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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Rizal "Don't hate me because i'm good looking"

Azman "I could fix anything you can't" Mazlam

Doc "I'm a slut" Hisyam

Bandit "Hardrock Baby" Azly

Adilah "i've capped my tooth" Junid

Steve "Park Ranger" Lee

Damshal "Gatorode Supplier"

Buluh Terbakar - all buluh that was terbakar already cleared.

Buluh Terbakar again...
Monday, May 30, 2005
Revenge of the Tree Roots.
Teratak Tekala. A scenic ride from Ulu Langat town towards the Sg. Selangor Dam.
Base camp situated at 68m above sea level. With tonnes of holiday makers enjoying the view and the waterfall at Tekali.
Yesterday, A few of us entered one of our playground again. An offroad trail of 16km uphill, and 16km downhill.
Doc called at 7am sharp "Are you on the way to pick Bandit up?", He asked.
OK, this is efficient. It's 7am and they are at Phoenix Plaza's toll. And i'm still driving to Bandit's place.
I droved faster, put Bandit and his bike into the car and zoomed off to Teratak.
We reached at about 7.35am and instantly set out to fix all our gears.
We went off at about 8am.
The ride was pleasant. Teratak has always been some place where we could train for our stamina/endurance. it is a good place for beginner to try going downhill fast.
Azman, Doc, Bandit, Steve, Adilah,Dhamsal and Rizal, and me of course set out to conquer Teratak once again. Both Adilah and Rizal was first timer in Teratak.
We reached the track opening and Rizal went forward, followed by Steve and Doc. The rest followed ensuite.
The climb up was great, eveyrone maintained good speed of about 8-10km/h over the gentle uphill. We reached the first turnoff and took the oppurtunity to rest and comment on the track's condition.
The track was not maintained for long. Undergrowth and tree branches were low hanging and would caught the unsuspecting rider at neck level should he/she did not pay attention.
But that is the beauty of Teratak. It's an adventure of somesort. Leeches were on Holiday it seems, as non of us had any leeches sticking out of any body parts.
We reached Buluh Terbakar (A name we coined because the bamboo at that stretch was totally burnt by some inconsiderate people, possibly by those 4WD Dumbasses*) and Rizal was no where in sight. Apparently, he shot off straight after the first turn off because he says he wanted to take a crap.
I shouted for him and he responded, asking him to wait for us to cycle together, as he was without walkie talkie and it's rahter dangerous, as this trail is known to be *keras*. There were news and rumours that bikers/hikers got lost and ended up somewhere or their friends found them doing some other things. It's rahter scary really, but perhaps, it is all tales to prevent riders like Rizal to leave the nucleas group while cycling in the jungle.
We caught up with Rizal about 3 minutes later and noticing a low hanging branch with thorns, I took Doc's parang and cleared the branch and thorns. Adilah asked me if i did ask their (as in tree's) permission to do so.
I didn't. It did not occur to me. Jokingly, i told adilah and everyone else that they will take revenge on me later.
Later, doc radioed us over the walkie talkie that he saw a huge dumbass wild boar in the creek. Yes Doc, the place stink of the pig's smell when we pass it.
We reached the first steep drop. Due to erosion a portion of the tracks was swallowed by the surface water. The whole erosion portion looked as if it is some extreme game ramp.
Slowly, everyone took their turn to have their 4 seconds of fame as a extreme gamist wannabe. Adilah wasn't too sure about the whole stunt and decided to give that a miss. Smart on her, as we do not want her to injure herself after last week's incident at Cameron.
We reached the place where the 4wd was abandon. The 4wd was overturned yet again, this time to the other side of the track. We fooled around the 4wd until everyone reached the 4wd. We then proceed to the Log bridge.
The bridge collapsed and there is only one way to go around it. And that place is messy! By this time, we were joined by Melvin and 2 other girls. These people are fast, but then again, are they enjoying it as much as we does? (they looked serious, cheer up buddies!!!)
From there on, it was about 4 more km before we reach the river with small waterfall. We reached the RV point as per expected. Happy and all nasi lemaks was served with beehoon goreng and karipap.
After about 20 minutes of rest, Me, bandit and Rizal left first, because we need to be home for other matters earlier.
We went off and i chatted with Rizal while pedalling uphill towards the highest point of the climb at 330m above sea level. Rizal told me he saw a huge cobra, ready to strike when he was riding alone from the first checkpoint. I went ahead and told him that is why it's important to stick togehter.
We were reaching the apex when Rizal stopped to snack on his granola bars. Bandit went past me and i told him to go ahead first.
We reached the Log Bridge after an exciting downhill section over loose gravels.
As i climb out of the muddy creek that bypass the log bridge, and as i mounted my bike to pedal downhill, my chain got stuck in some root and it happened too fast for me to realised what happened.
Before i know it, my chain snapped. Great. Twice in 3 weeks. First lumut, now this. Accessing my damage, Rizal reached me and i told him to go ahead first while i fix the thing up.
My chain snapped, the chain literally opened up at one of the link. My rear derailuer hanger was broken too. This is bad luck. Suddenly Adilah's statement of if i did ask the tree for permission before i cut them rings through my head. Shit. This is the revenge.
I removed my deraileur and clipped the cable to my top post. By then, the whole gang that i left behind to go ahead earlier caught up with me. Azman, as his usual helpful self offered to help me. After 1 chain cutter spoilt by the Hyperglide chain and all attempt to rejoin the chain to make my bike single speed failed after 30 minutes. I decided to just run/walk/cruise on my bike. No point really. The roots had their revenge. And i have to live with it for the next 12km out of the track.
The group stuck togehter as usual as they do not want to leave me behind.(how sweet), not to be a burden to them, i asked a few of them to go ahead and Man and Steve stayed back to make sure i'll be OK.
Doc and Dhalsam was nice to leave their bottle of ribena and gatorade for me, as i've totally exhausted my water. It was already 12.30pm by then and the sun was burning down on us.
If you recalled how those old men/women ride their 7-up or royal bike last time, that was how i was, one leg on pedal and one more pushing off from the ground. It was tiring.
Doc and man tried cheering eveyrone up by doing their own redention fo Alleycats's song and doing up their own composition by putting in incident of chain snapping and being unlucky at teratak and all.
Appreciate it fully. We finally caught up with the group up front and i was told to go first, as i'll need all the momentum going downhill. Humour is indeed magic, and that is why these bunch of dumbarses are so fine adn ncie to be with!!!
This time, i was glad i had brakes. The first time, i was doing Freddy Flintstone stunts after my brake pads jumped out of their casing. And coincidently, i was always the one cutting away vines and branches!!!
I sped downhill and ran with my bike on certain uphill section as not to upset the back rider that certainly will be pedalling over the small peaks. Steve went really fast after the Buluh Terbakar. By then, i was already too tired to comprehend what it meant to be whacked by those vines and leafs all over my arms and face. Infact, standing up on the pedal with no resistance was kinda tiring as well.
I met bandit at the first checkpoint and he totally understood why the long wait. He had been waiting for the past 1 hour. We could all see him resting comfortably on the ground. Regrouping, we all geared up for the final downhill assault. By then, the sky already turned grey and looked like it is gonna be pouring.
I only knew i went downhill fast. At least touching 35km/h at the long stretch before reaching the trial's opening again.
As fast as i came down, it was over.
Bandit came to me and asked if i felt like some jedi in some fighters when i went downhill, with those leafs and branchs whizzing past and in blur...hey yeah man!!!
It poured when we reached the road, i ran with the bike. Reaching the car, the rain was hitting on us and we were all drenched. Wet from both pespiration and excitement.
Time check, and it was already 2pm.
We grouped for a quick lunch with burgers and drinks. I couldn't thanks the guys and girl that much, for making sure i get out of Teratak Tekala safely. The don't have to wait, but they did. And with that, my thanks to all those that went on Sunday.
Today, i felt like i had secret training yesterday, some duathlon of some sort. Biking and running. Perhaps, it's the nature's way to ask me not to mess with them next time, and to train harder for JB Duathlon!!!!
ps- 4wd Dumbasses* - Apologies to all 4wd adventurers that might ahd taken offence in what i wrote here. I fully understand that not all 4wd pirates destroy the nature as per what i wrote. But to those that does, i think you are better off whincing your machine in the concrete jungle. Leave the nature for people like us (hikers/bikers/4wd-ers) that appreiciate her as she is.
Base camp situated at 68m above sea level. With tonnes of holiday makers enjoying the view and the waterfall at Tekali.
Yesterday, A few of us entered one of our playground again. An offroad trail of 16km uphill, and 16km downhill.
Doc called at 7am sharp "Are you on the way to pick Bandit up?", He asked.
OK, this is efficient. It's 7am and they are at Phoenix Plaza's toll. And i'm still driving to Bandit's place.
I droved faster, put Bandit and his bike into the car and zoomed off to Teratak.
We reached at about 7.35am and instantly set out to fix all our gears.
We went off at about 8am.
The ride was pleasant. Teratak has always been some place where we could train for our stamina/endurance. it is a good place for beginner to try going downhill fast.
Azman, Doc, Bandit, Steve, Adilah,Dhamsal and Rizal, and me of course set out to conquer Teratak once again. Both Adilah and Rizal was first timer in Teratak.
We reached the track opening and Rizal went forward, followed by Steve and Doc. The rest followed ensuite.
The climb up was great, eveyrone maintained good speed of about 8-10km/h over the gentle uphill. We reached the first turnoff and took the oppurtunity to rest and comment on the track's condition.
The track was not maintained for long. Undergrowth and tree branches were low hanging and would caught the unsuspecting rider at neck level should he/she did not pay attention.
But that is the beauty of Teratak. It's an adventure of somesort. Leeches were on Holiday it seems, as non of us had any leeches sticking out of any body parts.
We reached Buluh Terbakar (A name we coined because the bamboo at that stretch was totally burnt by some inconsiderate people, possibly by those 4WD Dumbasses*) and Rizal was no where in sight. Apparently, he shot off straight after the first turn off because he says he wanted to take a crap.
I shouted for him and he responded, asking him to wait for us to cycle together, as he was without walkie talkie and it's rahter dangerous, as this trail is known to be *keras*. There were news and rumours that bikers/hikers got lost and ended up somewhere or their friends found them doing some other things. It's rahter scary really, but perhaps, it is all tales to prevent riders like Rizal to leave the nucleas group while cycling in the jungle.
We caught up with Rizal about 3 minutes later and noticing a low hanging branch with thorns, I took Doc's parang and cleared the branch and thorns. Adilah asked me if i did ask their (as in tree's) permission to do so.
I didn't. It did not occur to me. Jokingly, i told adilah and everyone else that they will take revenge on me later.
Later, doc radioed us over the walkie talkie that he saw a huge dumbass wild boar in the creek. Yes Doc, the place stink of the pig's smell when we pass it.
We reached the first steep drop. Due to erosion a portion of the tracks was swallowed by the surface water. The whole erosion portion looked as if it is some extreme game ramp.
Slowly, everyone took their turn to have their 4 seconds of fame as a extreme gamist wannabe. Adilah wasn't too sure about the whole stunt and decided to give that a miss. Smart on her, as we do not want her to injure herself after last week's incident at Cameron.
We reached the place where the 4wd was abandon. The 4wd was overturned yet again, this time to the other side of the track. We fooled around the 4wd until everyone reached the 4wd. We then proceed to the Log bridge.
The bridge collapsed and there is only one way to go around it. And that place is messy! By this time, we were joined by Melvin and 2 other girls. These people are fast, but then again, are they enjoying it as much as we does? (they looked serious, cheer up buddies!!!)
From there on, it was about 4 more km before we reach the river with small waterfall. We reached the RV point as per expected. Happy and all nasi lemaks was served with beehoon goreng and karipap.
After about 20 minutes of rest, Me, bandit and Rizal left first, because we need to be home for other matters earlier.
We went off and i chatted with Rizal while pedalling uphill towards the highest point of the climb at 330m above sea level. Rizal told me he saw a huge cobra, ready to strike when he was riding alone from the first checkpoint. I went ahead and told him that is why it's important to stick togehter.
We were reaching the apex when Rizal stopped to snack on his granola bars. Bandit went past me and i told him to go ahead first.
We reached the Log Bridge after an exciting downhill section over loose gravels.
As i climb out of the muddy creek that bypass the log bridge, and as i mounted my bike to pedal downhill, my chain got stuck in some root and it happened too fast for me to realised what happened.
Before i know it, my chain snapped. Great. Twice in 3 weeks. First lumut, now this. Accessing my damage, Rizal reached me and i told him to go ahead first while i fix the thing up.
My chain snapped, the chain literally opened up at one of the link. My rear derailuer hanger was broken too. This is bad luck. Suddenly Adilah's statement of if i did ask the tree for permission before i cut them rings through my head. Shit. This is the revenge.
I removed my deraileur and clipped the cable to my top post. By then, the whole gang that i left behind to go ahead earlier caught up with me. Azman, as his usual helpful self offered to help me. After 1 chain cutter spoilt by the Hyperglide chain and all attempt to rejoin the chain to make my bike single speed failed after 30 minutes. I decided to just run/walk/cruise on my bike. No point really. The roots had their revenge. And i have to live with it for the next 12km out of the track.
The group stuck togehter as usual as they do not want to leave me behind.(how sweet), not to be a burden to them, i asked a few of them to go ahead and Man and Steve stayed back to make sure i'll be OK.
Doc and Dhalsam was nice to leave their bottle of ribena and gatorade for me, as i've totally exhausted my water. It was already 12.30pm by then and the sun was burning down on us.
If you recalled how those old men/women ride their 7-up or royal bike last time, that was how i was, one leg on pedal and one more pushing off from the ground. It was tiring.
Doc and man tried cheering eveyrone up by doing their own redention fo Alleycats's song and doing up their own composition by putting in incident of chain snapping and being unlucky at teratak and all.
Appreciate it fully. We finally caught up with the group up front and i was told to go first, as i'll need all the momentum going downhill. Humour is indeed magic, and that is why these bunch of dumbarses are so fine adn ncie to be with!!!
This time, i was glad i had brakes. The first time, i was doing Freddy Flintstone stunts after my brake pads jumped out of their casing. And coincidently, i was always the one cutting away vines and branches!!!
I sped downhill and ran with my bike on certain uphill section as not to upset the back rider that certainly will be pedalling over the small peaks. Steve went really fast after the Buluh Terbakar. By then, i was already too tired to comprehend what it meant to be whacked by those vines and leafs all over my arms and face. Infact, standing up on the pedal with no resistance was kinda tiring as well.
I met bandit at the first checkpoint and he totally understood why the long wait. He had been waiting for the past 1 hour. We could all see him resting comfortably on the ground. Regrouping, we all geared up for the final downhill assault. By then, the sky already turned grey and looked like it is gonna be pouring.
I only knew i went downhill fast. At least touching 35km/h at the long stretch before reaching the trial's opening again.
As fast as i came down, it was over.
Bandit came to me and asked if i felt like some jedi in some fighters when i went downhill, with those leafs and branchs whizzing past and in blur...hey yeah man!!!
It poured when we reached the road, i ran with the bike. Reaching the car, the rain was hitting on us and we were all drenched. Wet from both pespiration and excitement.
Time check, and it was already 2pm.
We grouped for a quick lunch with burgers and drinks. I couldn't thanks the guys and girl that much, for making sure i get out of Teratak Tekala safely. The don't have to wait, but they did. And with that, my thanks to all those that went on Sunday.
Today, i felt like i had secret training yesterday, some duathlon of some sort. Biking and running. Perhaps, it's the nature's way to ask me not to mess with them next time, and to train harder for JB Duathlon!!!!
ps- 4wd Dumbasses* - Apologies to all 4wd adventurers that might ahd taken offence in what i wrote here. I fully understand that not all 4wd pirates destroy the nature as per what i wrote. But to those that does, i think you are better off whincing your machine in the concrete jungle. Leave the nature for people like us (hikers/bikers/4wd-ers) that appreiciate her as she is.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Gigi Terbenam di Lembah Bertam : Ride Report by Doc Hisyam
Gigi terbenam di Lembah Bertam
Jim Thompson loop
Riders:Azman, Adilah,Azmar, Steve, Zabil and me(doc)
Hi everyone. Last Saturday the above gang members once again proved that waking up at 3 am in the morning can at times be fun. As usual, the number of those present didn't exactly match the number that had earlier expressed their desire to come along. Last minute cancellations and broken promises are the norm in our life nowadays. It has just gone slightly high tech with sms. Its easy! Send one at 12 midnight saying whatever excuse you could muster and you dont even have to say your sorry. It wasnt going to dampen our spirits though.
After the initial hiccup of Azmar not finding Steve's condo and adilah getting a bit lost on her way to the RV point and doc being stopped by police for probable drunk driving (I was later waved on after the cop saw me in my lycra with the bike on the roof: Nobody goes out drinking with tight lycra anyway), we all managed to rendezvous at Sg Buloh R and R at 420am. Zabil came with the whole family, fast asleep in his truck. Steve ferried both azman and Azmar from Taman Tun and Adilah came alone. A quick get together chat and reorganised and we were off. Entertainment was provided by 70's music.....Alleycats lagi!...with not so good Karaoke singing by doc and Azman. Stopped for toilet break at Tapah R and R and met a couple of motorbikers from Singapore on their way to Thailand. In the loo, it was kind of funny with me the skinny guy in tight lycra standing next to the leather clad big guy at the urinals."You goin mountain biking?" the biker puffed asking me." I used to mountain bike....not anymore....". Without washing his hands he went, no doubt polluting the air with his motorised bike. Duhh! Macam la aku peduli.....suddenly it reminded me of my dear friend amir....the ex mountain biker now motorbiker.
No more dramas after that. we reached Ringlet at 715am. My first impression was that our favourite mamak stall was open. Restoran Lethumey....Roti telur, tosay and a couple of coffees later we were gettting ready. Aiman,Zabil's daughter wanted to follow pakcik uncle doc on the bike but mum didnt give permission. Instead they were going to see butterflies and orchids. The pre ride ritual was almost sacred. With the constant bantering by Steve, the last minute tweaking of the bike in the midst of a beautiful early misty morning. Adilah grew apprehensive when I asked Steve whether to bring my parang.........."its good for cutting open durians"...phew. Left the parang behind and after a quick group photo we were off! 0820hrs.
The initial ride into Bertam Valley was pleasant enough until we came to the TNB power house and was barked down by a cranky old dog. Could it be the same dog that nearly bit Bacin during the last visit? Anyhow, noone got hurt and we were awakened by the early morning chill factor. It was cold going downhill into Bertam as the wind bit into your face. Only steve the Canadian bear was immune to the cold. Pekan Bertam was alive with activity. Farmers trading their vegetables. Lorries getting ready to transport vegetables. Zabil was impressed by some kids playing basketball early in the morning. The town looked a bit ike Kundasang at the foothills of Kinabalu with the weather and the many 4WDs around. From Pekan Bertam we began the ascent along a north westerly direction along the Bertam valley. As per the last visit, the view was splendid. The only difference was probably there were more farming on the high hill slopes. The river was heavily polluted with agricultural waste, fertilizer bags, drums strewn everywhere. The road was dusty and we ate dust and diesel fumes whenever a truck passed by. The drivers though were generally corteous, giving friendly honks and waves and letting us way. So very unlike KL!
5 or 6 km in, the road became steep. A lot of puffing and sweating on the tarmac. As we progressed, the farms were getting less in number along the main road. The locals call the road "the new highway". No its not like the LDP! Its just a dusty tarmac road that winds and bends endlessly. As we ascended, the valley looked more clearer. With new farming at the top of the hills and the endless terraced farms, we realised that development does screw nature. I just hope things dont get out of control.
At the top of the valley, we came to the T junction marking the start of off road territory. The 'highway' continued right (but was blocked by a stalled lorry) and the JT loop brings you left into more farming communities down another small valley. I asked everyone whether they want light and easy (right) or the 'long and hard' option of turnng left down the valley. "Long and hard please!" was Azman's reply. Adilah didnt seem pleased,(maybe with my subtle choice of words) but we continued on. The descent was fun! Along mixture of muddy 4WD tracks and some hard rocky surface we sped down past cabbages, tomatoes and smelly baja tahi ayam. The bikes that were clean was now thrown into muddy pools. Adilah was worried about getting muddy while Zabil was protecting his 'specialised' baby from the no avail. Azman was as usual gung ho going fast. Azmar, despite not doing mountain biking for some time showed some decent skills. At the top of a ridge between two farms where we remembered it getting slippery from continuous running water and moss and algae formation, we stopped and warned everyone to be careful to avoid falling and doing an 'endo'. "whats an endo? asked Adilah. Steve wanted to be a hero in going in for the 'demo' in avoiding the endo and without even reaching 5 metres slipped and skidded. He was able to dismount without any harm. Doc had to show the gang how to really do it, and I sped down. I was immediately called back by Steve. Someone fell! I could see Steve gesturing to me a crash with him pointing to his face. "gigi! adilah!" I could barely hear him. Raced back up around the corner to see everyone gathering around Adilah and some looking down on the ground for something. Apparently she slipped and did an endo herself and smashed her face resulting in a broken tooth! Expected her to cry but she didnt. Strong gutsy girl. She had a minor gum bleed which was controlled spontaneously; The tooth is somewhere on the ground. Tak jumpa.
Diagnosis:1) Chip fracture of the left upper incisor (enamel with dentine spared)
2)Abrasion of the left shoulder with no skeletal defect.
3)Contusion over the left wrist wit full range of movements
The correct one: Stop riding and go home.
The chosen wrong one: Dust oneself off, check the bike, apply some antiseptic ointment, smile and carry on!
Being hard core, she progressed on, this time steve pushed her bike down the dangerous bit. Zabil and Azman had no problems speeding down. We were all waiting for Azmar when out of a sudden, he sped down towards me and Steve! Oh Shit! No way he was going to brake with this slippery algae covered track. Preparing to be hit like bowling pins, me and Steve cursed aloud hoping for the best. With great skill, Azmar swerved and avoided us. I was really impressed....cekapnya brader ni....until a few feet down his front wheel got trapped in a small crack on the road and he fell with a thud sideways on his right shoulder. Not expected to cry, he stood up, brushed himself down, checked his bike and smiled. Precisely what the doctor ordered. Tough guy really considering the hard surface and the speed and the associated thump in the way he landed. If it was me, I would probably have cried.........another story.
No more dramas after that. We managed to find the tecnical turn off after a few km down. Me and Steve was weary to the fact we took the wrong turning last time around and ended up becoming adventurer cum explorer going down a ravine along a mud slide. no such disaster this time. I memorised the place photographically and Steve also did his part by placing an old tyre during our last visit near the juntion. It was still there.
On into the the track down another small valley. The track was apparently the old track for the locals connecting Bertam valley and the next valley of Kuala Boh and into Orang asli settlements deeper in. Because of the new highway, the track has remained abandoned. Before entering, a land rover full of tahi ayam slowed past me. The Indian dude driving asked me where we were heading and I told him to Kuala Boh. "Salah jalan la!" Ikut la highway baru. I told him we were following the old trail and reassured him that I've done it before. With a wave he was off......I could barely hear him saying to his passenger "gila punya budak" as the landrover passed on.
To say abandoned is an understatement. The trail was covered in some sections with thick overgrowth at places and thick grass covering at places making it impossible to gauge where to put your wheels on. Some amount of jungle bashing was needed. I should have brought the parang. The trail was initially flat and semi tecnical with us slowing down to avoid and pass trough the thick shrub. Zabil got himself caught in some thorny vines and tore his 'favourite MTB shirt'. We saw some soil disruption pattern which looked like wild boar markings. Azman said he could smell them. Oh dear...At that time Steve was leading the ride and suddenly he was way ahead."Steve! Slow down dude!" I called ahead. The rest was following closely behind no doubt afraid after the wild boar story. Azman heard some movements in the bush and suddenly i heard him saying "faster faster!" with some urgency in his voice. More movements and followed by adilah screaming. Zabil was almost dismounted from his bike. Fearing the worst....wild boar? or worse pak belang? I turned back towards the gang and found them laughing their guts out. What was supposed to be a wild boar turned to be a 'tame canadian boar'. Steve had hidden in the shrubs to scare us all. HA HA! it was a good laugh all round. Following that, no one wanted to be in the rear anymore.
The downhill part when it came was sweet. Azmar and Zabil treated it with disdain. Since I remembered my fall during our previous visit, i was a bit more cautious. Azman looked after Adilah during the downhill part and both made it after some minor falls here and there. Apparently azmar took a tumble too. In the end my hand hurt from the braking and I was the only one who didnt fall.The 4km descent was superb! Fast and furious. Some soft mud made us to skid along but it was fun. At the bottom, we encounterd the 'highway' again as it made its way around the hill and ravine that we went down into. Im afraid that perhaps the trail will be overgrown completely in time from disuse. More reason for us to come again I suppose....
On to Orangasli territory....Kampung Kuala Boh hasnt changed a bit since the last visit. What striked me most was the friendly kids running around. They all looked scruffy with their afro hairdo's and most were bare footed. reminded of Papua New Guinea as seen on National Geographic. From Kuala Boh, the ascent started. Bacin would say. The climbing was endless, though we were helped by the fact that the weather was nice. Cool breeze and cloud cover. We were now generally heading northwards crossing a ridge to Boh valley. The track was cemented cum tarmac which was wide enough for a 4WD to pass trough. Traffic was nil though and we were the only ones slogging it out. We managed to ride on most parts though. This was a mark contrast to our previous visit where pushing was the order of the day. Even Adilah whom by now had recovered fully, rode most ways. Steve, Zabil and azman jangan cakap la.. No problems for them. Azmar had to push a bit, partly due to 'engine factor' , but also his rear derailler wasnt working well. That got fixed later on. We stopped at a small river and as usual for the urban doctor, he had to go for his spa there and then. Along with Zabil, steve and Azman, we managed to pollute the river.
On with the slog then! From there it was another 3 to 4 km to kampung Penggen, the last Orang asli settlement before entering the tea plantations. The weather was superb. Winds with low lying clouds. We could see that the plantations were covered in thick dark clouds. Most probably raining there. As we entered the plantation, it did start to drizzle. But spirits were high by then. The beautiful forest country was being replaced by miles and miles of tea. enough tea to make you tea sick. The people changed too. A lot of Indian workers and kids running around. We were leaving Papua New Guinea and entering Kandy, Sri Lanka. The ride in the plantation was another long slog uphill. We assured everyone that this was the final ascent of the day. That probably helped lift some spirits. We were now getting wet from the rain. Out of a sudden Zabil shouted ahead."Look at that big white bird flying low ahead!" Everyone craned their necks to look for the 'birds'......Takde pun? "There! see that?" " besar burung tu..."
Everyone stopped and stuggled to get a better view. Then we saw it.....The big white birds were actualy sacks of tea leaves being transported down the hill slopes using 'flying fox' cable and pulley system. Ha ha ha! we all had a good laugh! Zabil's training and instinct as a pilot to spot flying objects made for a good laugh all round.
We pedalled on upwards. The moment we reached the sundry store, the rained poured! Just in the nick of time. Anyway the store keeper was slighly amused with the sight of 6 smelly,bloody bikers invading and ransacking his store. We cleared his fridge real quick and he had to get some more drinks from the store. Azmar wanted to lie down in the rain....."why?" was his exclaimation in his anguish pain. He had planned to do some road riding tomorrow with some friends....nampak macam tak larat je ni doc...he told me.
From the store, we continued on and after more tea leaves and some more 'flying big birds' we finally made it the summit where the Boh tea shop awaits us. 2 pots of steaming tea and 10 pieces of pies and cakes was gulped down in disdain. Best gila after knowing that we made it afer all the long hard pedalling. In the distance we could see the top of another hill where the plantation air strip was. Perhaps next time we should try it, suggested zabil. I reckon it was another 2 hours to climb that monster.
With tea(theophylline: similar chemical family as caffeine)running in our veins, we were now upbeat. even Azmar who was depressed earlier on the thought of missing the next day's road ride was now in a better mood. Adilah managed to smile with her newly shaped tooth and bruised face. Steve was as usual talking about next race and projects. Unlike adilah, we are not competent climbers but already plans were discussed regarding trip to Krabi, southern Thailand we could drive there, bring our bikes, do some riding, do some climbing and zabil can even go scuba diving.....hmm very ambitious really. The wonder what lots of tea visually and ingested can do to your minds.
I told the gang that tea (theophyline) acts as a bronchodilator and improves pulmonary funtion and helps athmatic breath better. Azman thought it was crap and tea only gets him constipated! Then the effects of tea intoxication got into him...."why dont we ride from here to Gua Musang and do rock climbing there?100k plus" Good idea Man, Steve began planning on logistics, Zabil was agreeable on the 'next epic' and everyone was bouyant. All set then lets go one day! Then suddenly Zabil asked, "Gua Musang tu kat mana?" Alamak...after all the talk, we thought he knew where we were heading! Anyway, Adilah brought us back down to earth by telling us we would enjoy gua musang and Krabi more if we could do more difficult climbs as it was more technical there. In other words....We average Joes better climb more and improve before even thinking of going great guns. Ouch!
We waited for Aiman and mummy to RV with us but they didnt turned up. Fearing miscommunication somewhere, we proceeded on. The trip down the Boh hill into Habu town was fast and sweet. 5km of fast twisting wet tarmac. The guys just raced down like there was no tomorow. Adilah waited for me to make the rear guard. In Habu we met up with Zabil's wife waiting in the pick up. The ride from Habu to Ringlet was plain boring dusty tarmac....habu, what do you expect.
Best Gila!
Azmar : "why!!!"
The next day, he recovered fully to join the PCC ride in doing 65km uphill from Simpang Pulai. Well done mate.
Zabil: "look at that bird!" Rode with the PCC next day and made it.The most improved among our gang.
Azman and Steve: Rode 65km up and followed with the journey down totalling 130km plus.....on their mountain bikes!
"teh buat berak keras la doc"
Adilah: Recovered and ran the Pace setters 15km run the next day.
Went to the dentist first thing Tuesday morning and got her enamel capped. Smile!!
"I couldnt believe i did that climb"
Doc:" Best gila".....unconcious the next day from tea intoxication.
Warm regards,
Jim Thompson loop
Riders:Azman, Adilah,Azmar, Steve, Zabil and me(doc)
Hi everyone. Last Saturday the above gang members once again proved that waking up at 3 am in the morning can at times be fun. As usual, the number of those present didn't exactly match the number that had earlier expressed their desire to come along. Last minute cancellations and broken promises are the norm in our life nowadays. It has just gone slightly high tech with sms. Its easy! Send one at 12 midnight saying whatever excuse you could muster and you dont even have to say your sorry. It wasnt going to dampen our spirits though.
After the initial hiccup of Azmar not finding Steve's condo and adilah getting a bit lost on her way to the RV point and doc being stopped by police for probable drunk driving (I was later waved on after the cop saw me in my lycra with the bike on the roof: Nobody goes out drinking with tight lycra anyway), we all managed to rendezvous at Sg Buloh R and R at 420am. Zabil came with the whole family, fast asleep in his truck. Steve ferried both azman and Azmar from Taman Tun and Adilah came alone. A quick get together chat and reorganised and we were off. Entertainment was provided by 70's music.....Alleycats lagi!...with not so good Karaoke singing by doc and Azman. Stopped for toilet break at Tapah R and R and met a couple of motorbikers from Singapore on their way to Thailand. In the loo, it was kind of funny with me the skinny guy in tight lycra standing next to the leather clad big guy at the urinals."You goin mountain biking?" the biker puffed asking me." I used to mountain bike....not anymore....". Without washing his hands he went, no doubt polluting the air with his motorised bike. Duhh! Macam la aku peduli.....suddenly it reminded me of my dear friend amir....the ex mountain biker now motorbiker.
No more dramas after that. we reached Ringlet at 715am. My first impression was that our favourite mamak stall was open. Restoran Lethumey....Roti telur, tosay and a couple of coffees later we were gettting ready. Aiman,Zabil's daughter wanted to follow pakcik uncle doc on the bike but mum didnt give permission. Instead they were going to see butterflies and orchids. The pre ride ritual was almost sacred. With the constant bantering by Steve, the last minute tweaking of the bike in the midst of a beautiful early misty morning. Adilah grew apprehensive when I asked Steve whether to bring my parang.........."its good for cutting open durians"...phew. Left the parang behind and after a quick group photo we were off! 0820hrs.
The initial ride into Bertam Valley was pleasant enough until we came to the TNB power house and was barked down by a cranky old dog. Could it be the same dog that nearly bit Bacin during the last visit? Anyhow, noone got hurt and we were awakened by the early morning chill factor. It was cold going downhill into Bertam as the wind bit into your face. Only steve the Canadian bear was immune to the cold. Pekan Bertam was alive with activity. Farmers trading their vegetables. Lorries getting ready to transport vegetables. Zabil was impressed by some kids playing basketball early in the morning. The town looked a bit ike Kundasang at the foothills of Kinabalu with the weather and the many 4WDs around. From Pekan Bertam we began the ascent along a north westerly direction along the Bertam valley. As per the last visit, the view was splendid. The only difference was probably there were more farming on the high hill slopes. The river was heavily polluted with agricultural waste, fertilizer bags, drums strewn everywhere. The road was dusty and we ate dust and diesel fumes whenever a truck passed by. The drivers though were generally corteous, giving friendly honks and waves and letting us way. So very unlike KL!
5 or 6 km in, the road became steep. A lot of puffing and sweating on the tarmac. As we progressed, the farms were getting less in number along the main road. The locals call the road "the new highway". No its not like the LDP! Its just a dusty tarmac road that winds and bends endlessly. As we ascended, the valley looked more clearer. With new farming at the top of the hills and the endless terraced farms, we realised that development does screw nature. I just hope things dont get out of control.
At the top of the valley, we came to the T junction marking the start of off road territory. The 'highway' continued right (but was blocked by a stalled lorry) and the JT loop brings you left into more farming communities down another small valley. I asked everyone whether they want light and easy (right) or the 'long and hard' option of turnng left down the valley. "Long and hard please!" was Azman's reply. Adilah didnt seem pleased,(maybe with my subtle choice of words) but we continued on. The descent was fun! Along mixture of muddy 4WD tracks and some hard rocky surface we sped down past cabbages, tomatoes and smelly baja tahi ayam. The bikes that were clean was now thrown into muddy pools. Adilah was worried about getting muddy while Zabil was protecting his 'specialised' baby from the no avail. Azman was as usual gung ho going fast. Azmar, despite not doing mountain biking for some time showed some decent skills. At the top of a ridge between two farms where we remembered it getting slippery from continuous running water and moss and algae formation, we stopped and warned everyone to be careful to avoid falling and doing an 'endo'. "whats an endo? asked Adilah. Steve wanted to be a hero in going in for the 'demo' in avoiding the endo and without even reaching 5 metres slipped and skidded. He was able to dismount without any harm. Doc had to show the gang how to really do it, and I sped down. I was immediately called back by Steve. Someone fell! I could see Steve gesturing to me a crash with him pointing to his face. "gigi! adilah!" I could barely hear him. Raced back up around the corner to see everyone gathering around Adilah and some looking down on the ground for something. Apparently she slipped and did an endo herself and smashed her face resulting in a broken tooth! Expected her to cry but she didnt. Strong gutsy girl. She had a minor gum bleed which was controlled spontaneously; The tooth is somewhere on the ground. Tak jumpa.
Diagnosis:1) Chip fracture of the left upper incisor (enamel with dentine spared)
2)Abrasion of the left shoulder with no skeletal defect.
3)Contusion over the left wrist wit full range of movements
The correct one: Stop riding and go home.
The chosen wrong one: Dust oneself off, check the bike, apply some antiseptic ointment, smile and carry on!
Being hard core, she progressed on, this time steve pushed her bike down the dangerous bit. Zabil and Azman had no problems speeding down. We were all waiting for Azmar when out of a sudden, he sped down towards me and Steve! Oh Shit! No way he was going to brake with this slippery algae covered track. Preparing to be hit like bowling pins, me and Steve cursed aloud hoping for the best. With great skill, Azmar swerved and avoided us. I was really impressed....cekapnya brader ni....until a few feet down his front wheel got trapped in a small crack on the road and he fell with a thud sideways on his right shoulder. Not expected to cry, he stood up, brushed himself down, checked his bike and smiled. Precisely what the doctor ordered. Tough guy really considering the hard surface and the speed and the associated thump in the way he landed. If it was me, I would probably have cried.........another story.
No more dramas after that. We managed to find the tecnical turn off after a few km down. Me and Steve was weary to the fact we took the wrong turning last time around and ended up becoming adventurer cum explorer going down a ravine along a mud slide. no such disaster this time. I memorised the place photographically and Steve also did his part by placing an old tyre during our last visit near the juntion. It was still there.
On into the the track down another small valley. The track was apparently the old track for the locals connecting Bertam valley and the next valley of Kuala Boh and into Orang asli settlements deeper in. Because of the new highway, the track has remained abandoned. Before entering, a land rover full of tahi ayam slowed past me. The Indian dude driving asked me where we were heading and I told him to Kuala Boh. "Salah jalan la!" Ikut la highway baru. I told him we were following the old trail and reassured him that I've done it before. With a wave he was off......I could barely hear him saying to his passenger "gila punya budak" as the landrover passed on.
To say abandoned is an understatement. The trail was covered in some sections with thick overgrowth at places and thick grass covering at places making it impossible to gauge where to put your wheels on. Some amount of jungle bashing was needed. I should have brought the parang. The trail was initially flat and semi tecnical with us slowing down to avoid and pass trough the thick shrub. Zabil got himself caught in some thorny vines and tore his 'favourite MTB shirt'. We saw some soil disruption pattern which looked like wild boar markings. Azman said he could smell them. Oh dear...At that time Steve was leading the ride and suddenly he was way ahead."Steve! Slow down dude!" I called ahead. The rest was following closely behind no doubt afraid after the wild boar story. Azman heard some movements in the bush and suddenly i heard him saying "faster faster!" with some urgency in his voice. More movements and followed by adilah screaming. Zabil was almost dismounted from his bike. Fearing the worst....wild boar? or worse pak belang? I turned back towards the gang and found them laughing their guts out. What was supposed to be a wild boar turned to be a 'tame canadian boar'. Steve had hidden in the shrubs to scare us all. HA HA! it was a good laugh all round. Following that, no one wanted to be in the rear anymore.
The downhill part when it came was sweet. Azmar and Zabil treated it with disdain. Since I remembered my fall during our previous visit, i was a bit more cautious. Azman looked after Adilah during the downhill part and both made it after some minor falls here and there. Apparently azmar took a tumble too. In the end my hand hurt from the braking and I was the only one who didnt fall.The 4km descent was superb! Fast and furious. Some soft mud made us to skid along but it was fun. At the bottom, we encounterd the 'highway' again as it made its way around the hill and ravine that we went down into. Im afraid that perhaps the trail will be overgrown completely in time from disuse. More reason for us to come again I suppose....
On to Orangasli territory....Kampung Kuala Boh hasnt changed a bit since the last visit. What striked me most was the friendly kids running around. They all looked scruffy with their afro hairdo's and most were bare footed. reminded of Papua New Guinea as seen on National Geographic. From Kuala Boh, the ascent started. Bacin would say. The climbing was endless, though we were helped by the fact that the weather was nice. Cool breeze and cloud cover. We were now generally heading northwards crossing a ridge to Boh valley. The track was cemented cum tarmac which was wide enough for a 4WD to pass trough. Traffic was nil though and we were the only ones slogging it out. We managed to ride on most parts though. This was a mark contrast to our previous visit where pushing was the order of the day. Even Adilah whom by now had recovered fully, rode most ways. Steve, Zabil and azman jangan cakap la.. No problems for them. Azmar had to push a bit, partly due to 'engine factor' , but also his rear derailler wasnt working well. That got fixed later on. We stopped at a small river and as usual for the urban doctor, he had to go for his spa there and then. Along with Zabil, steve and Azman, we managed to pollute the river.
On with the slog then! From there it was another 3 to 4 km to kampung Penggen, the last Orang asli settlement before entering the tea plantations. The weather was superb. Winds with low lying clouds. We could see that the plantations were covered in thick dark clouds. Most probably raining there. As we entered the plantation, it did start to drizzle. But spirits were high by then. The beautiful forest country was being replaced by miles and miles of tea. enough tea to make you tea sick. The people changed too. A lot of Indian workers and kids running around. We were leaving Papua New Guinea and entering Kandy, Sri Lanka. The ride in the plantation was another long slog uphill. We assured everyone that this was the final ascent of the day. That probably helped lift some spirits. We were now getting wet from the rain. Out of a sudden Zabil shouted ahead."Look at that big white bird flying low ahead!" Everyone craned their necks to look for the 'birds'......Takde pun? "There! see that?" " besar burung tu..."
Everyone stopped and stuggled to get a better view. Then we saw it.....The big white birds were actualy sacks of tea leaves being transported down the hill slopes using 'flying fox' cable and pulley system. Ha ha ha! we all had a good laugh! Zabil's training and instinct as a pilot to spot flying objects made for a good laugh all round.
We pedalled on upwards. The moment we reached the sundry store, the rained poured! Just in the nick of time. Anyway the store keeper was slighly amused with the sight of 6 smelly,bloody bikers invading and ransacking his store. We cleared his fridge real quick and he had to get some more drinks from the store. Azmar wanted to lie down in the rain....."why?" was his exclaimation in his anguish pain. He had planned to do some road riding tomorrow with some friends....nampak macam tak larat je ni doc...he told me.
From the store, we continued on and after more tea leaves and some more 'flying big birds' we finally made it the summit where the Boh tea shop awaits us. 2 pots of steaming tea and 10 pieces of pies and cakes was gulped down in disdain. Best gila after knowing that we made it afer all the long hard pedalling. In the distance we could see the top of another hill where the plantation air strip was. Perhaps next time we should try it, suggested zabil. I reckon it was another 2 hours to climb that monster.
With tea(theophylline: similar chemical family as caffeine)running in our veins, we were now upbeat. even Azmar who was depressed earlier on the thought of missing the next day's road ride was now in a better mood. Adilah managed to smile with her newly shaped tooth and bruised face. Steve was as usual talking about next race and projects. Unlike adilah, we are not competent climbers but already plans were discussed regarding trip to Krabi, southern Thailand we could drive there, bring our bikes, do some riding, do some climbing and zabil can even go scuba diving.....hmm very ambitious really. The wonder what lots of tea visually and ingested can do to your minds.
I told the gang that tea (theophyline) acts as a bronchodilator and improves pulmonary funtion and helps athmatic breath better. Azman thought it was crap and tea only gets him constipated! Then the effects of tea intoxication got into him...."why dont we ride from here to Gua Musang and do rock climbing there?100k plus" Good idea Man, Steve began planning on logistics, Zabil was agreeable on the 'next epic' and everyone was bouyant. All set then lets go one day! Then suddenly Zabil asked, "Gua Musang tu kat mana?" Alamak...after all the talk, we thought he knew where we were heading! Anyway, Adilah brought us back down to earth by telling us we would enjoy gua musang and Krabi more if we could do more difficult climbs as it was more technical there. In other words....We average Joes better climb more and improve before even thinking of going great guns. Ouch!
We waited for Aiman and mummy to RV with us but they didnt turned up. Fearing miscommunication somewhere, we proceeded on. The trip down the Boh hill into Habu town was fast and sweet. 5km of fast twisting wet tarmac. The guys just raced down like there was no tomorow. Adilah waited for me to make the rear guard. In Habu we met up with Zabil's wife waiting in the pick up. The ride from Habu to Ringlet was plain boring dusty tarmac....habu, what do you expect.
Best Gila!
Azmar : "why!!!"
The next day, he recovered fully to join the PCC ride in doing 65km uphill from Simpang Pulai. Well done mate.
Zabil: "look at that bird!" Rode with the PCC next day and made it.The most improved among our gang.
Azman and Steve: Rode 65km up and followed with the journey down totalling 130km plus.....on their mountain bikes!
"teh buat berak keras la doc"
Adilah: Recovered and ran the Pace setters 15km run the next day.
Went to the dentist first thing Tuesday morning and got her enamel capped. Smile!!
"I couldnt believe i did that climb"
Doc:" Best gila".....unconcious the next day from tea intoxication.
Warm regards,
OP-PP Day : 19th June 2005
0800-0900 : Registration @ Swimming Pool
0800-1400 : Golf Carnival (9 Holes) @ Kelab Golf MTD
0930-1130 : Children Train Ride @ Pavilion
: Swimming Session @ Swimming Pool
0930-1200 : Abseiling @ Abseiling Tower
: Tennis @ Tennis Court
: Road Relay @ Pavilion
: Volleyball @ Volleyball Court (Infront of Swimming Pool)
: Chess @ Swimming Pool
: Sepak Takraw @ Sepak Takraw Court (Infront of Swimming Pool)
: Basketball @ Basketball Court (Infront of Swimming Pool)
0930-1700 : HKP9 Shooting @ Shooting Range 1 RAMD (First roundabout take 9 o'clock turning and go straight on until you see range on Right hand side, there is ample signage)
1230-1310 : Lunch @ Cadet Wing's Gym.
1310-1400 : Zohor Prayer @ Surau MTD
1400-1500 : Variety Show @ DTT
1510-1610 : Hockey @ Hockey Field
: Football @ Football Field
: Children's Train Ride @ Pavilion
: Swimming Session @ Swimming Pool
1615-1646 : Rugby @ Rugby Field
1745-1800 : Tug Of War @ Rugby Field
1800-1830 : Prize Giving and Closing @ Rugby Field
1. Football, Hockey and Rugby team are required to bring their own jerseys for the game and please be punctual.
2. Cars are not allowed to go up to boyswing as the whole place is under major renovation. Vehicles must be parked at the swimming pool/pavilion area. Any parking at the Parade ground must strictly follow the Road marker. Please give due respect to the Parade ground please.
0800-1400 : Golf Carnival (9 Holes) @ Kelab Golf MTD
0930-1130 : Children Train Ride @ Pavilion
: Swimming Session @ Swimming Pool
0930-1200 : Abseiling @ Abseiling Tower
: Tennis @ Tennis Court
: Road Relay @ Pavilion
: Volleyball @ Volleyball Court (Infront of Swimming Pool)
: Chess @ Swimming Pool
: Sepak Takraw @ Sepak Takraw Court (Infront of Swimming Pool)
: Basketball @ Basketball Court (Infront of Swimming Pool)
0930-1700 : HKP9 Shooting @ Shooting Range 1 RAMD (First roundabout take 9 o'clock turning and go straight on until you see range on Right hand side, there is ample signage)
1230-1310 : Lunch @ Cadet Wing's Gym.
1310-1400 : Zohor Prayer @ Surau MTD
1400-1500 : Variety Show @ DTT
1510-1610 : Hockey @ Hockey Field
: Football @ Football Field
: Children's Train Ride @ Pavilion
: Swimming Session @ Swimming Pool
1615-1646 : Rugby @ Rugby Field
1745-1800 : Tug Of War @ Rugby Field
1800-1830 : Prize Giving and Closing @ Rugby Field
1. Football, Hockey and Rugby team are required to bring their own jerseys for the game and please be punctual.
2. Cars are not allowed to go up to boyswing as the whole place is under major renovation. Vehicles must be parked at the swimming pool/pavilion area. Any parking at the Parade ground must strictly follow the Road marker. Please give due respect to the Parade ground please.
Monday, May 23, 2005
Done with Shiftings!!!
It has been almost a month since i started packing my stuff in my room.
I've been living in Taman Permata for the past 25 years, that's 90% of my life.
It was sad, moving, nostalgic as i picked up the pieces that was left. The dust that was there since 1980.
I remembered sliding through the holes in the stairwell, only to recieve a good beating from my mum.
I remembered being caned, for all the small lil indisicpline that i had.
I remembered being thrown out of the house, half naked, because i disobey my mum.
Looking back. I had tears welling up in my eyes.
The house had so much memories. I painted the house every year, because by year end, the paint would had almost been stripped cleaned by my mum's everyday wiping the wall.
The kitchen cabinet now hangs precariously, due to old age, and due to the fact that my mum wipe it everyday as well.
My friends used to joke, that when they come over to my place, just by looking at what my mum was doing at that point of time, they could tell what time it was.
Now, everything, almost everything i would say, has been moved to my granma's place in Gombak, the place i spend my early years before i shifted to Permata.
It is not the same. The cosiness and the warmth, the memories and the floor which i laid on everyday. It is just not the same.
Whatever it is, one thing didn't change, my mum's habit of cleaning up the house and her incessant complains of everything and anything under the sun.
It's still home, i guessed.
I've been living in Taman Permata for the past 25 years, that's 90% of my life.
It was sad, moving, nostalgic as i picked up the pieces that was left. The dust that was there since 1980.
I remembered sliding through the holes in the stairwell, only to recieve a good beating from my mum.
I remembered being caned, for all the small lil indisicpline that i had.
I remembered being thrown out of the house, half naked, because i disobey my mum.
Looking back. I had tears welling up in my eyes.
The house had so much memories. I painted the house every year, because by year end, the paint would had almost been stripped cleaned by my mum's everyday wiping the wall.
The kitchen cabinet now hangs precariously, due to old age, and due to the fact that my mum wipe it everyday as well.
My friends used to joke, that when they come over to my place, just by looking at what my mum was doing at that point of time, they could tell what time it was.
Now, everything, almost everything i would say, has been moved to my granma's place in Gombak, the place i spend my early years before i shifted to Permata.
It is not the same. The cosiness and the warmth, the memories and the floor which i laid on everyday. It is just not the same.
Whatever it is, one thing didn't change, my mum's habit of cleaning up the house and her incessant complains of everything and anything under the sun.
It's still home, i guessed.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
MMDS Johor Baru - 31st July 2005
I've just registered myself to join this 3rd league of the race, which leads to Powerman Malaysia in September this year.
What's left to do now is to train. train. train and of course, rest.
It will be a 10km run, then a 60km biking and a 10km run. Same cut off time of 5 hours. I'll try to better the 10km run time maybe to below 60 minutes and improve the biking by perhaps 2 hours and 5 minutes and get teh last 10km run to be done within..err...64 minutes.
Sounds do-able!!!
MMDS Registration Website
What's left to do now is to train. train. train and of course, rest.
It will be a 10km run, then a 60km biking and a 10km run. Same cut off time of 5 hours. I'll try to better the 10km run time maybe to below 60 minutes and improve the biking by perhaps 2 hours and 5 minutes and get teh last 10km run to be done within..err...64 minutes.
Sounds do-able!!!
MMDS Registration Website
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith
I saw it yesterday at the premiere at Mid Valley.
Anyone want to hear/read what it is all about?
Anyone want to hear/read what it is all about?
Piccie time!
Dinner at Teluk Rumbia, these group of dumas whipped out the food in muc so for carbo loading.

The Start Line : Where every racer will have to pass it 5 times.

Steve Pedaling

Stupe Pedaling

Bean going for 8km run

Bacin going for 8km run

Ashley going for 8km run

Stupe going for 8km run

Stupe Slutting

Stupe chasing El

El Jump on Stupe

Stupe Finished!!

The Light and Easy gang, short of a few others that went missing while the pics were taken.

The Start Line : Where every racer will have to pass it 5 times.

Steve Pedaling

Stupe Pedaling

Bean going for 8km run

Bacin going for 8km run

Ashley going for 8km run

Stupe going for 8km run

Stupe Slutting

Stupe chasing El

El Jump on Stupe

Stupe Finished!!

The Light and Easy gang, short of a few others that went missing while the pics were taken.

Official Results - Lumut
The results are out.
Here is the link: Results for Men 18-30
I'm race number 39, position 34. Did the whole full monty in:
Run 10km - 1.02.49 - I didn't push hard for this one, as i do not know what to expect in the 60KM cycle. My previous race was done in 1.04.46, so, a 2 minutes improvement.
Bike 60km - 2.23.01 - If the chain didn't snap, i would had registered somewhere 10 minutes faster. And IF i rode the Rincon instead of the Vesuvius, i would had improve it to about maybe 3 minutes faster. Previous 45km ride was done in 1.37.33, an extra hour for the 15km differences was unacceptable.
Run 8km - 42.35 - proud of this one. The previous race was done in 49.05 for only 5km!!! Improved by leaps and bound!!!
Overall time was: 10-60-8 - 4.08.25 position 34 out of 46 racers. OK, nothing to be proud of when it comes to position.
More Results for Lumut
Here is the link: Results for Men 18-30
I'm race number 39, position 34. Did the whole full monty in:
Run 10km - 1.02.49 - I didn't push hard for this one, as i do not know what to expect in the 60KM cycle. My previous race was done in 1.04.46, so, a 2 minutes improvement.
Bike 60km - 2.23.01 - If the chain didn't snap, i would had registered somewhere 10 minutes faster. And IF i rode the Rincon instead of the Vesuvius, i would had improve it to about maybe 3 minutes faster. Previous 45km ride was done in 1.37.33, an extra hour for the 15km differences was unacceptable.
Run 8km - 42.35 - proud of this one. The previous race was done in 49.05 for only 5km!!! Improved by leaps and bound!!!
Overall time was: 10-60-8 - 4.08.25 position 34 out of 46 racers. OK, nothing to be proud of when it comes to position.
More Results for Lumut
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Lumut Duathlon - Report
I did my best. And i guess it was good enough, to a certain extend.
I went with Bacin to Lumut on Saturday morning, reaching Lumut some 4 hours later because we took some big major detour. Now it dawn to me that the Average Joes got lost in the last Eco-X race was because guys sucks at giving, and understanding directions.
Reached the Lumut Countryside Hotel and was pleasantly surprised to see Karoline waiting for us at the entrance (actually, she was going for lunch).
She joined me and Bacin and we went to the Orient Star for race registration. We then went to one of the nasi kandar joint for carbo loading, rahter last minute, we know.
Nothing beats a whole load of rice with fried chicken and vegetable when you are hungry. We gobbled down the whole plate within minutes. It was then at about 4.30pm that we went back to the official hotel for high tea. more food and carbo loading. Immediately after race briefing, the gang, me, bacin, steve, azman, bean, zabil, ashley, stephanie, ellaine, azam and zabil's local contact went for dinner.
Dinner was gobbled within seconds.
Later that night, loads of preparation was made for the race proper. Checking and preparation for the race proper.
I know i didn't sleep all that well. Anxious. I remembered struggling in my last Duathlon. I also know Bacin couldn't sleep as he was tossing and turning in bed. I only knew i fell asleep when i was awaken by my own dream. I dreamt that all of us woke up late at 715am. WAAAAYYY late to check into the race transition area.
I woke up at about 6am, after catching maybe 2 hours of sleep. First thing i did when i woke up was to call all my, i don't want them to be oversleeping either, i enjoy healthy competition!
Karoline knocked on the door and me, bacin and stephanie went to the starting line together. I poured the night before, and it was still drizzling when we were at the starting line.
Slowly, more participants came, and the gang showed up one by one.
Zabil asked for vaseline which i left in the room. Bean showed me his bike strapped with 5 powergel, so was Azman's and Zabil's.
Race started at 7.32am and within seconds, the rest was runing for their life. I was at the back pack with Steve. I think we were like 10th from behind and slowly, more people from the back overtook us and we somehow managed to catch up with El at the 5km mark.
Before the U-Turn, we saw Azam, then bean, then ashley, then bacin, then zabil (in this order).
Me and steve ran an average 10k. We clocked in at roughtly 1H4Mins, about the same as what we did for Dataran's Duathlon. By then, we already saw: Azam, Bean, Azman, Ash, Bacin and Zabil (in this order as well).
In front of me was Steve and behind me was El. I was secretly hoping that my Le Run bike would not act up on me. I've got a 60km biking to do. After grabbing what seems like the whole box of bananas and some of those cheap chocolate i bought as replacement for Powergel, i started to cycle while eating and drinking.
Lumut was flat, i managed a max speed of 37.5km/h before the 10km mark. Along the way back to the transition area, i saw: Azam, Bean, Ash, Azman, Bacin, Zabil and Steve (in this order). Theni saw karoline and Steph doing their 20k biking for their sprint event.
I felt kinda intimidated with those aerobars bikers that whizzed past me at their maximum speed. I find it hard to even maintain a 32km/h pace. It doens't help with my crankwheel having a max 36teeth upfront when those racer boys has 52 teeth. it was like fighting a losing battle. I made mental note, Steve was about 1km infront of me after the first lap.
Then shit happens as i exited the transition area after the first lap. At the bend before some factory by the seaside, my chain jumped gear and got logged between the rear cog and the bike body. The tension and power pedalling snapped my chain. Hardly can't believe my luck.
I had my chain cutter with me, so after removing 2 links, i put it back together again. My fingers were all Oily and teh gay boy pink glove i was wearing has grease stain on them, which was alter transfered to my spandex. Damn it. I lost about a good 10 minutes there.
As i approached the U-turn, i saw: Azam, Bean, Ash, Zabil, Bacin and Steve. Steve was a good 5km infront of me now. Dumbass. My average speed started to drop due to those frantic pedalling. I only managed an 28km/h average after the 30km mark.
That was when i noticed one roadie had a punture and he was starting to push his bike...all the way to the transition which was about 10km away. I was secretly smilling, and was hoping more roadie will suffer punture at this point of time.
The Whole biking section was more of a mental game. Balls losing feeling because of the long ride, and fear that i would collapse when i dismount the bike like what almost happen in Dataran, kept playing in my mind. It wasn't fun. As i was approaching the second transition to finish my final lap, i saw: Azam, Zabil, Ashley, Steve, Azman, Bacin (in this order) and karoline was on her final KM for the 3km run and Stephanie was about 1 km behind.
My distance from Bacin was about 6-7km by now. I now suspect that Steve took some powerfulGel...he went up in rank suddenly. So did Ashley, she was smiling while sinister!
I was at teh U-Turn when i noticed El to be right behind me. Got to push on and she finally caught up with me when we were about 4km away from the transition area.
By then, it was clear that Karoline and Stephanie was busy snapping pictures of us dumbarses that are still racing.
I got into the transition area and dismounted. It felt ok. i was relieved.
removing all my cycling items, i walked to the RUN OUT section. Final 8km. Daunting. Took some bananas on my way out and noticed stephanie snapping my pics.Thanks babe.
I ran, and caught up with El. Strong cyclist she is. I was humilated i must say. karoline snapped a pic of us runing and clowning togehter. Will upload it soon.
My final 8km was with the mission to finish the race without walking a single meter. I only knew i ran, and ran, and i saw: Azam, Zabil, Ashley, Steve, Azman, Bacin going for their final 1km -4 km. I know El is behind me and she could catch me any moment. I ran. Overtook a numbers of 30-40 age group racers, which was nothing to be proud off.
It was 3H30Min when i first saw zabil at my last 8km run. I'm a good 30-40 minutes behind, i reckon. And i knew Bacin was almost 4km infront of me by now. I must had made up on some lost time by running faster.
I finished the race in 4H 8Mins. With the MC announcing my name, and the Crew at teh finish line giving out finisher medal and POWERBAR towels!!! Heck, that made my day! Stephanie was there to snap a pic of me, with the time it took me to finsih the race in the background.
I'm now looking forward to JB league, which is a 10k-60k-10k event. I will look forward to finish it in below 4 hours. Better start training again, and this time, harder. It's no fun to be at the back of teh pack, and eb a sweeper like i always do.
The only good thing? you get to see all your friends finishing the race first, and you, left behind to recall, and curse at them...
Anyway, here is a more cheerful report from Zabil:Zabil's Report
My apology as i'm really tired from those shifting and fixing up of the house yesterday. I now have 2 patches of 20sens sized blisters on my palms because of those hammering and screwing to fix all the furnitures until 4am today. YAWN!!!
Pics will follow later.
I went with Bacin to Lumut on Saturday morning, reaching Lumut some 4 hours later because we took some big major detour. Now it dawn to me that the Average Joes got lost in the last Eco-X race was because guys sucks at giving, and understanding directions.
Reached the Lumut Countryside Hotel and was pleasantly surprised to see Karoline waiting for us at the entrance (actually, she was going for lunch).
She joined me and Bacin and we went to the Orient Star for race registration. We then went to one of the nasi kandar joint for carbo loading, rahter last minute, we know.
Nothing beats a whole load of rice with fried chicken and vegetable when you are hungry. We gobbled down the whole plate within minutes. It was then at about 4.30pm that we went back to the official hotel for high tea. more food and carbo loading. Immediately after race briefing, the gang, me, bacin, steve, azman, bean, zabil, ashley, stephanie, ellaine, azam and zabil's local contact went for dinner.
Dinner was gobbled within seconds.
Later that night, loads of preparation was made for the race proper. Checking and preparation for the race proper.
I know i didn't sleep all that well. Anxious. I remembered struggling in my last Duathlon. I also know Bacin couldn't sleep as he was tossing and turning in bed. I only knew i fell asleep when i was awaken by my own dream. I dreamt that all of us woke up late at 715am. WAAAAYYY late to check into the race transition area.
I woke up at about 6am, after catching maybe 2 hours of sleep. First thing i did when i woke up was to call all my, i don't want them to be oversleeping either, i enjoy healthy competition!
Karoline knocked on the door and me, bacin and stephanie went to the starting line together. I poured the night before, and it was still drizzling when we were at the starting line.
Slowly, more participants came, and the gang showed up one by one.
Zabil asked for vaseline which i left in the room. Bean showed me his bike strapped with 5 powergel, so was Azman's and Zabil's.
Race started at 7.32am and within seconds, the rest was runing for their life. I was at the back pack with Steve. I think we were like 10th from behind and slowly, more people from the back overtook us and we somehow managed to catch up with El at the 5km mark.
Before the U-Turn, we saw Azam, then bean, then ashley, then bacin, then zabil (in this order).
Me and steve ran an average 10k. We clocked in at roughtly 1H4Mins, about the same as what we did for Dataran's Duathlon. By then, we already saw: Azam, Bean, Azman, Ash, Bacin and Zabil (in this order as well).
In front of me was Steve and behind me was El. I was secretly hoping that my Le Run bike would not act up on me. I've got a 60km biking to do. After grabbing what seems like the whole box of bananas and some of those cheap chocolate i bought as replacement for Powergel, i started to cycle while eating and drinking.
Lumut was flat, i managed a max speed of 37.5km/h before the 10km mark. Along the way back to the transition area, i saw: Azam, Bean, Ash, Azman, Bacin, Zabil and Steve (in this order). Theni saw karoline and Steph doing their 20k biking for their sprint event.
I felt kinda intimidated with those aerobars bikers that whizzed past me at their maximum speed. I find it hard to even maintain a 32km/h pace. It doens't help with my crankwheel having a max 36teeth upfront when those racer boys has 52 teeth. it was like fighting a losing battle. I made mental note, Steve was about 1km infront of me after the first lap.
Then shit happens as i exited the transition area after the first lap. At the bend before some factory by the seaside, my chain jumped gear and got logged between the rear cog and the bike body. The tension and power pedalling snapped my chain. Hardly can't believe my luck.
I had my chain cutter with me, so after removing 2 links, i put it back together again. My fingers were all Oily and teh gay boy pink glove i was wearing has grease stain on them, which was alter transfered to my spandex. Damn it. I lost about a good 10 minutes there.
As i approached the U-turn, i saw: Azam, Bean, Ash, Zabil, Bacin and Steve. Steve was a good 5km infront of me now. Dumbass. My average speed started to drop due to those frantic pedalling. I only managed an 28km/h average after the 30km mark.
That was when i noticed one roadie had a punture and he was starting to push his bike...all the way to the transition which was about 10km away. I was secretly smilling, and was hoping more roadie will suffer punture at this point of time.
The Whole biking section was more of a mental game. Balls losing feeling because of the long ride, and fear that i would collapse when i dismount the bike like what almost happen in Dataran, kept playing in my mind. It wasn't fun. As i was approaching the second transition to finish my final lap, i saw: Azam, Zabil, Ashley, Steve, Azman, Bacin (in this order) and karoline was on her final KM for the 3km run and Stephanie was about 1 km behind.
My distance from Bacin was about 6-7km by now. I now suspect that Steve took some powerfulGel...he went up in rank suddenly. So did Ashley, she was smiling while sinister!
I was at teh U-Turn when i noticed El to be right behind me. Got to push on and she finally caught up with me when we were about 4km away from the transition area.
By then, it was clear that Karoline and Stephanie was busy snapping pictures of us dumbarses that are still racing.
I got into the transition area and dismounted. It felt ok. i was relieved.
removing all my cycling items, i walked to the RUN OUT section. Final 8km. Daunting. Took some bananas on my way out and noticed stephanie snapping my pics.Thanks babe.
I ran, and caught up with El. Strong cyclist she is. I was humilated i must say. karoline snapped a pic of us runing and clowning togehter. Will upload it soon.
My final 8km was with the mission to finish the race without walking a single meter. I only knew i ran, and ran, and i saw: Azam, Zabil, Ashley, Steve, Azman, Bacin going for their final 1km -4 km. I know El is behind me and she could catch me any moment. I ran. Overtook a numbers of 30-40 age group racers, which was nothing to be proud off.
It was 3H30Min when i first saw zabil at my last 8km run. I'm a good 30-40 minutes behind, i reckon. And i knew Bacin was almost 4km infront of me by now. I must had made up on some lost time by running faster.
I finished the race in 4H 8Mins. With the MC announcing my name, and the Crew at teh finish line giving out finisher medal and POWERBAR towels!!! Heck, that made my day! Stephanie was there to snap a pic of me, with the time it took me to finsih the race in the background.
I'm now looking forward to JB league, which is a 10k-60k-10k event. I will look forward to finish it in below 4 hours. Better start training again, and this time, harder. It's no fun to be at the back of teh pack, and eb a sweeper like i always do.
The only good thing? you get to see all your friends finishing the race first, and you, left behind to recall, and curse at them...
Anyway, here is a more cheerful report from Zabil:Zabil's Report
My apology as i'm really tired from those shifting and fixing up of the house yesterday. I now have 2 patches of 20sens sized blisters on my palms because of those hammering and screwing to fix all the furnitures until 4am today. YAWN!!!
Pics will follow later.
Tonnes of update over the long wekeend for me...
amongst other:
1. Lumut for the Duathlon
2. The peril of shifting...and fixing furnitures the whole blardy day.
more of all these later.
amongst other:
1. Lumut for the Duathlon
2. The peril of shifting...and fixing furnitures the whole blardy day.
more of all these later.
Friday, May 13, 2005
Where has all the good trees gone??
One of the other reasons why i engaged in these sports that brings me bloser and into nature was to enjoy what mother nature has to offer.
I guess those days are numbered.
Loggings, illegal or otherwise, to me, should be served a harsher sentence compared to murder/homicide.
Read on: 100 Years Merbau Tree Felled
I guess those days are numbered.
Loggings, illegal or otherwise, to me, should be served a harsher sentence compared to murder/homicide.
Read on: 100 Years Merbau Tree Felled
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Malakoff Lumut: Here i Come!
I've confirmed my participation in this weekend race.
click here for more info.Powerman Series
and this is the MMDS 1 results: I'm Race Number 43
Lets see how i'll are this weekend.
Update on Monday, or Tuesday.
click here for more info.Powerman Series
and this is the MMDS 1 results: I'm Race Number 43
Lets see how i'll are this weekend.
Update on Monday, or Tuesday.
Monday, May 09, 2005
Malakoff Duathlon Series 2005: Lumut
Will be running, pedalling and running through the second instalment of this race series this year.
Distance to be covered: 10km running, followed by 60km biking and finishing it off with 8km run/crawl to the finish. Cut off time is same as before, race to start at 7.30am and finish at 12.30pm.
5 freaking hours and i guess if i have to crawl, i'll have to finish it.
Distance to be covered: 10km running, followed by 60km biking and finishing it off with 8km run/crawl to the finish. Cut off time is same as before, race to start at 7.30am and finish at 12.30pm.
5 freaking hours and i guess if i have to crawl, i'll have to finish it.
Lost the Final...
A humilating 17-5 score line which should had gone our way.
The team didn't played as well as they previously did. Not sure why.
The wingers aren't performing and tonnes of handling errors and mistackling made the whole game looked scrappy.
We could had wrapped the game up in the first 10 minutes of the second half, but we let it all go.
ah well...
A humilating 17-5 score line which should had gone our way.
The team didn't played as well as they previously did. Not sure why.
The wingers aren't performing and tonnes of handling errors and mistackling made the whole game looked scrappy.
We could had wrapped the game up in the first 10 minutes of the second half, but we let it all go.
ah well...
Friday, May 06, 2005
More nostalgia - 4U2C: Fiona
hehe..who could forget the music video of those guys dancing and sliding to this song???
Fiona terciptalah irama cinta ini
Hanya untukmu
Semoga kau dapat memahami
Perasaan hatiku ini
Berikan daku setitis kasihmu
Agar hilang dahaga rindu
Bawalah daku ke alam mu
Fiona gadisku
Suaramu bak buluh perindu
Cukup untuk membuatku resah
Cintaku adalah milikmu selama-lamanya
Bisikan cinta
Akan ku abadikan
Bersama alunan irama ini
Lukisan warna di dalam memori
Ku simpan mekar di taman hatiku
( RAP )
Agar dikau mengerti perasaan hatiku ini
Aku hanyalah penunggu
Menatikan bisikan cintamu
Renunganmu tawa manjamu
Pengubat rinduku
Hadirmu bagai mimpi yang tak dapat ku lupakan
Fiona terciptalah irama cinta ini
Hanya untukmu
Semoga kau dapat memahami
Perasaan hatiku ini
Berikan daku setitis kasihmu
Agar hilang dahaga rindu
Bawalah daku ke alam mu
Fiona gadisku
Suaramu bak buluh perindu
Cukup untuk membuatku resah
Cintaku adalah milikmu selama-lamanya
Bisikan cinta
Akan ku abadikan
Bersama alunan irama ini
Lukisan warna di dalam memori
Ku simpan mekar di taman hatiku
( RAP )
Agar dikau mengerti perasaan hatiku ini
Aku hanyalah penunggu
Menatikan bisikan cintamu
Renunganmu tawa manjamu
Pengubat rinduku
Hadirmu bagai mimpi yang tak dapat ku lupakan
In Memoriam : OP Ridwan Md. Piah 1959-1964 Charlie Coy
I'm sad.
One senior friend, my ultra senior in RMC, passed away this morning. He had a stroke on friday, and was heavily sedated and succumb to it this morning.
I know the man.
He is also known as Riztone Mafia, otherwise fondly known by his batchmates as Koala Bear. Always seen driving his Hyundai Matrix around Section 16/17 PJ.
When i first know him, he pestered me over and over to let his attachment in my Alumni's yahoogroup to go through.
I always received calls from him, as to why his articles are posted. As to why his attachment does not go through.
As much as i loathed his pestering, i'm gonna know that i'll miss him that much.
Sir, May you rest in peace.
One senior friend, my ultra senior in RMC, passed away this morning. He had a stroke on friday, and was heavily sedated and succumb to it this morning.
I know the man.
He is also known as Riztone Mafia, otherwise fondly known by his batchmates as Koala Bear. Always seen driving his Hyundai Matrix around Section 16/17 PJ.
When i first know him, he pestered me over and over to let his attachment in my Alumni's yahoogroup to go through.
I always received calls from him, as to why his articles are posted. As to why his attachment does not go through.
As much as i loathed his pestering, i'm gonna know that i'll miss him that much.
Sir, May you rest in peace.
Untuk Mu -Feminin
It was the year 1992, early 1993, when this group, Feminin made their debut under KRU.
What prompt me to write this entry now is that i heard the song over Malaysia Hari Ini this morning.
gosh. Was half asleep when i heard it, and it brought back memories.
Memories of the days when i was 16, or 17, back in RMC, and listening over these songs.
Those were the days also when 4U2C came out with their one hit wonder, FIONA.
anyway, enjoy the song, while i let it hum over my head for the rest of the day.
Angin bayu membawa diriku
Sepintas lalu ku terkenangkanmu
Memori silam meresap malam
Kenangan bersama tersimpan selamanya
Walaupun kau pergi jauh dari diri ini
Cintaku masih bersemadi di hati
Keyakinan kita kan kembali
Menghidupkan semula janji bara cinta
Kita bersama mengejar mimpi
Terpisah sementara kupasti
Suatu hari nanti
Cinta kita bersemi
Kembali menerangi
Mekar di taman hati
Walaupun jauh pandangan mata
Kuyakin kau kan tetap setia
Begitulah ku jua
Keikhlasan di jiwa
Dan cintaku hanyalah
Saban hari diriku menuggu
Khabar berita darimu di sana
Gerimis senja kembali reda
Kerinduan di jiwa
Kau jadi penawar
Rinduku padamu tak dapat ku terkata
Setiap saat waktu bagai terlalu lama
Bila kita kembali bersama
Hiduplah semula
Janji bara cinta
Mimpi yang dikejar telah pun menjadi nyata
teristimewa untuk anda semua...
What prompt me to write this entry now is that i heard the song over Malaysia Hari Ini this morning.
gosh. Was half asleep when i heard it, and it brought back memories.
Memories of the days when i was 16, or 17, back in RMC, and listening over these songs.
Those were the days also when 4U2C came out with their one hit wonder, FIONA.
anyway, enjoy the song, while i let it hum over my head for the rest of the day.
Angin bayu membawa diriku
Sepintas lalu ku terkenangkanmu
Memori silam meresap malam
Kenangan bersama tersimpan selamanya
Walaupun kau pergi jauh dari diri ini
Cintaku masih bersemadi di hati
Keyakinan kita kan kembali
Menghidupkan semula janji bara cinta
Kita bersama mengejar mimpi
Terpisah sementara kupasti
Suatu hari nanti
Cinta kita bersemi
Kembali menerangi
Mekar di taman hati
Walaupun jauh pandangan mata
Kuyakin kau kan tetap setia
Begitulah ku jua
Keikhlasan di jiwa
Dan cintaku hanyalah
Saban hari diriku menuggu
Khabar berita darimu di sana
Gerimis senja kembali reda
Kerinduan di jiwa
Kau jadi penawar
Rinduku padamu tak dapat ku terkata
Setiap saat waktu bagai terlalu lama
Bila kita kembali bersama
Hiduplah semula
Janji bara cinta
Mimpi yang dikejar telah pun menjadi nyata
teristimewa untuk anda semua...
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Steven & Fiona - Congrats!!!

Attended a friend's wedding in Ipoh on Sunday. My course mate when i was in TARC.
Yeap, everyone is getting married nowadays. But i'm happy for him!
So, Ray, better get your butt moving and get married soon!
Anyway, Many happy return to you, Steven and Fiona, Already lim tar tar, next year make sure got lan par!!!

White shirt not taken yet, anyone interested???
We are in the Final!!!
Date: 8th may
Time: 3PM
Venue: Padang Utara.
Opponent: Petronas
It's gonna be bone crushing time. We've not beaten this team this year yet. Stats are favouring them.
But as soldier boys do and will, we shalt and will, kick some arse this weekend.
and who's kind enough to sponsor me a pair of boots? Mine looked like this now:

This was after last 2 weeks game against COBRA.
Looks like i'll be wearing my 6 studs this weekend, better sharpen those aluminium studs for it to taste blood.
Time: 3PM
Venue: Padang Utara.
Opponent: Petronas
It's gonna be bone crushing time. We've not beaten this team this year yet. Stats are favouring them.
But as soldier boys do and will, we shalt and will, kick some arse this weekend.
and who's kind enough to sponsor me a pair of boots? Mine looked like this now:

This was after last 2 weeks game against COBRA.
Looks like i'll be wearing my 6 studs this weekend, better sharpen those aluminium studs for it to taste blood.
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