Thursday, March 31, 2005

In Memoriam : Brandy (1992-2005)

May her soul rest in peace.Brandy, you will forever be in our pray...

brandy is sick

sigh...she is not eating for the past couple of days. Old age must had caught up with her and wifey had made a call to the vet, asking the vet to come over to have a look at her.i jsut hope it is not the worse that the vet would suggest...she's grown...

Monday, March 28, 2005

MMDS Results

Ran the Malakoff Duathlon yesterday and came out alive.After weeks of not feeling good and under tremendous pressure and stress, sorta pulled myself together to do this duathlon, which is my first, for the first time (duh!)The initial 10km run was relatively...

Monday, March 21, 2005

when it rains, it pours...

yeap, that is very much so, jsut like Murphy's Law dictate, when things might go wrong, it will go wrong.been in great stress lately, finacially and everything wise. But i guess that is just some passing issues in life.been sick for the longest time,...

Friday, March 18, 2005

The L Word

Wifey brought back 4 DVD (Original, mind you!!!) of the L word series, season 1.i was shocked.i mean, i've watched porns and i've watched porns...but these L Word series is better and more revealing that SATC!!!go check in the local video/vcd store and...

Monday, March 14, 2005

Hail the king of pain!!!

how about this?after running and prancing around the field with my wisdom tooth wound throbing against my mouth one of the many scrums/maul/rucks, my face ended up in someone's boot's studs...thank...

Wise Man cometh....

these pictures tell a few thousand words...enjoy.The dentist gave me back my tooth in a medicine bag...Then i opened it up to have a peek...Then i took a piece of my head out of the bag...and put it in...

Saturday, March 12, 2005

one level wiser....

how many of you here want to see my extracted wisdom tooth?it is half rotted (well, no comments on this)..and it comes complete with the whole root canal i'm typing this, the right top side is throbbing, and the gauze is still soaked with...

Thursday, March 10, 2005

How to Run a Marathon - An Average Joe's Encounter

Written by my fellow runner/cyclist/team mate/slut/bitch/senior on his first marathon run.take it away doc:Hi everyone,Last sunday 6/march/ 2005, a couple of us OP's and mountain biker friends (KOP's){kawan OP} raced in the Kuala Lumpur International...

Monday, March 07, 2005

It's Mind Over Matter...

Left right left rightleft right...the words kept echoing in my head as i coax my legs to move forward another step.It was my first attempt at running the half marathon (21km) and it was as hard as i've imagined it to be.I've done other races as well,...

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Ever wondered how and what it is like to be stuck between sweaty men in the field???here are some pics from last week's rugby match, which my team lost by 2 tries...sigh...I'm on the leftmost in white...


latest pics of me and wifey...taken on Sis in Law's bday makan at Mum's Pla...

Congrats Mr&Mrs. Lau Tuck Yiew!

Bro,Many congrats on your marriage, and many best wishes from all of us that knows you!!!Ser Lyn,You got yourself a gem of a guy!Tuck Yiew singing for his wife...and there you are...are you trying to...