm no longer 18, to start with!

Had a bad case of tonsilitis, which were then given some drugs by Doc Hisham. Tonsilitis gave me fever, on and off. Adding to the misery is a set of running tummy which had me spending a few nights hugging the toilet bowl. Literally saw the year passed me by in bed. Not a very pretty sight with me feeling all squashed down and all over.

Heck, i even missed a buddy's wedding, Liaw, so sorry for missing it dude, i really wanted to come, but condition didn't let me to even get out of bed to start with. Anyway, Many best wishes to you and PZ and may you both Old Hair Until Old.

I then saw one other friend online, he asked me if i'm doing some post-mortem for all the races i've did last year in 2005. I guessed i owe it to myself to see what i've done, and to look forward to see what i should do.

OK, here is 2005 in super fast forward mode, after i rewind it to Jan 2005.

Jan 2005
Genting Trailblazer with Doc Hisham - completed the race in 1H 45Mins and was placed 36 out of 200 in the WILD category.

Memorable moment: Spending New years' eve 2004 at a mechanic because an uncle decided that i should do so in Seremban.

Feb 2005
No races this month. The usual dirt and ride with Light and Easy gang, which is slowly turning into Long and Endurance rides.

Memorable Moments: Passing of my Beloved uncle to SLE.

March 2005
Did my first 21km race in KLIM. Was supposed to be doing a marathon but decided against it as i am not even confident to get pass the 22km mark. Turned out quite well with loads of room for improvement. Managed a good 2H 21min 13 seconds, not bad for a first timer (excuses..excuses) and positioned myself as 267 in the Men F category and 446 in the overall Men Half marathon.

Also did my first MMDS, or the Malakoff's Malaysia Duathlon Series, a run(10km)-bike(45km)-run(5km) which almost killed me. (first timer mah, doing multi sports at one go!). Managed a 3H 31Min 24s race with position 54 out of 82 in my age group.

memorable moments: The passing of Brandy. Girl, we all misses you like crazy.

April 2005
Did Eco-X with Steve and Doc as partners. Report is in two part with part 2 here. A race where we DNF (Did Not Finish) for the first time in our race history. It goes to show that races like these are not meant for the average athelete because you can never get enough of LUCK. And more LUCK to complete it. Kudos to those that did. Better luck in 2006! Pictures here.

memorable moments: Transporting an obscene amount of cash...

May 2005
Did my second MMDS at Lumut. This time it's a Run(10km)-Bike(60km)-Run(8km) which i complete in 4H 8Mins. Picture here.

Memorable Moments : The passing of an Ex Boy which i will forever remember. The Late Ridwan Mafia he is known and fondly as OP Koala Bear by his peers...May your soul rest in peace sir!

June 2005
Did my personal best 10km run at Subang 10k. The time of 48min 44second will be a tough time for me to get better off. That was also when i first became a stalker; stalking Carmen Pacesetter all the way as my pacer. Aileen was so surprised as she never expected me to reach before all my other friends! The cert never arrive...only the memories.

Rode offroad the most this month as well... Batu Dam, Teratak...the work....awesome!

Memorable Moments: Took Aileen to Batu Dam for a short hike!

July 2005
Did my first triathlon in PD!!! Awesome. Did a 2H 46Min 41s. My first proper race of 1.5km swim - 60km Bike and 10km run. Almost caught up with Azman Superman....what a race!

Also did Power Run 10KM. Finished the race in 58 minutes, a light and easy run.

Entered the worse possible race ever organised by a local council. The race is so bad that most of us won't be going back to do it again! Ever! Anyway, as usual, cam whoring all the way. Thanks Dilla for the memories!

memorable Moments: Caught up with my long lost friend from VI. He is now a triathlete kicking my ass in every race! Well Done Azwar!

Superman of the Year : OP Ahmad Ramli, Trans Peninsular on Bicycle, ALONE! He is doing Trans Sabah/Sarawk in 2006....wooHOOO!!!

August 2005
Kiara Run. Where most of us got our first POWERBAR t-shirts. Hahaha... It was a 7km run on undiluting hills of the Kiara forest. I ran with Steve and we finished it in 32mins. Not a bad time!

memorable moments : The Ghost of the Gopeng-X still haunts me...

September 2005
My first Medium Distance Triathlon. Desaru 2005 was different as i've never did such distance. Not all within a year with minimal training. it was a 2k swim, 90km bike and 21km run. Officially making it my second 21km race in the year. took me a painful 7Hours and 41 minutes to complete this race. But it is all worth officially, i'm half Ironman ;-) Pictures here

1 week later, it was Kiara MTB Carnival...which i took part just to get the T-shirt and to experience Kiara techincality. Nevertheless, i pushed most of the way. Hahaha...

2 weeks later, i did the Powerman race at Putrajaya. A full 10km run -60km bike and 10km run circuit. it was the hottest race, literally.

September was a crazy month.

Memorable Moment: Passing of Whisky Boy. Man, dogs in a year really made all of us weak and misses them even more...

October 2005
What's the most fun thing to do? AXN race. My second race in this installment where urban warriors are made. As if. Ran with bandit and Budin. We finished the race of course, with Budin doing the 16 Storey high abseiling! Piccies here!

Did Genting with the LnE gang...yeap, they have graduated to become LONG and Endurance was great fun. Going back to genting again, like how i did about 12 years back!

memorable Moments : reflecting back on September and October... it was crazy!!!

November 2005
Triathlon Titiwangsa on my birthday. How else do you want to spend it? with 200 others of course (but they didn't know it was my birthday though!)

Memorable Moments: doing 11 laps, instead of 10 at titiwangsa, personal birthday gift!

December 2005
Shortlisted for Explorace Season 3 audition and was very happy. Went for the mini race at Cerakah and making more new friends.

Rode 220km to Lumut with Azly and Amir. It was like some pilgramage and Doc and LnE gang took one day instead of two to complete it!

Memorable Moment: Kimbeley Yap winning Gold in SEA Games and me and Bandit getting into EXPLORACE!!!!

Best memory of the Month : Best bud got married!

What a year.

Don't all of you agree with me???

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