Long Climb
Me and 5 more friends will send in 2 teams of 3 each into the race. It will last 7 hours. It will be torturous. It will be merciless. It will be FUN.
What do you expect a bunch of weekend warriors to do when they see things like this? It is not everyday you cna cycle and run like some (wo)men possess in Kuala Lumpur City.
This year race is teh second time they are doing, and from what i've heard from past participants, they were required to abseil and rappel down KLSE building, that is after climbing about 20 floors of stairs of course. They were made to cross Gombak/Klang river via a rope attached 12 feet above, near Central Market. They were made to Kayak the whole length of lake in Lake Garden. They were having FUN.
This year, the race format won't change a bit, except of course for the route. They will include OFFROAD Mountain Biking...something that these 6 weekend warriors always does.

i'm in the middle. My teammates are far behind, or was it infront?
We will start in Taman Rimba Kiara, jsut outskirt of the City. And the race will bring us all around the capital of Malaysia, before ending at KLCC.
Wish us luck come this 3rd July.
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