
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Kiara Hill Run

It was 7am when i realised i overslept. Took a quick shower and rushed with wifey to the starting line. Switch on the phone and realised that TTDI park is packed with weekend joggers. Decided to try my luck parking closer to the starting line.

Nope. It's all jammed up. Doc's sms said to go to KSH bike shop's parking. After losing 10 minutes in the jam near the starting line, we finally parked next to the IBM building.

i wasn't the last to reach, Azman reached after i did. Race hasn't started, the organisers are still trying to figure out which aerobic/yoga should be done as the warm up exercise. The whole gang couldn't be bothered and was seen snapping happy pictures, while waiting for them to call us to register ourselves.

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Yes, all sleepy face and wondering should the organiser pay us to join instead.

At about 8am, the organisers asked all men's category to go to the starting line. Off we went... Men, young and old alike, dashed for the Kiara hill. Weekend joggers were taken aback and was seen getting out of the way of the runners dashing up the hill. A few powerbar sponsored atheletes such as Wong Ah Thiam and Heidilee was seen there as well. A few Thailand runner came for the run too...

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Men going after loose chicken in Kiara.

"we can't let Steve run himself", doc told me as he picked up pace and chased Steve. I left Zabil and BEan behind and tried keeping up with this Super Doc. We managed to catch steve after the first climb and by then, i know i'll look like some constipated chicken running this race.

As we reached the Apex of the kiara hill, a few lady runner, namely Yufang overtook us. She is fast. Well, she is, afterall, a (neutralised)National, for her to overtake us is nothing new. The race took us downhill towards the Kiara 2k loop(MTB-er has funny way to name the trail, well, this is a 2km loop, hence, the name).

A few over-zealous female runner was seen overtaking all the male participant by cutting their run short by bypassing the compulsory route but still stay on the track by identifying the ribbon marked trail.

"cheater...cheater...why pay to cheat, jsut go to the finish line" Steve said to a few of them that does the stunt.

We emerged from the lower portion of the trail, overtaking a good number of runners which is not accustomed to trail running and made a dash for the hill attack. The running route slowly became steeper as we approach the other apex of the hill, by then, we knew that me and steve looks like some guy that will be having heart attack soon. We left doc behind. Maybe he didn't get enough rest, hence the non-performance that day.

After the downhill at the apex, we saw Man.

"Kass Kas!!!" Steve shouted.

"OI, Kass, Kaass!!! Run faster!!!!" I echoed.

Man heard us, he started picking up pace, by then, the 3 of us looked like some spastic overgrown kids, with our mouth opened and saliva dripping while we attempted to run the last steep incline. It was really hilarious really.

So, ahead of the pack was the 3 dumbasses trying to outrun each other. At the final stage of the run, we collected a wristband from the organiser as a sign we passed the check point.

We gathered enough speed while running downhill. Me and Steve tried chasing Man, which is about 5 meters infront, but for a guy that brushes his teeth everymorning with Tongkat Ali, that would be a hard thing to do...he is like Super Man, literally.

We finished the race in 32 Minutes, with Man a good 2 or 3 seconds infront...then slowly, one by one, the rest of the gang came in...surviving the 7km run in Kiara...

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Man leading the pack.

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While me and Steve finish the race at the same time.

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We didn't sweat a bit...

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Bean came in next.

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followed by Zabil

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And Doc

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Then Ashley

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Stephanie came in after

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And finally Azah...strolling down the road...with ease.

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Steve then complained about not getting medal, our 3rd in a row since Power Run.

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Stupe could only laugh it off, for running like headless chicken

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Ashley and Zeus and their happy gang of runners!

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While Doc and Steph discuss about the possibility to change running shoes...

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Man was telling them it's not the shoes that counts...

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Zabil hoping Azah will share her medal with him...

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The LnE gang that completed the race. Aileen was the Camera Woman of the day!!! Thanks Wifey!

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