AM - Was still lazing in bed at 10.30am and decided to wake up to go to Surin's house. It is a ritual where i never missed since i was 10 or 11 years old. Only time that i didn't go was when Surin was studying in UK. Usual suspects was there with a few of Surin's new work mate in DHL. Surin mum make the best home cook indian food i've ever known...gosh...i pigged out!
PM - Was at Suresh's place later that night for dinner. Saw Mano and Eileen for the first time since like 4 months ago. Suresh's uncle had a new dog. Prince was his name and this is how he looked like:

It was fun catching up with friends, especially those that grew up with you. Suresh whipped out a mama of a rocket, it cost him like RM15 for this one stick..and you could see in the background, one of them exploding...

Friday - 12th November 2004
AM - Woke up at 11am. It was great to be able to just sleep and do nothing. Was supposed to go to Bukit Tinggi, but decided not to, since all the people we've asked told us how boring that place is. Gave that place a miss.
We went to Carrefour in Wangsa Maju to get the EX Curl bar i've always wanted. At RM59.90, that is a good RM5 cheaper than the cheapest place i've found in Summit USJ. Other places are selling them at at least RM75 for that 4 feet long of steel. I decided to get another set of weights, at RM48.90, it was a steal for the 15kg dumbells! Did a bit of grocery shopping and as i was paying the stuff, i noticed that the dumbell was priced at RM69.90. Went to the information counter and clarify it. Apparently, some jokers that has problems in life shifted the price tag of the 10kg set to the 15kg set. Did a bit of adjustment and exchanged the RM69.90 set for the original RM48.90 set. That is, after causing the express counter where i paid for the stuff, queue to be even longer than the other lines...i felt so bad...
PM - Went back to PJ and basically sat and see the whole season of Sex And The City. HBO is currently showing(or rahter, just showed) The Ick Factor, where Sam Jones found out she has breast cancer. Let me know if you want to know what happens at the final episode of this final season ;-)
Went off to Petaling Street later in the evening to check out some stuff. Actually, was craving for some beef noodles. The best around i know was not at Lai Foong, but across the road from Lai Foong. Horror of horror, they weren't open for dinner, they closes at 3.30pm! So me and wifey went to eat the reputably best Hokkien Mee in town. LOL...smack right in the middle of chinatown, where the mee are whipped up in two big wok and loads of oil...hmm..heavenly!
After dinner, we went to search for things that might fancy us. I ended up buying 2 imitation Nike DriFit at RM15 each. Thought i would make use of it for sports. Original Drifit, costing up to 8 times the price, are by no mean suitable to be used and throw around. I do not believe in spending so much for something i'll use to sweat in. Call me cheapskate, i got my hokkien genes to balme for being thrifty.
Saturday - 13th November 2004
AM - Woke up with a kiss from wifey wishing me Happy Birthday. Oh shucks...the time of the year again. I'm 28, yes, so what? Still as young as i wanted to be (minus the fact that my joints are starting to creak because of all the pounding from my physical activities). Wifey bought me the bars and weight yesterday for my birthday. Well, something functional i guessed!
PM - Decided to drive down to Petaling Street again. Wanted to visit one of the shop there that sells cheap torchlights. I'm sucker for things that emits light and glow. I've bought one of these Surefire lookalike about 2 months back. Powered by 2 units of CR123 batteries (the same that is used for some cameras), this unit rocks! It is more powerful that my 6D cell Maglite!
The shop was closed For Raya. Shucks.
Me and wifey then went to eat the beef noodle. It was open that day! I downed a big bowl of the beef noodle and ordered another bowl of the beef ball! Full beyond words, we went throdding down towards Kotaraya to check out Mydin. The Malaysian answer to Carrefour and Tesco. Mydin was around before Giant became a hypermarket. I've heard that CR123 batteries could be obtained for less than RM6 a piece. So, i thought, since i can't get the torch today, i could at least get the ammo!
The plan backfired. The whole old Metrojaya building, Kotaraya and Sin Ma was filled with immigrants! Sensing that wifey ain't too comfortable about the whole scenario, i decided to jsut give that a skip. No point pushing with those immigrants that made KL looked like a mini indonesia and risk being mugged or stared at.
We then went to Midvalley. And it was like i'm on autopilot mode and went straight for Tearproof. LOL. Wifey then got me a pouch, because she knows i badly needed one. My old pouch needs to be retired, after being used, and abused for the past 10 years. I ended up getting myself a High Sierra haversack, a 70+10 liter sack at that! They were having a sale and it was 30% storewide. It was a bargain at RM200!!!
Later that night, Wifey spent me dinner. We went to TGIF in 1 Utama. Ordered a Mushroom chicken, mushroom and wifey ordered a swiss mushroom burger.

It was one of the day where getting old and cramming so many activities in one day seems enjoyable!
The night was ended with another kiss, and one last Birthday greeting from Wifey and a kiss on the lips before i go to sleep.
Sunday - 14th November 2004
AM - Woke up early today as i have to help mum and dad at the shop. Kakak Aishah was on leave today and both my parents will be short of hand to help them at the shop. Wifey was sweet enough to come over and help as well, where she had the choice to just laze the whole day with my sisters at home. My sisters were at home, taking care of the 3 cousins that was creating havoc at home.
Lunch crowd start packing in after 10am. I had my hand full making popiahs and serving the customers. Wifey was busy taking orders and cleaning the tables as well. Time flew and before i know it, we had to go, as Wifey had an appointment with her two other partners to discuss about which items to be put on sale in their shops later.
PM - Left Sentul at 3.30pm and was in Damansara Perdana by 4pm. Traffic was C-L-E-A-R. Bliss of major celebration in Malaysia!
Later that night, i had dinner with my in-laws. Went to Taman Bukit Mas for seafood. Buttered Crab, Nestum Prawn and loads of other food too salivating to be written here (you see, i'm already drooling). The decided to spent me dinner as a gift for my birthday. I'm not complaining though! The food and company was great!
Monday - 15 November 2004
AM - Wifey was working that day. Had breakfast and sent her to work. Decided to stay in her shop and keep her company. I ended up rewiring half her shop's power cable that was strewn all over the floor! I fixed her shop's sound system and got it to work again to how i've done it for them a year back. I ironed clothes and basically worked part time (without being paid though) in her shop until late afternoon. I kinda enjoy doing those feminine stuff though...hehehe...
PM - Went to TTDI to run with Doc and Amir. Their after raya run, so to say. We did 5 smaller loops with 2 bigger loops in total of 60 minutes. Pushing it, since they are no more fasting. So, no more excuse.
Later that night, me and wifey went to her friend's place for Raya Open house. My first infact this year. Her usual suspects were there and it was again, time for them to catch up with each other's life. The night didn't end until midnite. Again, i forgot to bring my camera for any picture taking oppurtunities! Dang!
Tuesday - 16 November 2004
AM - Last day of Holiday. Sent Wifey to work and then headed straight to office to check my emails. There were like 500+ mails in my inbox. Out of which, 200 are junk/spam. Boss was there in the office as well, for the obvious reasons that i shalt not disclose here. Spent the rest of the morning doing nothing, but surf the net and check out friends' blog. Gosh, i miss you guys (and girls)!!!
PM - After lunch (of tuna and more tuna), i headed home and decided to clear the store room under the staircase. Mum-In-Law welcomed the idea as the place wasn't touched/restored since my late Father-In-Law past away 3 years ago.
So, there i was. In shorts and bare chested. With Murphy keeping me company, venturing into the unknown. It was amazing how much that small lil space under the stairs could fit. Check it out:

There was more that the camera can't accommodate
I was like a kiddo smilling and eyes sparkling over all the finds i found. It was like the best way to know my late FIL. I never had the chance to know him, though my dad had the chance to work with him last time.
The floor of the store room was downright dirty, with dust that was collected near to 1000 days ago. Here is how it was, before and after:


3 hours later of hard scrubbing (that even failed to remove some old cement, i didn't have the right tools) i've found boxes of spotlight and motion detector with lights, one whole box of curtain hook and railings, pingpong balls and bats and 3 nets(!!!), tennis balls still in their vacuum and sealed packing, loads of telephones, one very very old CD player and one very very old cordless phone (it could be collector's item by now).
I've also found out that my FIL was a gun collector:

Wanna Rob banks?
And i've also found out both my Sis-In-Law was up to all mischeifs during their younger days:

Anyone lost these badges?
Even Murphy enjoyed himself with those mats and towels that was hidden inside the storeroom for eons!!!

warm and cosy eh?
I then went on to clean the whole house and picked wifey home for dinner.
6 days of holiday just went past like that, and could be summarised in just 2 hours of writing!
I'm back people...wait up for more of my incoherent ramblings.
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