The Final 18 teams called for the second Audition.
This year, they called 18 teams to Sri Pentas on Christmas eve. By 9am, the 18 teams were there at Sri Pentas' cafeteria eating their breakfast. Sheila was there coordinating us around. (really sweet of her and she remembered all our names....) and everyone exchanged plesantries and i guessed the fact that some of us might not know of each other's existence wasn't shy to reintroduce ourselves. Well, frankly, i'm one of them.
At about 9.30am, we were all ushered into the auditorium and was given a simple briefing on the days' event and why we are national disaster in the making.
What do you expect to get when you put 18 teams of Motley Crews into Sri Pentas and all they are concerned about is the fun awaiting them (or rather the 100K price tag at the end of season 3).
Anyway, we were split into 2 groups to make logistic easier.
After teh race briefing, we were ushered up to the top floor of TV3. Yes, it's ardourous for most of us. The climb was a good warm up for what's to come next.
The first group was placed in TV3's basketball court. There, they were made to run the court 3 rounds and then a multitude of other physical activities like sprinting and duckwalk and frog jump. Felt like being in RMC again...what's missing is the forward roll, push ups and the side rolls.
The second team was placed in the gym, with Sasha (found out she's a contemporary dancer in the local performing art scene) leading the warm up session and weight session. Everyone showed their muscle for the camera, or lack of it, Me and Bandit just laze around until some camera pan onto us and then, we pretended to be doing some major workout. Hahaha...kaki tuang...standard la!
Later, we changed group, with The second group being placed outside and the first group in the gym. Yes. It was fun. I guessed we all made a joke out of ourselves in National TV.
After the physical activities, we were all told to go to Damansara Jaya, a warehouse, for more shooting. Everyone that drive drove to the place and in no time, we were split into groups of 6 again.
This time, it is to play football.
The primary school at DJ was used as the location for this mini *world cup*.
Names were created and slogan were fabricated to show how brutal the team were. Round robin style, the winning team were to proceed to the next round after 4 minutes of running in the field.
My group, the Brother Bear (no prize for guessing who was the mascot) proceeded into the final. And lost on penalty. James scored the deciding goal against me, the Kayu Keeper.
We were then placed there, and asked to practice our slogan or battle cry. The 2 jokers, complete with bear and deer's headgear made an impersonation of the Lion King's song...these two jokers are not only hilarious, they are damn talented!
After the football game, we made out way back to the school and lunch was served.
It was after lunch that we were told to line up again for the next stunt.
Yeap. It was mysterious. They wanted to capture our emotions and facial expression.
We were the 4th team that will go into the mystery test.
The first 3 team went in wet, and some screaming. We know it will be somthing icky and wet...but what is it?
OUr names were called and we made our way in. Yeap. There is a 500 gallon water tank. Camera focusing on it. Sasha usher us on and asked us to remove (hahaha) our shoes and socks. We can't go in bare naked, National TV mah. So, me and bandit removed out shorts, with thighs still intact and climbed into the tank.
I saw eel. I saw Bricks.
The task was to go into the water, grab one of the task, then catch one of the creatures inside (ie eel), take it up, show it to the camera and then read the task out loud.
Flustered, me and bandit went into the water and grabbed one of the clue. Yeap, i touched the eel, or should i say i grazed one of them. I picked up the task and placed it in my thighs. Bandit then dived in and went searching for the creature. Water were murky and he came out with the underwater camera...
"What's this?", he said nonchantly...
" Bro, camera la..." I said...
I swore the crew must had thought we were chicken as they laughed at us over this incident.
I caught one of them eel, slimy. Shasha pushed us on and said we were like the longest team that spent time in the water. Pressured, Bandit used his bandana and managed to secure one of those slimy creature...he then showed it to the camera and i think he killed it...the head and body was perpendicular by the time he let go of his grip...
I read the task: Do an impersonation of a vampire and the victim is your partner. Chase him/her around, hear him/her scream before you enjoy your meal of blood.
Hmm...acting classes needed here.
We got out of the set and walked away, anxious team wondering why everyone that went in came out wet and screaming (we forgot to scream, it was too scary).
We changed and then we were ushered (the completed teams) to do still shots, where our name will be imposed on our image.
This dragged on until dinner time, by then, shooting of anything audio was impossible as it was pouring like cats and dogs.
By after dinner, the rain slowed down and the set was set up for our *talentime night*
Guessed what? We were the first team to be called, so much for Sasha closing her eyes and pointing onto the name list on who will have to present their show.
Me and Bandit decided to make Count Dracula sleazy. With damn cheesy z rated movie script and we managed to pull it out though we skipped some scripts. It was made as we go on. I find myself being impromtu about this, and at least i managed to get a few in stiches.
Then, as i was making my way down, Sasha asked us to remain on stage, it seems we will be judged on our performances.
The crowd, being great people, gave us more than just 2 thumbs up. It's a relief, if sms were to be brought in, am sure all of us will get the equal amount of votes.
Sasha then commented:
1. You guys should NOT act, or even consider taking up acting as a career.
2. Bandit should stay being a male. (as he had 2 bandana's up his shirt for some instant cleavy)
3. and 3...
You guys made it to the final 12. The first team into the final 12!
I was speecheless, i only recalled slapping bandit's back. Bandit was numb. I said something like this is the best xmas gift ever (correction, after what my wife bought me, of course). Bandit was Numb.
We went down and was duly congratulated by everyone. it felt good.
Then it sinked in.
It might be a hoax to capture our facial expression.
One by one, each team were called on stage and slowly, their status were revealed.
The last 2 teams were a teaser.
James and David, against Ema and Suhana (The Divas).
James & David were declared the last team into the final 12. And King Kong blardy cried.
I think he moved some of us to tears as well!
it was a sight. It was.
Without further ado, here is the list of the final 18 candidates(and their status):

1. Zuki & Sister Noreen - Finalist

2. Amat & Azahari - Finalist

3. Alvin & Lesley - Finalist

4. Irene & Yuhana, the sarawakian sisters - Finalist

5. Carmen and Layla???...wanted to call you Mani's future wife.... - Finalist

6. Naresh & Guna - Pacer Boys. - Finalist

7. Cee Yee & Weng Aun...charming... - Finalist

8. MJ And Misbah - Power Girls... - Finalist

9. Kak Jehan and Kak Am, the two teacher/legal advisor/super mum... -Finalist

10. Reita & Mani - potent mix, Bandit has a nightmare of them chasing him in his dream. - Finalist

11. James & David - Watch out for these two dudes - Finalist.

12. And of course me and Bandit - Finalist
Those that will pose a threat to the finalist...should they decide to pull out...

1.Tujri & Wan - bro in law - reserves

2. Mariam (which i thought was a chinese) and Fahmi... easily the tallest around. - Reserves

3. Ema & Intan - Reserves

4. Peijal & Fa....Future spouses and damn cool! - Reserves

5. Barath and Feisal - the Kluang Men... - Reserve
6. Azura and Adzfar pulled out from being standy on Saturday. Not sure why. Will definately miss having them around, esp Azura with her ultra hyper self!
So, there you go...Me and Azly has just received one of our many others BEST Xmas gift this year.
We were shortlisted to be one of the twelve finalist in next year's (season's) Explorace!!!
Blogger is right, the moment they call you to Sri Pentas, it means that you are already either chosen to be the main finalist, or the standby team.
We were let off at about 11pm, enough time to go back for the Christmas countdown with families and friends.
The next day, we went to Sri Pentas 2 for the promo shots at the studio.
The session dragged on for some time.
First there was the "all the teams around the big explorace banner looking at the camera from the top" shot.
Then the "all the team around the smaller explorace race banner shot, with face" Shot
By then, we break for lunch.
After that, there was " line up two by two face shot with camera panning" shot.
After that, it was the " line up inside the train track, we pan in, you walk out" shot
And the "line up beside train track, we pan out, you walk in" shot
All shots were taken until the director and art director were satisfied.
Most of us spent time sleeping, the sleeping siblings were the most apparent as Zuki and Noreen literally slept everywhere on set!
Then, there comes the "2 teams by 2 teams" shot, where the 2 teams will stare cock at each other ala hollywood movie poster style.
So, imagine the National Disasters posing ala Fast & Furious, 3 Kings, Harry Potter, Ocean's 11 etc etc...hehehe, we were made to put baby il on the face and then
Completed teams then went to the other side for their Slogan/war cry recording.
As usual, expect something cheesy from the both of us, ie me and bandit.
We were let off after the slogan shooting...it's sad to part, but in 2 month's time, some of us will be racing against each other and hearts will break, tears will roll and winner will be made.
to the all of you Exploracer Season 3 candidates from Audition 1. My salute to all of you!
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